On August 6th, 2020, QuiXotiC (also known as Alex) created the subreddit r/okprietenretardat, the Romanian equivalent of r/okbuddyretard. Being one of the first Romanian ironic memes communities, it was intended to be a hub for shitposting and sharing ironic/post-ironic memes, which also include topics from Romanian society and culture. Thus, it became a rule of thumb to post and share Romanian-themed shitposts.

Subreddit icon

OKPR v1 (November, 2020 - May 15th, 2021)


Founded during November 2020, OKPR v1 was the first edition of the server, and gave the subreddit's community a chance to connect with eachother. Originally, it was created by another person while the subreddit had 900 members, with the purpose of celebrating the next milestone of one thousand Reddit members. QuiXotiC was invited, and server ownership was transferred to him. Messages on Reddit related to v1's creation are all deleted, so, presently, the original server creator and v1's exact creation date are unknown.


On May 15th, a member of OKPR, HMK, known as HomemadeKetchup, started spamming gore images and scat images around the server, causing it to get permanently deleted.

OKPR v2 (May 15th, 2021 - August 27th, 2022)

Creation of v2

After the deletion of v1, OKPR v2 was created by Alex, again.

Involvement in r/place

On April Fools' Day 2022, Reddit decided to reinstate the r/place experiment, which lasted for four days, including two expansions of the canvas to allow for more space.

Since the project began, OKPR members wanted to leave their mark on canvas by drawing their well-known symbol, the Romanian trollface, with little progress. After the first canvas expension, the drawing of the trollface started. Soon, the members of r/pMegu subreddit began to draw Megumin, a character from the anime series Konosuba, very close to trollface. Initially girefing the drawing and slowing OKPR progress, the r/pMegu's Discord server users reached OKPR members and eventually formed an alliance, which helped both communities to cooperate and remain on the canvas until the very end.


On August 27, 2022, one of the most infamous OKPR members, PieSamuray, started posting on #bucuresti-general about leaked conversations and faces of Alex and his cousin, by asking her to "send nudes", creating huge conflicts and impact around the server. Alex, being panicked, had no other choice but to delete the server, marking the death of v2.

OKPR v3 (August 27, 2022 - present)

Creation of v3

After the founding of v3, Alex retired from ownership. Delu created another server, "making" him the new owner. PieSamuray also joined, but after another attempt of trying to spam in #bucuresti-general, he was caught by the staff and banned permanently. Since then, the staff have made the new server a bit more organized.

OrthoSB's banwave/purge of 50+ members

OrthoSB believed the server was unsafe from people of WAGTHRO and random alternate accounts. He stalked and monitored every member and their every move. His senses of unsafety activated, and so on September 23, 2022 he banned more than 50+ inactive members. The purge was noticed by the rest of the staff and OrthoSB stated that it was the right decision for him. The members who've been caught in the banwave are still banned to this day.

HMK and PieSamuray's raid

HMK and PieSamuray's raid was a little event, organized by two good old members, bypassing the bans with VPNs and spamming some more of Alex's doxxing. The attack was noticed and resolved by MTL, who banned both of them and purged the doxx rampage.

Deletion of the first #bucuresti-general and Chris' deletion

On November 11th, 2022, a member of the staff, Chris P. Bacon, deleted the first #bucuresti-general and kicked Relu and Balgoacă, stating that it was 'funny'.

Some staff members, especially Relu, were against it. Chris P. Bacon, when asked for an explanation, stated that his act was a "last trolling moment and a goodbye". Immediately, Chris P. Bacon left the server, and deleted his Discord account.

Liga Mulatra and creation of OKPR v3.5

Since the spring of 2023, several members were dissatisfied with the state of the server, as some found that it no longer has the charm and sense of humor it used to have. This wave had peaked along with the dramas that occurred in mid-July, the most important one being the infamous gagaunci controversy and his possession of child pornography.

This led to the formation of a group called Liga Mulatra, in which some staff members along with some active users joined forces in order to pressure Delu to give up his ownership of the server, as well as banning gagaunci and establishing a new leadership. Their actions were mostly successful, some of their requests being fulfilled and leading to RomanianMemer becoming the new owner.

Partnership with OkBuddyRetard

On June 25, Myszak, the owner of OkBuddyRetard current Discord server, joined OKPR with the intention of forming a partnership with us and to join the cause of archiving the server's history and image along with other irony servers on this wiki. Later, on June 29, the discussions led to the official partnership, bringing with it new members from OKBR and a chance to tell the story of our server to the world.

Second involvement in r/place

On July 20, 2023, Reddit reinstated the third edition of the r/place experiment, during which OKPR members tried to recreate once again the Romanian trollface and started drawing it since the very first moments of the canvas. Right before being finished, it was griefed mostly by r/Romania redditors, who just drew the Romanian flag over the trollface. In the end, the project to paint the well-known symbol onto the canvas was abandoned.

Meanwhile, a new Discord server was created by Edward and RT, called PlaceRO, in order to negotiate and cooperate with r/Romania members regarding the Romanian corner of r/place. Unexpectedly, the server became in a very short time the main hub from where the strings were pulled to recreate and protect the Romanian flag, atracting a huge number of members. Thanks to the 2 admins of PlaceRO, at midnight on July 24, the trollface was redrawn and remained untouched until the end of the event.

OKPR gamble and eepy's banning

On August 9, RT decided to initiate a little gambling game in which those who participate would have to react with a black or white square emoji until midnight, with those choosing the correct square getting 3.000 xp for user level, while those choosing the wrong one getting an one-day timeout. The black square choosers were the winners, while the white square ones got the timeout. This trend continued for several days.

Also at midnight, one of the infamous members of the server, eepy (also known as Balgoacă or Balgocu) got banned, this particular event being awaited by most of the server.

First server's birthday

OKPR v3 server had its first birthday on August 27, 2023, which came with many events. RT started the 7th (and the biggest so far) gamble of the server, with the prize being 60.000 xp for those who win and a 2 weeks timeout for those who lose, bringing in many contestants.

During afternoon, at around 2:00 PM, some members got a picture of chartech's face reveal posted 2 months ago by herself on server. This discovery generated a lot of attraction, many users creating a plenty of memes with chartech's face and mocking her.

RT's channels text font prank

One of the OKPR members, strix_y, jokingly suggested on September 18, 2023 to change the server's channels text font with a more quirky one. This joke was taken seriously by RT and on the next day, the channels got a new look. This prank was short-lived and the changes were reverted a few minutes later. A server was made in order to preserve this change of look.

Penis cu legume

On September 6, 2023, Gelujak used a bot command by sending the message ".img penis cu legume", which the bot gave an image of a piece of chicken meat with a penis shape. The image greatly got attraction and many users started posting it, until RT noticed the spam and began to delete the messages.

A few weeks later, on September 27, a server was made in order to stop censoring the usage of the penis image. 2 days later the server members plotted a spam on #bucurești-general which lasted a few minutes. Following this, a new channel #dan-caragea-fan-club was added to the server, specifically made to hold the above-mentioned images.

Canistra's microaggression controversy

On 21st of October, 2023, bogdan started to DM admins and other members questioning them about their opinion regarding Canistra's behaviour because he felt that Canistra brings the overall quality of the server down, and is being targeted with insults. After gathering responses in DMs he began discussing the matter in public on the #bucuresti-general channel in order to make everyone aware of the situation.

Bogdan, together with his oraganized group of individuals who felt the same way, began spamming images with text telling people to go against degeneracy and to protect the integrity of the sever, referencing chartech's incident. Eventually, the spam stopped and every member who felt harassed at all by anyone else has brought their concerns to the table. Proposals to ban Canistra or not ban him and lift Bologaca's ban were made by members. Additionally, in this time, Edward mentioned MTL's similarity in behaviour to Canistra and since MTL was an admin Edward proposed his demotion.

The next day, two polls[1] regarding MTL's demotion and the options to either add a new rule that would go against Canistra's behaviour (however he would not be banned as the rule would take effect only following the poll), unban eepy as he had no reason to stay banned if such behaviour is allowed or both. Following these polls, MTL was demoted and the new rule was added along with eepy being unbanned.

The leaving of Mihailul the owner

On the 1st of November, RomanianMemer, the current owner at the time, released an announcement saying that he was leaving because he did not have enough time to stay in the position. A translation of the announcement is as follows:


Dear retarded community,

I come with shocking and unexpected news...


I feel I can no longer cope with the server and its humour has become too complex and based to be understood by ordinary mortals. I feel like I no longer have the time and mental energy to cope, especially since college and my entourage there now occupy most of my time. I know, very wow stuff, but you have nothing to be afraid of. Most likely @Relu will be your co owner (unless a vote is taken and relu is just intermediary).

Anyway, I need a break. I don't think I'll be on the server anytime soon.

Also @Razvan5576 will be joining this break for the same reasons, so God help how you manage to get a new admin in.

2 and a half years well wasted, 4 months king on irony.[2]

Ownership was given to Relu. RomanianMemer and Razvan5576, another admin, left soon after the announcement.

  1. bobubitul (October 23, 2023): "Salutări dragi retardați! În urma situației de ieri, vin la dumneavoastră cu următoarele două voturi:". OKPR v3 #anunțuri. Link
  2. RomanianMemer (November 1, 2023): "@everyone Draga comunitate retardata, Vin cu o veste socanta si neasteptata de nimeni... @RomanianMemer aka eu NU VOI MAI FI @Ounăr!!! Simt ca nu mai fac fata serverului si al umorului sau prea complex si bazat pentru a fi inteles de catre muritorii de rand. Simt ca nu mai am timpul necesar si energia psihica necesara pentru a face fata, mai ales ca facultatea si anturajele de acolo imi ocupa acum majoritatea timpului. Stiu, o chestie foarte wow, insa nu aveti de ce sa va fie teama. Cel mai probabil @Relu va fi co owner ul vostru (daca nu se va face un vot iar relu sa fie doar interimar). In fine, simt nevoia de o pauza. Nu cred ca voi mai fi pe server prea curand. De asemenea se va alatura si @Razvan5576 acestei pauze din aceleasi motive, deci doamne ajuta cum va descurcati sa bagati un nou atmin. 2 ani jumate irositi bine, 4 luni sefie pe ironie.". OKPR v3 #anunțuri. Link