Dogelore Refugee Ark

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Dogelore Refugee Ark
Server info
Status Active
Invite link
Other linksr/dogelore
FoundedJune 12, 2023

r/dogelore Refugee Ark is an official Discord server for r/dogelore. It was created in as a place for the subreddit's users to congregate during the subreddit's blackout during June 2023, being more grounded around its subreddit's theme than its larger and more active counterpart.

History[edit | edit source]

On June 7, 2023, r/dogelore announced that the subreddit would participate in the blackout from June 12-14 along with hundreds of other subreddits in protest of Reddit's API changes. On June 11, the duration of the blackout was changed to "indefinitely" following an AMA with u/spez, the CEO of Reddit, after refusing to make compromises or answer anything on the API changes.

The r/dogelore Refugee Ark was created by tsarquackov2, also known as "d u c c", on June 12, 2023 at 2:58 UTC, in preparation for the blackout. Tsar Quackov didn't know that r/dogelore had an official Discord server already, as it was not linked to the subreddit due to losing the gg/sus invite, which was still not updated. 1 hour and 2 minutes later, r/dogelore went private "indefinitely".

On June 29 2023, r/dogelore was reopened. A private "Polidoge" political category of channels was created on July 2 for those interested in it, in order to contain political discussion on the server.[1] On July 5, r/dogelore Refugee Ark partnered with the fifth r/okbuddyretard Discord server.[2]

List of staff members[edit | edit source]

Doge Noah (Owner)[edit | edit source]

Avatar User Promoted Notes
tsarquakov2 June 12, 2023

Official Sub Moderator (Admins)[edit | edit source]

Avatar User Promoted Notes
derpdog TODO
Idkmemes TODO
mouschi TODO
speckam TODO

The Vanguard Staff (Mods)[edit | edit source]

Avatar User Promoted Notes
K.K.Slider TODO
Lobster Scrappy Doo TODO
TheNarwhalMage TODO

References[edit | edit source]

  1. tsarquackov2 (July 2, 2023 at 2:01 UTC): "I'm not going to ping about it, but "the polidoge experiment," the hidden channels dedicated to providing containment for the frequent political discussions, is now live. Ping me if you are interested. I will give you <@&1124838377133449240>. You will be directed to take a survey. Please answer the questions with serious consideration. This is the vetting process. I am now going to start being a lot more strict with shutting down shit in <#1117649126121816177> now that there is a proper place to send people who want to talk about Elon or 2024 or the psychology of foot fetishism from now on.". r/dogelore Refugee Ark #announcements. Link
  2. tsarquackov2 (July 5, 2023 at 19:10 UTC): "@everyone We are now doing server partnerships. Here's our first. Okay, buddy retards? Go forth and meme.". r/dogelore Refugee Ark #partnered-servers. Link