In March of 2023, a post was made on the Soyjak Party Forum, also commonly known as "Sharty" about Awesome Planet, the definitive successor to places like the Fourth OkBR server, or Irony Hub.

In total, three threads were made for Awesome Planet, and one for Irony Hub.

"Hidden sharty server with possible janny connections" -Chud (Anonymous)

First Thread (/soy/)

On March 16, 2023, the first thread would be made, telling users to bully a certain active user by the name Vicey. The Soyjak Party users would quickly realise that in some form or another, Awesome Planet is connected to their own forum as Awesome Planet has a somewhat large amount of people who specialise in spreading "Sharty" culture through the Irony Hemosphere, sending somewhat mentally deprived Soyjak memes, and other things related to Soyjak Party. The spread of what is known as "Sharty Culture" really only began in early 2023, when a lot of users began discovering the "revival" of Soyjak memes. Though some members of Irony Hub did actually discover this Renaissance a bit earlier in 2022.

Users would first discover that content such as the dutch show "Ongezellig" is actually quite popular in Awesome Planet, characters from the show, such as Maya are heavily reposted on the Sharty forums too, or also that a few users had a Soyjak as their profile picture. They would also find out that the place is connected to OkBuddyRetard. Until finally, someone searched "SHARTY" and "ZELLIG" within the discord searchbox. They would find about ~100 total mentions. After this incredible discovery a few Soyjak Party users would raid Awesome Planet, though this wouldn't end up going anywhere at all and didn't leave much besides a few bans.

The thread would be deleted for not going by the Soyjak Party rules, and using one of the forums' many threads to use it as a place to "discuss discord drama".


Second Thread (/raid/)


The second thread would be made shortly after, the few raiders that joined would ask questions to the owner, if the server is somehow connected to "Sharty Culture" and so on, the owner of the server, Transam33o would deny it all, stating that "It's not" connected to the forums in any way.

Afterwards though, the thread would be deleted because the OP said that they didn't want to give the server more members. How generous.


Third Thread (/raid/ → /incel/)

This thread is still open as of April 1, 2023. If it has been closed down already, you can probably find an archive of it somewhere.

The third thread was created moments after the second thread was deleted. Interest would disappear after Awesome Planet would end up losing the gg/okbr invite. And thus making it impossible for the "Sharties" to end up joining the server, though one of the users would actually almost fully be able to solve the "puzzle of the irony hemosphere", learning that the server is connected to okbr, and so fourth.

"Quick Rundown"

A few days after this thread was made, a new rule was added to the site banning threads that promote Discord servers. However, the thread managed to stay open since it became inactive a few days prior. It's been somewhat revived since the creation of this article.

April Fools Thread (/soy/)

Another thread was created on April 1, 2023, when the site became Discord-themed for April Fools' day. Unlike the previous threads, this was mainly Irony Hub users talking about the now-deleted server and its mods.

"lego diddles kids" -Chud

Unless the rules are changed, this may be the last irony server-related thread that isn't immediately removed.