GrantVsZombies is the current owner of the r/OkBuddyRetard subreddit, and ex-owner of OkBR2, OkBR3 and OkBR4.

User info
Discord tagGrantVsZombies#5575
Discord ID168500689251729408
ServersWhenthe, Dogelore (formerly), OkBuddyRetard (formerly)
Reddit nameu/GrantVsZombies
Roles former-owner top retards
Joined serverJune 18, 2019
Roles Baby Doge 🍼
Joined serverServer Creation
StatusLeft server
Roles Owner / King Retard
Joined serverServer Creation
IRL info
ResidenceUnited States

Pre OkBR

Grant is fat and smells really bad.

Grant's Ownership Change and OkBR Drama with Kirbizia

Grant is so fat that the japanese harvest him for blubber. Grant is so fat that he has to eat 100 pounds of food every day.

isnt there yetKirbizia would ask Grant and the staff team of OkBR once again after one month of waiting, this has only resulted in once more another essay of words.

The sub is in kind of a tough spot right now. We're getting a lot of users from various outside sources (i.e. /r/dankmemes) and many, many people are complaining about

this. We're figuring out how to handle this, and hopefully we can get it to a more manageable level soon. How this relates to you is this: if we were to bring you back now, users would

likely take notice, and what happens from there is anyone's guess. (It probably wouldn't be great for the team as a whole though) See, there was kind of a cult of personality around

War on Kirbizia

you - or, at least, as much of one as there could be for anyone on Reddit. If you were to return in that way, people would likely think of it as a pseudo-messianic event, like "Kirb is

back to save us from the mods/normies/etc.!" As was shown when you left, some people were somewhat disillusioned about how exactly the sub was run, and were under the

impress all decisions were yours and yours alone. Your return at a time like this would only serve to illegitimatize the other mods in the public eye even further. Of course, none of

this is your fault. It isn't really anyone in particular's fault, but as things stand now, we need to get the public to respect us. Don't take this as we-don't-want-you-back, because that's

not true. We just need to work on our own issues, and how long that will take is uncertain. Whenever we feel the tides have settled enough for you to return, I'll be sure to tell you.

Hopefully the public won't be as big of a thorn in our side for much longer.

Kirbizia would also respond with an essay.

let me make this clear i genuinely care about my subreddit and want to make sure it remains good. okbr is at this point my magnum opuses of a subreddit and i want to do

fat bitch. lose weight

asked but the mods won't let me return". please im asking you let me help you guys

After Kirbizia discovered that content mentioning her and any mentions of her (mentioning u/kirbizia) were getting purged from the subreddit she would make a big reddit announcement, a huge r/OkBR drama would also ensue.

Kirbizia stated that this is completely disrespectful to her considering that it was her who did nearly all the work growing her subreddit, she wished to be put back not because she wanted to have power but because she genuinely wanted to make people laugh,

this drama would escalate even further until Kirbizia gave up, and was also banned from the OkBR discord servers and Dogelore by LunarShadows. The OkBR server would only allow high rank users to talk for a temporary period of time and it's invite link would be deleted off the subreddit for a bit too.

Drama Updates (Reddit)

Drama Update 1

Drama Update 2


  • GrantVsZombies is still the owner of the OkBR subreddit to this day.
  • GrantVsZombies has a Youtube Channel on which he would post JonTron shitposts.
  • GrantVsZombies did not actually fight any zombies in his life.