Irony Hub/List of admins and mods

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This page lists people who have admin or mod roles, or have had it in the past.



yo yo weezor get yoself some more admins

Avatar User Promoted Notes
Weezor ? Server owner
Luq February 12, 2021


Avatar User Promoted Notes
Cereal January 25, 2021 Was demoted on November 30, 2020.

Repromoted temporarily due to a staff shortage because a bunch of niggas left at once. Became permanent on January 31.

Chupa August 30, 2020 Promoted from advisor
Dave-Laughing November 5, 2020
Ekebis January 4, 2021
Jafi January 4, 2021 First person to be re-promoted as a result of mod apps (He was once admin)

Left the server January 25 until February 22

Naesung January 4, 2021
Nicoglasses January 25, 2021 Promoted temporarily due to a staff shortage because a bunch of niggas left at once. Became permanent on January 31.
Nununoisy ? Demoted from admin on December 29, 2020
ThyPlagueDoc November 5, 2020



Avatar User Demoted Status Notes
Candy November 6, 2020 Banned Resigned but was banned later for leaving while contained for posting penis surgery gore :4euro:
Caskain August 29, 2020 Active again Demoted for leaving the server a lot, toxicity, punishing for drama he started and mod abuse :badluck:
Cmaj7b11 ? Barely active
CommieDog January 25, 2021 Left
Dkaih35 August 20, 2020 Banned Was the original server owner, before leaving. Rejoined later and eventually briefly became mod again, before nuking the server.
Jafi ? Mod Resigned

Repromoted to Mod on January 4, 2021

Moe Lester November 28, 2020 Left Resigned, left the server a little bit later due to burnout.
Nununoisy December 29, 2020 Mod Demoted to Mod for inactivity
OddBread ? Barely active
Pansmith August 30, 2020 Active Demoted for inactivity
Riemann ? Banned Banned for helping set up nuke
Soapkiller February 21, 2021 Left Resigned
Vithra January 25, 2021 Left
Werp ? Barely active Demoted for inactivity I think


Avatar User Demoted Status Notes
123 123 ? Active Briefly banned for attempted mini-nuke
Baal ? Barely active Only got modded for the dogelore partnership lmfaoooooooo
Bullets August 31, 2020 Active Resigned (or demoted??? idk lol) after being promoted from advisor. proceeded to leave and then rejoin, post penis flaps, then get banned

Left because "Mod wasn't fun" (direct quote from bullets)

cabboge June 10th, 2020 Active again Resigned. fuck whoever put my name with a capital letter
Cmonster ? Active
Cris August 30, 2020 Somewhat active Demoted for inactivity
CsBongos February 15, 2021 Active Resigned
Fluddsskark November 6, 2020 Left server Resigned
Govern January 25, 2021 Left server Left the server, exact reason why is not publicly known. Whether he is coming back is also unclear.
Hor ? Left server
Kronik August 30, 2020 Somewhat active Demoted for inactivity
LoweffortTwink ? Somewhat active Resigned
LTC ? Banned (on main )
Mario ? No longer in server Resigned on day 2 (including the day he was promoted) for school, making him the shortest-lasting mod ever.
PettyWrath November 15, 2020 Active Demoted for abuse of power and gore in another server; her demotion was very controversial
Pikeman ? Active Resigned
Qorty November 28, 2020 Rejoined Appealed after mass-pinging users
Rhaydix Prime December 23, 2020 Active Demoted due to "an admin vote". He wasn't given a warning and no further elaboration was provided. Kinda sus :amongusiftheywere:
Seth ? Left server
Systroph ? Banned banned and added to never unban list for posting vore and having a terrible punishment record, having been bozo'd, meta banned and banned from the server multiple times in the past. He was warned that he will get nul'ed if he posts anything nsfw again and he didn't listen. His last message was "Good bye irony hub" pinging 4 other members with a vore video.
Tomm ? Inactive Resigned
Tyingdoughnut4 October 22, 2020 Left server Resigned
Waluweegee ? Inactive Resigned