Awesome Planet is an irony server created by transam33o after the OkBR4 server was inevitably nuked by the subreddit staff. This server was planned to act as a new home for most of the former OkBR4 members, and to create a much healthier community. The server now stands with a member count of about 600 members.

Awesome Planet
Server info
Status Active
Invite link
FoundedApril 4, 2022



Awesome Planet was made by Transam33o, a former OkBR4 moderator, as a means of salvaging the remaining peaces of the devastated OkBR4. The server was created on April 4th, 2022, where it quickly grew to the current count of 600 members. In the meantime, it also gained many former Irony Hub users who tried to find a new home, as the server was somewhat similar to what they once had.

The first mods were Nisshie, Treyshawn, Deez.Nutz.Irony.Hoodstatus348, Truckmonth and Polk. However, the first three have been demoted due to being considered unfit for moderation of the server.

In the few months Awesome Planet has existed, there has been relatively a low amount of drama amongst the users and staff team. This is, of course, besides the incident where the famed user r drank bleach, almost dying in the process while giving a play-by-play in #general. The server also had a mild 4chan raid. Other than those two "small" incidents, the server has been relatively calm in comparison to the drama of other irony servers.

In the end, Awesome Planet has become more of a new-age renaissance more than anything, as it strays away from OkBR and the corruption that came with it. The server can be described as if a small portion of every side of OkBR was amalgamated together; but early Irony Hub (coupled with motifs of popular irony/shitposting subreddits r/hoodironycentral and r/wordington) is the main inspiration here.

February 2023 Mass Pings

During mid-February 2023, more mass pinging was happening than usual. The users most commonly mass pinging at this time were LTC, Trollface Gaming, Big Chungus, lego2003, and James Wordington. These could happen as much as 2-4 times a day, but usually swift punishment was given to the users (mute, ban, etc). Since then, however, the mass pinging has gone down significantly.

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