Liga Mulatră

Liga Mulatră was an important stage in OKPR v3’s history that occurred on June 26, 2023. The event, which was planned several days before it took place, led to the former owner, Delu, giving up ownership of the server, as well as establishing a new order among the staff members. This led to the creation of a new iteration of the server, informally called OKPR v3.5 (technically, it is the same Discord server as OKPR v3, but with new staff heads and rules).
It was caused by the dissatisfaction of several members regarding the state of the server, as well as due to the drama related to the possession of child pornography by gagaunci, a former admin. The group was founded by Gavrilean, one of the most prominent admins of the server and then-head admin, as a way to combat the decaying state of the server and purge any undesirable excesses. It also represents the group of members that share the name of the event in which they have participated.
The name “Liga Mulatră” (rough translation in English, The Mulatto League) is a pun on the “Black League” faction from the Hearts of Iron 4 mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe.[1] In the same way that The Black League wanted to mobilize and militarize Russia for a final war against Germany, so did Gavrilean’s Liga Mulatră plan, as he stated:
to immunize the server against degenerate behavior, toxic humor and various other less-pleasant aspects of Romanian internet culture, such as neo-legionnaire larp, edgelord “jokes” such as gore, child porn, zoophilia and scat, and last, but not least, ultra-progressive retardation ever so present on communities such as r/romania and r/romemes.
Background[edit | edit source]
Server status[edit | edit source]
Since September 2022, shortly after OrthoSB’s purge, OKPR v3 server had a steady membership growth, eventually reaching 500 members on June 18, 2023 and bringing with them new ideas and trends. Despite this, there was a wave of dissatisfaction among some of the older members regarding the state of the v3 server, and also related dramas about some infamous Discord users, leading to what would be called “The Fall of OKPR”.
One of the reasons for this perception among users is due to the ban of thugposting. Thugposting was a trend on OKPR server that consisted of posting NSFW content of black men (also known as thugs) in lewd poses in chat and then quickly deleting them, while the mods and admins were not aware of those posts. Usually those materials were posted during midnight, in order to not be seen by a large audience. Because of the growing membership and because of the fear among the staff members of the server being reported by breaking the TOS rules, thugposting was banned by OrthoSB, some members being dissatisfied with this decision.
Chartech controversy[edit | edit source]

Chartech (also known as Chartech#4357) joined OKPR v3 server on April 13, 2023. Since the beginning, he received backlash from the majority of the server due to his retarded behavior and due to the fact that he identifies as a transgender girl.
On June 16, while partaking in his shenanigans, chartech posted in #bucurești-general a pornographic image that depicts two gay furry drawn characters. This act enraged most of the community, with many users addressing him with curse words or proposing that he should be banned. Eventually, hysteria erupted and persisted for a few days until June 20, as most users couldn't accept hid presence, and therefore some measures were needed. Thus, RomanianMemer temporarily blocked #bucurești-general to stop spamming, and Gavrilean created 2 new additional rules in order to prevent exaggerated hate speech towards specific members. Sometime after his ban, he has tried to re-join the server with a account called "pleb" (?) however, it was quickly banned. Following the unban of one of his ex best friends, people have started to revolt even more against him, this time in the form on GIFs. Most notably, a picture along with the caption that says: "ți-am trimis poză cu pula, te rog sa răspunzi" (I have sent you a picture with my penis, please answer)
Spam from kids[edit | edit source]

Around the end of May and the start of June, various new members began to join, most of them invited by Fledger. Unacquainted with server culture and seemingly immature, they began filling the chat with nonsense and kindergarten-level jokes, adding fuel to the fire and lowering discussion quality overall. Many well-known server members, such as drr04 (also known as Gelu) and Grug, expressed their disapproval and general dislike towards the newbies, with some of them even planning to leave the server.
The straw that broke the camel’s back had proven to be Fledger’s constant spew of unfunny OKPR inside jokes on ZappyTV’s server, making an ass of himself to people who couldn’t understand what he was talking about. One of the cringiest moments was when he made one of his “jokes” to a girl venting about hating her parents and contemplating suicide.
Gagaunci controversy[edit | edit source]
Shortly after the chartech drama seemed to be solved, another one appeared, and this time with more serious repercussions for the fate of the server.
On June 21st, at around 12:30 AM, Relu notified the server that another admin, gagaunci, sent him a video labeled as child pornography out of the blue, and, at that time, there was barely anyone active on the chat. The video consisted of a naked young child openly exposing his genitalia and buttocks to the camera. One of the few people active at the time was Gavrilean and, seeing that message, privately asked Relu about what had happened. At first, Gavrilean wanted to keep this incident hidden from the server so as to not cause any chaos, but, after a few hours, he began asking himself if it's worth keeping him on the server as if nothing had happened. Also, Gavrilean has had a long history of going apeshit whenever child porn was involved, openly expressing his disgust and hatred for people who hand out such material as if they were mere memes or jokes. So, he devised a plot to “accidentally” post a screenshot of gagaunci admitting in his DMs to the wretched deed for everyone to see, and then, hopefully, get him out of the server.
Timeline[edit | edit source]
Preparation[edit | edit source]
This did not work, as, after a few hours, Delu immediately unbanned Gagaunci as if nothing had ever happened, much to the disgust of the server members. Disillusioned with the state of the server and with the fact that this degenerate behavior went unpunished despite the efforts to do so, Gavrilean and other like-minded server members banded together for the next five days and planned to launch a revolution and purge the server of the disgraced admin, one of the vilest members in the server's history and the spammy, annoying kiddies and “restore OKPR to its former glory”. The deadline for this history-changing event was the 26th of June, the date when Delu was supposed to be busy with exams and not be online.
Ironically, a day before, he decided to return from inactivity and remove Gavrilean from his tempowner/head admin position. This proved to be a hindrance to the Liga Mulatră, as a good chunk of their plan relied on the head admin position being the 2nd highest role on the server, which Gavrilean would use to silence any opposition within the staff and impose a new, fresh order. However, it was too late to abandon the plan, and they decided to go ahead with whatever they had at their disposal.
Coup d’etat[edit | edit source]
At 7 PM, on June 26, the coup went ahead with the creation of four channels: one which would be used to address the problems the server was facing, one with the objectives to be met, one in which “undesirables” would be publicly banned and scolded by Relu himself, and one in which Gavrilean would thank the Liga Mulatră members for their participation. Delu immediately lost his nerve and left the server, making Mihailul the new owner and contacting him via phone about his promotion, thus completely reshuffling the power dynamic.
Mihailul, confused about the changes that occurred, wanted some explanations. He was infuriated about how much the members who joined the coup were serious about the state of the server, a server which according to him, “was made just for fun”, and about the changes they made, wishing for the status quo ante to be brought back. Eventually, after a long argument lasting for hours between him and Gavrilean, Relu and MTL, he relinquished his stance and accepted the deeds that Liga Mulatră had done.
It was later revealed that Gavrilean and his team wanted to went so far as to report gagaunci to the police, which luckily for the latter, this plan did not materialize.
Legacy[edit | edit source]
Two days after the Liga Mulatră Revolution, on the 28th, Gavrilean left OKPR to never return and deleted his account, citing the stress of being head admin and the effort he put into this ordeal as one of the main reasons.
The 5 objectives requested by Liga Mulatră were not fulfilled as Gavrilean desired. Although initially it was proposed to organize an election for the roles of owner and co-owner at the end of June, this event did not take place. Mihailul remained the owner, while OrthoSB (and after a few days, succeeded by Relu) were the co-owners.
Most of those who were “executed” were unbanned and reinvited, except for gagaunci and chartech, although the former would be unbanned for a short time on July 13 and then banned again, up until to this day. Later, on 27 July, Chartech released a statement about her actions on Radio OKPR Actualități server[2], proving that her ban was justified. Fortunately, the newbies are nowadays much more mature and less prone to autistic outbursts.
One of the most vocal opponents of this movement was OrthoSB, who considered the revolution to be total nonsense and a waste of time. He argued that users should “touch the grass” and similar things, and also that freedom of speech should be the main principle enforced on the server, without complaining too much about what offensive and retarded things the others had to say. Witnessing the events that befell him, Ortho started to get involved less and less in the administrative tasks.
Even after the revolution, the overall state of the server didn't seem to improve as many expected. Following the coup, the membership count tended to fluctuate, dropping under 500 members twice, on the coup day and again on July 17. Nonetheless, the Liga Mulatră revolution, for better or for worse, left its mark on the server and gave it a whole new image.
Images[edit | edit source]
The announcement that Gavrilean made about the establishment of Liga Mulatră on the channel #wtf-se-intampla
The channel #obiective, in which Gavrilean outlined the 5 principles and wishes of Liga Mulatră
The channel #multumiri, in which Gavrilean showed his gratitude towards the users who helped him
A propaganda poster made by Liga Mulatră