OkBuddyRetard Minecraft servers

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Revision as of 23:34, 16 May 2023 by The (talk | contribs)
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IP addressmc.irony.wiki
Game versionJava Edition 1.19.4

BuddyCraft is the official Minecraft server of OkBuddyRetard. The current iteration, owned by Saucy, was launched on May 13, 2023 for OkBR 5.

OkBR 4's BuddyCraft

This server launched on January 23, 2021.

The rules of the server were as follows, per GrantVsZombies' Reddit post:

  1. Don't be a dick. Yes, it goes without saying, but it must be said regardless. Don't be an ass to people around you. Don't earnestly insult people in chat, don't start off-topic arguments, don't excessively annoy people if they ask you to stop. I think you can probably fill in most of the blanks here. Just be nice and be a good sport about everything. It is Minecraft.
  2. Don't grief people's stuff. Another staple rule. Don't mine, blow up, burn or otherwise dismantle or alter someone's property in any major way without their permission. We have anti-griefing plugins which allow us to both see who griefed what and roll the damage back, so you may as well not even bother. Note that griefing is a separate action from destroying enemy property during wartime, but that should be made obvious by plugins.
  3. No hacking. Seriously. X-rays, flying, invincibility, whatever. None of them are allowed in any form. Hacking disrupts the natural flow of the game and makes it less fun for everyone. Regardless of what hack it is, don't use it.
  4. Keep a good sense of humor. Remember, this is just a game, and it's only a server for OKBuddyRetard, of all places. Don't be a humorless bastard. Feel free to get invested, but remember you should be able to laugh off anything bad that happens to you in game. Have a good time.
  5. No lag machines or any other devices/methods to harm the server. Yes, I know you might find it funny to do stuff like this, but it's a huge pain in the ass for us. We have plugins that allow us to instantly find this stuff if you do it. Don't bother. We will blow it up and you will be banned.
The spawn area of OkBR5's BuddyCraft on May 16, 2023, with the server's custom Sun in the background.

OkBR 5's BuddyCraft

The server launched on May 13, 2023.

The rules of the server are as follows:

  1. No hacking or cheating.
  2. No griefing. In other words, do not steal, destroy, or vandalize other people's stuff without their consent.
  3. No PvP without the consent of person you're fighting.
  4. Generally, just don't make the server an unpleasant place to be.

The rules are almost identical to Niggafart.com, Irony Hub's de facto official server, which was also owned by Saucy.