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<p style="margin:0 auto!important;text-align:center;">SERVERS AND TIMELINES</p>
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*[[Awesome Planet]]
*[[Funny Jungle]]
*[[Kek Zone]]
*[[Holy Gondal Empire]]
'''Server Timelines'''
*[[Irony Hub Bible|IronyHub Timeline]]
*[[Dogelore Timeline]]
*[[OkBR Timeline]]
*[[Whenthe Timeline]]
*[[Comedy Heaven Timeline|Comedy Heaven / I.C.U. Timeline]]
*[[Memecord Timeline]]
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<p style="margin:0 auto!important;text-align:center;">POPULAR PAGES</p>
<p style="margin:0 auto!important;text-align:center;">EVENTS AND USERS</p>
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* [[Doctor Penez]]
* [[Dkaih35]]
*<div style="display: inline-flex; vertical-align: middle; align-items: center; height: 1em;"><span style="background-color: red; width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 4px;"></span> '''[[Sharty Raid]]'''</div>
* [[Moe Lester]]
*<div style="display: inline-flex; vertical-align: middle; align-items: center; height: 1em;"><span style="background-color: red; width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 50%; margin-right: 4px;"></span> '''[[Julie Crisis]]'''</div>
* [[Caskain]]
* [[Anna]]
*[[Dogelore Civil War]]
* [[Wavey Davey]]
*[[Second Warzone Event]]
*[[Okbr2 Subreddit Split]]
*[[The Whenthe Elections]]
*[[2021 owner crisis]]
*[[August 20 nuke]]
*[[Octane!]] '''✝'''
'''All Events'''
*[[:Category:whenthe_events|Whenthe Events]]
*[[:Category:dogelore_events|Dogelore Events]]
*[[:Category:Irony_Hub_events|Irony Hub Events]]
*[[:Category:peternity_events|Peternity Events]]
*[[:Category:Awesome_Planet_events|Awesome Planet Events]]
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<p style="margin:0 auto!important;text-align:center;">ABOUT THE WIKI</p>
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* '''{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}''' articles
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[[File:Irony Server Family Tree V3.png|center|frameless|2047x2047px]]
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* [ Old wiki]
'''Did you Know...'''
* {{Discord link}}<!-- If the invite link has changed, go to Template:Discord link and change it there -->
<th style="background-color: #0A5BA6; color:#ffffff; border: 2px solid #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border-bottom: none; padding-top: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.3em; font-size: large;" align="center">
'''About The Wiki'''
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<tr valign="top"><td style="background-color: #76ABDF; border: 2px solid #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border-top: none; padding: 0.6em; padding-top: none;"> 
*That one of the oldest '''[[Irony Server| Irony Servers]]''', '''[[Deep Fried Memes]]''' together with '''[[CringeAnarchy]]''' date back to 2017, or about seven years ago?
* That '''[[Kirbizia]]''' has been one of the most influential people within the beginnings of the '''Irony Server Community'''? Having had created the bases for the '''[[Dogelore]]''', '''[[OkBuddyRetard]]''' and '''[[Deep Fried Memes]]''' servers, aswell as many many more...
*That '''[[Irony Hub]]''' was supposed to be a '''''literal''''' Hub of Irony? The original plan being it becoming a hub for all '''Irony Servers''', this though inevitably failed. And with it, IronyHub fell.
*That back in 2019, the infamous forum '''KiwiFarms''' raided '''[[Dogelore]]'''?
* That there have been actual '''crimes''' committed within '''Irony Servers''' that could have resulted in the offenders actually going to '''jail'''?
*That '''[[Irony Server| Irony Servers]]''' were the actual reasons, or huge forces in the fact that the '''#RipDrake''' and '''#RipDream''' hashtags went mainstream on the platform '''Twitter'''?
*That there were several games planned for '''[[Irony Hub]]'''? Such as '''[[Ironytale]]''' or a Five Nights at Freddy's parody, with '''[[Sillytime]]''' being the main evil and haunted animatronic?
*That there were four '''[[OkBuddyRetard]]''' servers? Only one of them remaining, it being '''[[Whenthe]]''' which had become it's own thing by now.
*That '''[[Dogelore]]''' had it's own '''[[Dogelore Civil War| Civil War]]'''?
<td style="background: #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border: 2px solid #faf9b2; border-top: none; padding: 0.6em; padding-top: none;">
'''[[Irony Wiki]]''' is a wiki dedicated to archiving and saving the long history of "Irony Discord Servers", Discord servers related to "meme culture" oriented communities. Whenever it's [[Dogelore]], [[Peternity]] or any other [[Irony Server]], You are free to contribute anything you'd like!
=====Getting Started=====
To get started with editing, create an account on the wiki by simply [[Special:CreateAccount|creating an account]]<sup>(optional)</sup>, you can also visit the [| Discord Server for Appeals / Organization] for any help, also, remember to follow the [[MediaWiki:Ipbreason-dropdown|Irony Wiki Guidelines]]!
=====Into "Irony Server" Culture, and The Hemisphere=====
Irony servers are a unique family of [| Discord] Servers, originally originating from the official servers of the r/CringeAnarchy and r/DeepFriedMemes subreddits, the entirety of the Irony Hemisphere has nowadays grown into something very large, with hundreds of now inexistant and existant and alive communities related to those two servers atleast in some form or another. <sup>(Look at the Irony Server Tree)</sup>
===== Other / Help =====
*'''Irony Wiki currently contains [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]]</span> pages, [[Special:ActiveUsers|{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}]] active users, and [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFFILES}}]] files!'''
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'''New Article of The Month'''
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<th style="background-color: #0A5BA6; color:#ffffff; border: 2px solid #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border-bottom: none; padding-top: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.3em; font-size: large;" align="center">
'''Irony Server News'''
<tr valign="top"><td style="background-color: #76ABDF; border: 2px solid #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border-top: none; padding: 0.6em; padding-top: none;">
* '''The [[Great Penez Pedo Expose]]''' - For a couple years since its inception, the irony community had become a place for many members, usually those being relatively sane and normal people. Many of these members were quite young; most communities had a median age of 15 to 14 years at this point. It was understandable in all honesty: memes, reddit, it all attracts youngsters. But some wanted to use their staff power to exploit that for their own terrible pedophilic desires, and this had already happened before. Constant groomers, pedophiles and so on. There would not be many people that would want to clean this up, besides one well-known member of the community, known as Doctor Penez. Noone would do anything significant for around three years of the Ironysphere's existence, besides Penez. Who on July 10th on his personal discord server would announce that he would start exposing every pedophile within the sphere, Dogelore, Whenthe, OkBuddyRetard, any every single irony meme server, and any other discord server that had strong proof of being infested by pedophilia.
[[File:Hhhh.png|555x555px]] <sup>(Oh man...!)</sup>
<td style="background: #76ABDF; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 2px #0a5ba6; border: 2px solid #faf9b2; border-top: none; padding: 0.6em; padding-top: none;">
'''LATEST IRONY SERVER NEWS''' : '''12th of August ''2023''''' [ [[Main_Page/HistoryLog|Irony Server News Log]] ] '''Visit for The History Log.''' (Today is '''{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}'''.)
*'''12th of August 2023''' - [[Awesome Planet|'''Awesome Planet''']] is '''nuked''', losing all of their channels and over 300 members.
*'''11th of August 2023''' - '''[[OkBuddyChicanery]]''' is '''nuked''', losing most of their channels.
*'''22nd of July 2023''' - [[The Irony Hub|'''The Irony Hub''']], a spiritual successor to [[Irony Hub|'''Irony Hub''']] created by a few of its former mods, has been opened to the public.
*'''''12th of July 2023''''' - '''[[OkBhaiBudbak]]''', the ”Indian OkBR”, was '''nuked'''.
*'''''7th of July 2023''''' - The '''[[Federal Troll Agency]]''' was almost '''completely nuked''', losing all of its 900+ members who weren’t admins. Despite this, the server is attempting to rebuild.
*'''''30th of June 2023''''' - The '''[[196cord]]''' was '''nuked''', losing over 15,000 members. Rebuilding has begun.
*'''''20th of June 2023''''' - '''[[OkBuddyRetard]]'''’s Minecraft server, '''[[BuddyCraft_(OkBR5)|BuddyCraft]]''', has partnered with '''[[Whenthe]]''', becoming their official Minecraft server as well.
*'''''13th of May 2023''''' - '''[[OkBuddyRetard]]''' has created a new Minecraft server, named '''[[BuddyCraft_(OkBR5)|BuddyCraft]]'''. Its IP is ''''''.
*'''''22nd of April 2023''''' - The '''[[OkBuddyRetard]]''' server is back, in its fifth iteration.
*'''''19th of March 2023''''' - The '''[[OkBuddyHololive]]''' '''[[Irony Server]]''' was almost fully destroyed and '''nuked'''.

Revision as of 01:17, 4 August 2024



Did you Know...


About The Wiki


  • That Kirbizia has been one of the most influential people within the beginnings of the Irony Server Community? Having had created the bases for the Dogelore, OkBuddyRetard and Deep Fried Memes servers, aswell as many many more...
  • That Irony Hub was supposed to be a literal Hub of Irony? The original plan being it becoming a hub for all Irony Servers, this though inevitably failed. And with it, IronyHub fell.
  • That back in 2019, the infamous forum KiwiFarms raided Dogelore?
  • That there have been actual crimes committed within Irony Servers that could have resulted in the offenders actually going to jail?
  • That Irony Servers were the actual reasons, or huge forces in the fact that the #RipDrake and #RipDream hashtags went mainstream on the platform Twitter?
  • That there were several games planned for Irony Hub? Such as Ironytale or a Five Nights at Freddy's parody, with Sillytime being the main evil and haunted animatronic?
  • That there were four OkBuddyRetard servers? Only one of them remaining, it being Whenthe which had become it's own thing by now.

Irony Wiki is a wiki dedicated to archiving and saving the long history of "Irony Discord Servers", Discord servers related to "meme culture" oriented communities. Whenever it's Dogelore, Peternity or any other Irony Server, You are free to contribute anything you'd like!

Getting Started

To get started with editing, create an account on the wiki by simply creating an account(optional), you can also visit the Discord Server for Appeals / Organization for any help, also, remember to follow the Irony Wiki Guidelines!

Into "Irony Server" Culture, and The Hemisphere

Irony servers are a unique family of Discord Servers, originally originating from the official servers of the r/CringeAnarchy and r/DeepFriedMemes subreddits, the entirety of the Irony Hemisphere has nowadays grown into something very large, with hundreds of now inexistant and existant and alive communities related to those two servers atleast in some form or another. (Look at the Irony Server Tree)

Other / Help

New Article of The Month


Irony Server News


  • The Great Penez Pedo Expose - For a couple years since its inception, the irony community had become a place for many members, usually those being relatively sane and normal people. Many of these members were quite young; most communities had a median age of 15 to 14 years at this point. It was understandable in all honesty: memes, reddit, it all attracts youngsters. But some wanted to use their staff power to exploit that for their own terrible pedophilic desires, and this had already happened before. Constant groomers, pedophiles and so on. There would not be many people that would want to clean this up, besides one well-known member of the community, known as Doctor Penez. Noone would do anything significant for around three years of the Ironysphere's existence, besides Penez. Who on July 10th on his personal discord server would announce that he would start exposing every pedophile within the sphere, Dogelore, Whenthe, OkBuddyRetard, any every single irony meme server, and any other discord server that had strong proof of being infested by pedophilia.

(Oh man...!)

LATEST IRONY SERVER NEWS : 12th of August 2023 [ Irony Server News Log ] Visit for The History Log. (Today is March 11.)

  • 12th of August 2023 - Awesome Planet is nuked, losing all of their channels and over 300 members.
  • 11th of August 2023 - OkBuddyChicanery is nuked, losing most of their channels.
  • 22nd of July 2023 - The Irony Hub, a spiritual successor to Irony Hub created by a few of its former mods, has been opened to the public.
  • 12th of July 2023 - OkBhaiBudbak, the ”Indian OkBR”, was nuked.
  • 7th of July 2023 - The Federal Troll Agency was almost completely nuked, losing all of its 900+ members who weren’t admins. Despite this, the server is attempting to rebuild.
  • 30th of June 2023 - The 196cord was nuked, losing over 15,000 members. Rebuilding has begun.
  • 20th of June 2023 - OkBuddyRetard’s Minecraft server, BuddyCraft, has partnered with Whenthe, becoming their official Minecraft server as well.
  • 13th of May 2023 - OkBuddyRetard has created a new Minecraft server, named BuddyCraft. Its IP is
  • 22nd of April 2023 - The OkBuddyRetard server is back, in its fifth iteration.
  • 19th of March 2023 - The OkBuddyHololive Irony Server was almost fully destroyed and nuked.