OkBR 1
Early History
Kirbizia created r/OKBR and several other subreddits to store memes she found funny, and others began to join in. This was around late 2017.
The mods mainly consisted of people she knew off r/bonehurtingjuice (seannerz, netwiderogue, pizza)
OKBR1 was created somewhere around may of 2018. It was sort of an anarchy server, with a series of regular users who would have normal conversations to a backdrop of ‘degenerate meme spam’ as Uhtred put it.
There were lots of prolific users on the server at this time, one of which being a Brazillian Integralist (unironic fascist) called Skeleton, who used to rant about exterminating the unclean.
Kirbizia was the owner or ‘Queen Buddy’, and the roles were ‘Ok Retard’, ‘Ok Buddy’, ‘King Retard’ and ‘King Buddy’, those last 2 being mod and admin. She used to be relatively chill, but started troll-banning people and clearing music queues. She went inactive for a while at one point
All of okbr1 moderators at the time were old friends off bhj and Kirbizia’s girlfriend (garfieldkart/ava) The bhj mods didn’t really care at the time, so the server was ran by her and Ava.
The first user to get admin outside of Kirbizia’s friends was a person called Vati, who modded for a while but was in a car crash and quit the server.
The new moderation staff told Kirbizia to get rid of the BHJ mods because they were all relatively inactive on server and Kirbizia agreed.
Pizza added them all back acting like a head admin, but they were quickly demoted and Pizza never spoke on server again
Modding was very unstructured at this time, mods could not ping everyone in mod channels so mod votes went unoticed
Venomi began to integrate a lot of stuff from other meme servers, the dumbass role, modvotes, mod apps and the wiab chat, which were stolen from the deepfriedmemes discord (all staples of the modern whenthe experience, thanks to Venomi)
This also included the inclusion of the Shapiro Squad, Doge Squad and Garfield Gang roles, which would all become their modern equivalents
Garfield Gang was shortlived and died very quickly
Roles were originally given based on messages sent, but this sucked, so it was changed to actual quality and time spent on server, despite there still being a remaining issue on what makes.
Bruhmoment Troubles
Around this time, while the server was at 500 members, Cmonster made an offshoot server, which would become BruhMoment
There were a lot of jokes in it about raiding and nuking OKBR, this made a user tell this to kirbizia.
Kirbizia's reaction was to ban every single person from cmonsters server off of OKBR, including around half the mod team and active users
Venomi tried to stop Kirbizia from committing server suicide by telling her to unban all the users People stayed on BruhMoment and continued to talk there.
LunarShadow's OkBR1
With all that had happened, Kirbizia was bullied off the server and subreddit and Lunar became the discord owner and Grant became the subreddit owner.
Kirbizia would go on to apologize to Venomi and CMonster for some of the stuff that happened (in a now long forgotten tweet)
Lunar, who was a relatively new user, unbanned all of the Bruhmoment users as the new owner.
He was made admin early during his stay on server and its suspected that he was given owner in an attempt to kill the server by Kirbizia.
He was also revealed to be a very big degenerate, as most irony server owners. He began hitting on LTC, i think that's all i've got to say on that matter.
Kirbizia would use this to accuse Lunar of sexually harassing LTC and she used 3 reddit threads to do this. This failed, Lunar continued to own the server and Kirbizia gave up
LunarShadow Fucks Up OkBR1
When he took a break from being a moderator, he gave his alt a role above all the others with full admin, and fucked about with the server. This made people mad and caused unneeded chaos,
Eventually, Lunar decided that democracy had gotten too slow and him and a user called Tobias made the admin and mod roles useless.
A large majority of people decided to quit the server around this time, and Lunar and Tobias became the sole admins of OKBR1
GrantVsZombies Saves The Day
Lunar locked the server when he went to sleep and after a while, Grant took over and immediately banned him. Tobias remained head admin.
Tobias would later sucumb to his strange urges, deleting the mod chat history and pinging everyone with a very bad ‘you was at the club fnaf’ meme.
OkBR1 Nuke
After this point, Ohtred, the ‘Other Uhtred’, (which would become Whiskers) became hacked and was replaced by a scrapper bot.
This was catastrophic, as it was second only to the owner of the server. Noone with the right permissions to stop the nuke was online, leaving the OkBR1 server in shambles.
After the server was destroyed, the appeal server became a refuge for several members.
Doctor Penez and Veemo attempted to make an unofficial OkBR2 server, but a new one that was linked to the subreddit was created and they were kicked out.
OkBR 2
Grant's OkBR2 was quite quiet, with his main interactions being an attempt to bring the discord server and subreddit closer together, this was catastrophic and
would eventually lead to the Okbr2 Subreddit Split and the birth of FunnyOmega, the short lived name for now, Whenthe.
OkBR 3
Erm, TODO!