Cygnotto, commonly known by his server nickname Coqui, was an Irony Hub member known for his extremely unusual behavior. Although usually seeming friendly, he often exhibited toxic behavior. One incident that happened a while ago is when he posted a screenshot of himself giving a Wholesome award to a post on r/SuicideWatch. After Roomba called him out for this disgusting behavior, he petitioned to ban him. This vote failed, and Coqui remained. There are several instances in which he could have been banned, such as when he pointed a gun at his own cat in VC. As I said, he was a very odd person. Although he became less weird in the weeks approaching his ban, he still acted quite toxic often.

User info
Discord tagcygnotto
Discord ID666337722616774687
ServersDogelore (formerly), Irony Hub (formerly), Furry Irony (formerly), OkBuddyRetard (formerly), Whenthe (formerly)
Also known asCygnotto#1471
Joined serverMay 26, 2020
Left serverMay 30, 2020
Irony Hub
Furry Irony
Roles Buddy Ok r/
Joined serverMay 12, 2023 (OkBR5)
Left serverJuly 18, 2023
Joined server2020
Left serverMay 12, 2023

Coqui was eventually banned for telling people to raid a server and dox someone in it, as well as the things previously mentioned. Afterwards, he posted the quote mentioned above and subsequently left. The mods then re-evaluated the situation and NULed him.

Bonus fact: As a host of Irony News, he "accidentally" pinged everyone in the server and got contained a few days before his ban. Perhaps this contributed to it? Who knows.

His deer pfp

get fucked losers, and raided and banned. I win.

Coqui, after he successfully raided Irony Hub.

He joined OkBR5 on May 12, 2023[1], and remained active for over 2 months despite being occasionally called out for his degeneracy on previous servers. Eventually, his actions finally caught up to him, and he was banned on July 18, 2023.[2] [3]After being banned, he told people that he would delete his account and quit using Discord under his name because he’ll never be forgiven for his actions 2 years ago.


  1. Dyno#3861 (May 12, 2023 at 20:06 UTC): "<@808465087358173264> has okbuddied in". r/OkBR #join-log. Link
  2. myszakszyszak (July 18, 2023 at 16:51 UTC): "<@808465087358173264> Banned for degeneracy, and also + being a degenerate and etc.". r/OkBR #punishment-log. Link
  3. coolestkidinthewest (July 18, 2023 at 16:52 UTC): "cygnotto supposedly sent nudes to minors, as well as acted creepy in previous okbr / irony servers". r/OkBR ##punishment-log. Link