Abraham, undebately one of the most circlejerked users on dogelore, whenthe aswell as ironyhub. very known too! he surrounds himself with his lovely circlejerks and self memes of his persona, a doge with a teemo hat. There are a ton of gifs that reference him, Abraham has been present in other servers such as Irony Hub aswell as Whenthe.

User info
Discord tagAbraham#9713
Discord ID646700284495527966
Irony Hub
RolesTrollsome, meta banned
IRL info
ResidenceLos Angeles, California, United States
Gamingleague of legends gaming
External linksFollow Twitter @AbruhamLoL

He's also the person with the highest ban count in dogelore, even surpassing LTC people have grown to hate or love his personality.

after general 9 was archived abraham stopped being active, though he had a slight reappearance during the general 11 era on dogelore. he also had his own role on dogelore. the lol role.

One Of Many Abraham's Circlejerk Gifs.