Server info | |
Status | Active |
Invite link | https://discord.gg/u9Vp8d9QVB |
ID | 1013121756766142555 (OKPR v3) |
Users | 480+ |
Owner | romanianmemer |
History | |
Founded | November 2020 (OKPR v1) May 15, 2021 (OKPR v2) August 27, 2022 (OKPR v3) |
Founder | unknown |
Traducerea în română
OKPR este serverul ironic oficial al subredditului r/OkPrietenRetardat. Este unul dintre puținele servere din emisfera ironică care nu este bazat pe engleză. În ciuda faptului că a fost șters și refăcut de mai multe ori, este încă activ, și reprezintă un simbol al cacapostărilor şi neamuzanților românești, având o comunitate unită.
Rezumat al cronologiei
Înființat în cursul lunii noiembrie în 2020, OKPR v1 a fost prima ediție a serverului și a oferit comunității subredditului o șansă de a se întâlni. Inițial, a fost creat de o altă persoană în timp ce subredditul avea 900 de membri, cu scopul de a sărbători următoarea realizare de o mie de membri pe Reddit. Quixotic, fondatorul subredditului, a fost invitat, iar proprietatea serverului i-a fost transferată. Mesajele de pe Reddit legate de crearea lui v1 sunt șterse în intregime, așa că, în prezent, creatorul original al serverului și data exactă a creării sale sunt necunoscute.[1]
Fondat în 15 mai 2021, în aceeași zi cu ștergerea v1, OKPR v2 a fost cea de-a doua ediție a serverului.[2]
Fondat în 27 august 2022, OKPR v3 este a treia și actuala ediție a serverului.
Liga Mulatra
În 26 iunie 2023, mai mulți membri au revoltat împotriva condiției în care era serverul, și din cauza situației cu Găgăunci și trimiterea sa de mesaje private cu pornografie infantilă.
Jocul OKPR
Comunitatea a făcut mai multe încercări în a realiza un joc video OKPR, dar acesta rămâne neterminat.
English Translation
OKPR is the official Irony Server of the r/OkPrietenRetardat subreddit. It is one of the few servers in the irony space that is based on a language other than English. Even though it had many server deletions and reboots, it is still active, and a symbol of quality Romanian shitposts and unfunnies, featuring a tight knit community.
Timeline Summary
Founded during November of 2020, OKPR v1 was the first edition of the server, and gave the subreddit's community a chance to connect with eachother. Originally, it was created by another person while the subreddit had 900 members, with the purpose of celebrating the next milestone of one thousand Reddit members. Quixotic, the founder of the subreddit, was invited, and server ownership was transferred to him. Messages on Reddit related to v1's creation are all deleted, so, presently, the original server creator and v1's exact creation date are unknown.[1]
Founded on May 15th, 2021, on the same day as v1's deletion, OKPR v2 was the second edition of the server.[2]
Founded on August 27th, 2022, OKPR v3 is the third and current edition of the server.
Liga Mulatra
On June 26th, 2023, multiple members revolted against the state of the server, and because of the situation with Gagaunci and his DMs of child pornography.
Popular memes/trends
'Buci Mesi'
The term 'buci mesi' was coined by Hiss27, when he created the image with Lionel Messi showing his ass. It became a long term mascot for the subreddit and the Discord itself.
Relu's Lego Ferrari
One day during v2, Relu said that he ordered his own Lego Ferrari. This, for him, was a dream that finally became true. Some members stated that it won't arrive at his destination. But, after 4 months of waiting and spamming and crying like an annoying retard, his dream car arrived, and, after assembling it, he started spamming pictures and making unfunny memes with it in #bucuresti-general.
Thugposting in general
Thug posting was a trend in OKPR which involved posting black men shaking their asses, including media of DreamyBullXXX and Nude Barber, and deleting them after a few seconds if a moderator was around.
Some members found thug posting funny, but some did not. After some time, some people were getting tired of the incessant thugs in general chat, and thought that it got 'unfunny and repetitive', instigating a conflict. Even some of the staff members such as OrthoSB, Mihailul and Razvan5576 thought it was beginning to get unfunny. Since then, OrthoSB made a decision, and added the rule that thugposting is now banned. Some members argued about this new rule, but, looking back, it made the server a better place. Thugposting is still banned to this day.
OKPR Video Game
The community has made multiple attempts at creating a video game related to OKPR, but it remains incomplete.
Imprisonment in Vorkuta
Vorkuta is a 'jail' channel, first started in OKPR v3, for members who broke the rules. Prisoners stay temporarily or permanently, or pay the tax stated in the #sentinte channel by farming trollcoins from UnbelievaBoat and paying either the staff member that jailed them, or Mihai3, who has the Comisar de Afaceri Interne role (Commissioner of Internal Affairs).
Pages about OkPrietenRetardat / Pagini despre OkPrietenRetardat
- List of Admins and Mods Lista moderatorilor și administratorilor
- OkPrietenRetardat Roles Roluri
- OkPrietenRetardat/Timeline Cronologie
- OKPR Video Game Joc Video
- rietenpetardat Chatbot-ul OKPR
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