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== BuddyCraft (OkBR4) ==
== BuddyCraft (OkBR4) ==
{{Main article|BuddyCraft (OkBR4)}}
This server launched on January 23, 2021.
This server launched on January 23, 2021, on Java Version 1.16.4. It was active for about three months before news of a potential reset due to 1.17 managed to convince its remaining players to stop joining. Thus, the server's existence faded to nothing, and was soon replaced by [[WOID]]. Much of the server's history has been documented thanks to [[Sudrex]], and can be seen in its main article.

The rules of the server were as follows, per [[GrantVsZombies]]' [ Reddit post]:<blockquote>
The rules of the server were as follows, per [[GrantVsZombies]]' [ Reddit post]:[[File:BuddyCraft trailer.mp4|thumb|An official trailer for the server, made by [[Bushia|Deadbushia]] and [[Pureokra1]].]]<blockquote>
# '''Don't be a dick.''' Yes, it goes without saying, but it must be said regardless. Don't be an ass to people around you. Don't earnestly insult people in chat, don't start off-topic arguments, don't excessively annoy people if they ask you to stop. I think you can probably fill in most of the blanks here. Just be nice and be a good sport about everything. It is Minecraft.
# '''Don't be a dick.''' Yes, it goes without saying, but it must be said regardless. Don't be an ass to people around you. Don't earnestly insult people in chat, don't start off-topic arguments, don't excessively annoy people if they ask you to stop. I think you can probably fill in most of the blanks here. Just be nice and be a good sport about everything. It is Minecraft.
# '''Don't grief people's stuff.''' Another staple rule. Don't mine, blow up, burn or otherwise dismantle or alter someone's property in any major way without their permission. We have anti-griefing plugins which allow us to both see who griefed what and roll the damage back, so you may as well not even bother. Note that griefing is a separate action from destroying enemy property during wartime, but that should be made obvious by plugins.
# '''Don't grief people's stuff.''' Another staple rule. Don't mine, blow up, burn or otherwise dismantle or alter someone's property in any major way without their permission. We have anti-griefing plugins which allow us to both see who griefed what and roll the damage back, so you may as well not even bother. Note that griefing is a separate action from destroying enemy property during wartime, but that should be made obvious by plugins.
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# '''No lag machines or any other devices/methods to harm the server.''' Yes, I know you might find it funny to do stuff like this, but it's a huge pain in the ass for us. We have plugins that allow us to instantly find this stuff if you do it. Don't bother. We will blow it up and you will be banned.
# '''No lag machines or any other devices/methods to harm the server.''' Yes, I know you might find it funny to do stuff like this, but it's a huge pain in the ass for us. We have plugins that allow us to instantly find this stuff if you do it. Don't bother. We will blow it up and you will be banned.
Much of server history is lost, though certain records and exhibits are preserved in the server's museum. From what little is known of the server pre-Trollage, most players had scattered around the map, began builds and towns, and began utilizing the Slimefun and Towny plugins to great success in short order. However, this early peace did not last.
===== <b>The First Trollage</b> =====
[[File:2023-07-11 20.27.59.png|thumb|Two maparts of screenshots of Shittown dated to the First Trollage.]]
The exact details of the First Trollage were lost to history. All that is known is it began with the war between CumZone and Shittown, the hometown of xBushia, a server moderator. The war began with the publishing of a book titled; ''The Crimes of Bushia'': <blockquote>
Documentation of xBushia's many crimes.
We, the citizens of the glorious Cumzone, hereby accuse shittown's mayor xBushia of heavily abusing his god-given powers of the gamemode.
He repeatedly gave lavish amounts of netherite and other valuables to the shittowners. He's also building a temple right now, using creative. A testament to his hybris!
But even worse than this self-indulgence in illegitimate wealth are his unfair methods of fighting: There's a small dispute going on between shittown and the Cumzone over a stolen block. And being the miscreant he is, Bushia just flew into the Cumbase and stole it back; the defenders having literally no chance to fight back!
So we are addressing everyone willing to listen: Even if you are a citizen of shittown and are gaining from his immoral behavior, or if you are a citizen from another nation, seemingly unconcerned with this, please, all of you - no, all of us - must take a stand against this abuse of power!
So, my brother's, raise your sword and raise your voice! Fight with us for a brughter future! And most importantly: piss, shit and cum
~the leading authorities of the Cumzone
Noticeable are several grammatical errors, as well as references to xBushia as male, not female. The block in question was not anything less than the Pissblock itself, an artifact being hotly disputed, whatever ''The Crimes'' may claim, in a repeated game of theft and retaliation. The end result was a chaotic day of mod abuse and player warfare, culminating in the sack of Shittown and the recovery, and eventually loss, of the Pissblock. However, after several weeks of ruin, Shittown would rise again as the Shittown Labs.
Several artifacts were recovered from the warfare, including xBushia's armour (the Popbob set), the original Shittown beacon, two blocks of cheated-in bedrock named ''fred'' and ''haed'', a trade deal signed by Floppa-Herzigovina and Shittown, and several of xBushia's ''YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS'' wither roses.
===== The Nihlwi Saga =====
[[File:2023-07-11 20.15.30.png|thumb|Nihlwi's Exhibit in the server museum. His skull and sword were donated anonymously, and the cobble was donated by RocksXIII, recovered from the original lavacast Nihlwi made at Cumland.]]
As told through the record book at the server museum: <blockquote>
Nihlwi was the first major griefer of the server. We had discovered numerous smaller griefs done against Cumland, Bosnia, World Spawn, and many others. We had banned all of them and assumed the matter complete. It was not so. Further analysis showed inconsistencies in Nihlwi's testimony both in the server chat function and in the various subreddit posts he had made. We overlooked these as odd behaviors, but then he was discovered to have griefed Bosnia. Nihlwi immediately began to downplay his crimes. He claimed the griefs were trivial, though an identical grief down to his town sparked a fierce emotional response as the King of Cumland.
This did not sit right with some players, and further analysis showed that he had lied on numerous occasions. Sudrex made a post on the subreddit about his actions, and numerous players came forward to admit further crimes of Nihlwi. Nihlwi had been responsible for nearly all the griefs done on the server. He would ask another player to help him grief the town, then take screenshots of their actions. He used these as leverage against them in order to bend them to his will.
When all of this came to light, Nihwli was banned. But he did not limit his actions to the server anymore. He took to the subreddit and posted pictures of ToddDaOne's actual face he had found on social media. This doxxing earned him a final ban from the subreddit, and since this last blow, he has only come onto the discord to harass players once, and was promptly banned.       
ToddDaOne was crowned CumKing, and Nihlwi's home was destroyed. Cumland has recovered, and become one of the most influential towns in server history.
Of note are the fact that exact crimes were not recorded in the museum, nor was any mention made of Todd's coronation ceremony involving the testimony of Joe69, or the celebratory orgy held afterward. However, Sudrex's post has been found still uploaded to the community subreddit.<ref></ref>
===== The Server Museum =====
[[The OKBC4 Server Museum]] was created and managed by Sudrex. It accepted donations from players including player heads gotten through Slimefun's ''Sword of Beheading'', notable artifacts, weapons, books, and structures. A full list of the museum's contents can be found on its own page, though much of it is not directly translatable to a server timeline.

== WOID ==
== WOID ==
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== References ==