The Irony Hub (Clash of Clans)
The Irony Hub was a clan related to The Irony Hub, hosting many of the servers users on the popular mobile game Clash of Clans.

In-game History[edit | edit source]
In the creation around the start of the year 2024, user Goomba would create the clan. The clan would go on to win (and lose... a lot...) several wars and would garner attention around the irony-sphere as a legitimate clan for fellow discord users. Ironylol would play an impactful part as the first appointed co-leader, helping others out n stuff (yeah im like really cool lol).
The Fall[edit | edit source]
In search of new members brought the downfall to the clan. The catalyst to the fall would be the fact that most of the members were Town Hall 11-12s. Because they were all similarly leveled, donations were hard to come by. Goomba would recruit some really sketchy people to the clan and the original members sentiment was soured.
The new people invited would be higher leveled and boast higher trophies, but it was not worth the few max level goblins and wall breakers. They would make the chat really toxic and a few people left.
Nowadays. the clan rests inactive and the bases of many continue to collect graves and keep their collectors full. It was fun while it lasted, but nothing lasts forever.
The Irony Hub and Discord[edit | edit source]
People from The Irony Hub, OkBuddyRetard 5, and a few other servers flocked in to the army. Many notable users would join the clan over time, including Ironylol, Salem,Tyingdoughnut4, Myszak, Diogo, Sillyfun.vr, Truckmonth, Sirel, Scrumpytheilr and some more people. (please list if you or someone you know was here)
In the Dogelore discord server, a user advertised their own clan and a few people responded saying to just join The Irony Hub clan instead (source: my memory from a few months ago).
For a brief period of time, the #casual chat in The Irony Hub was named #Clashual and would hold most of the clan discord chats. Discord and The Irony Hubs' official server would be the backbone to the clans success.
Ironylol would try to move people to instead talk about the game on his server but it never really worked out in the end.