The Report Crisis

The Report Crisis describes a time period in which the irony server hemisphere faced a difficult challenge, surviving Caskain's mass reporting wrath. While most of the servers made it out intact, it was an event that changed Discord irony servers forever.
The Irony Server Crisis[edit | edit source]
The beginning of Caskain madness dates back to when he was demoted in IronyHub from his advisor role, losing access to the mod chat, in spite he started mass reporting most of the main irony servers, especially Irony Hub.
WhenThe[edit | edit source]
Whenthe's mass reporting crisis started with a strike, detailing that the server was full of "discriminating / dehumanizing content", in an attempt to save the server from a deletion it was forced into a temporary lockdown by it's staff, this also resulted
in the creation of the WhenTwo server, made as a backup and temporary server to talk in for Whenthe's members.
Dogelore[edit | edit source]
The server of Dogelore also received a strike, privating most of it's channels and locking down the server until the issue of mass reporting dissapeared.
IronyHub[edit | edit source]
IronyHub was mass reported by Caskain, it received too many strikes to stay on the platform and was subsequently removed, one of the owners of the IronyHub Lore Server made a refugee server for the remains of IronyHub,
unfortunately his account was mass reported by no other than Zonally and the refugee server was deleted, with most hope of a successful second Irony Hub server fading away.
OkBR[edit | edit source]
The fourth OkBR server unexpectedly started having their users mass reported by an unknown individual, the server was not deleted but many members were unfortunately banned for breaking the terms of service of Discord,
this though was the breaking point for much of the subreddit staff, a modvote was made that would decide about the future of the server, the only person against the server's deletion at the time
was.bruh After OkBR4's deletion a few of the active users from that server made an offshoot called "Awesome Planet"
IronyHub Exodus[edit | edit source]
After the deletion of the second Irony Hub server most of IronyHub's now ex users tried searching for a new server, this resulted in a mass exodus of innocent users searching for a new place to talk in and socialise, they were often discriminated against as IronyHub was always portraited as the most toxic main server in the irony hemisphere.
Main Servers[edit | edit source]
Most of the ex-IronyHub users joined servers such as Whenthe, Dogelore or OkBuddyRetard, with Whenthe being the most similar server to IronyHub, most of the ex-IronyHub members were quick to feel at home, a few users also joined Dogelore back, rejoining their original server because of IronyHub's demise.
Other Servers[edit | edit source]
Some of the ex-IronyHub users also chose to join relatively small friend servers or become active on the ones they already were in, there were also servers such as Awesome Planet which tried to capitalise off IronyHub's destruction and invited many of the ex-IronyHub members to their server.