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/r/195 was the original subreddit using the concept of "You must post before leaving this subreddit." The successor subreddit of 195 can be said to be /r/196, albeit the character and culture of 196 is relatively different than of 195, it still follows the same "rule." It was created by user u/TheJackB123 around early September 2012 (Possibly 9th?) The subreddit was originally meant to be a place for roommates of u/TheJackB123 to share memes, images and other funny things, the origins of the name 195 come from the number of the apartment they lived in.

Status Closed
FoundedSeptember 9, 2012 (?)

History Edit

Subreddit History and Reasons of Shutdown. Edit

The subreddit would start growing and by the fifth month of the existence of the subreddit it would already reach 1000 subscribers. It did not require much moderation, it would have relatively healthy subscriber growth reaching 10,000 members by 2015, but eventually the subreddit would explode in popularity at the start of 2020, reaching around 70,000 new subscribers. the number of posts that included homophobic content, bigotry, gore, porn and other desensitizing things would increase dramatically thanks to this, as there really was only one person moderating the subreddit. This would escalate to the point where even Reddit admins would have to intervene, thus almost certainly this could have ended with the subreddit being banned, or quarantined. Perhaps due to the quality of the subreddit going down or generally the moderators being tired of moderating the "House of Awesome" would shut down after 420 weeks of existance on September 18th, 2020. The subreddit would come back for a short time due to the reddit blackdown. But as of now it is still shutdown, perhaps this being the best fate the subreddit could have had.

I don't usually comment on these posts but here you

go. This is not being taken over by a powermod or being brigaded or whatever. This sub has been mine and my friends since we made it 8 years ago. No one modded it for a couple years, and we just let it do its thing. Last year the sub started getting flooded with vitriolic racism, homophobia, brigading threads, pedophilic posts, and general illegal content. So last year I started actually modding it and ban stuff that is horrific/disgusting or breaks my interpretation of reddits site wide rules. For more info you can read the post I stickied on the sub. And powermods? Look at the mod team. It's three people who each only mod a couple tiny ass subs. And 2 of the 3 mods aren't even active on reddit anymore. Like it takes two seconds of research to dispell that idea. There's no reason to have some insane conspiracy. My friend has essentially abandoned the sub and left its modding to my discretion. I still talk to him about the sub. But the intention of the sub was never to allow anything and everything. It was for us to see what people would post. The sub was more of an experiment on our end than it was a place for users to do anything they wanted. It turns out about 10-15% of stuff is horrific garbage. So yeah I remove that. I don't want to be a part of promoting hate, violence, homophobia, racism, and mutilation videos. But I get what this reclassified sub is about, and I'm sure many of the users here will have tons of stuff to say about me and my sub. But whatever.

So there's your answer to what happened to r/195.

u/AmITheGodDamnDoctor sums up why 195 was closed down.
195 is part of a series on
Meme Subreddits
Pre-Surreal Era [-+]

Subreddits inspired by /r/ComedyCemetery but also made before the Surreal and Post-Ironic Subreddit Trends.


Surreal and DeepFried Era[-+]

Pre-OkBR Humor Subreddits, Surreality, Deep Fried Memes.


Kirbizian Era [-+]
Post Kirbizian Era [-+]

Era after OkBR Humor became the "Mainstream.

Shitposting69119684Shid_And_CamedWhentheLiesIHaveIHaveIHaveRedditWordingtonShark ParkPPNoJutsuDooDooFard

Circlejerk Subreddits [-+]
Regional Circlejerk Subreddits [-+]