May 15 - An appeals server, named funny prison, is created.
May 18 - A new rule is added:
no being annoying; no lying; and we can ban for whatever we want
Basically, this meant you could be banned if any staff member doesn't like you.
May 20 - Discord warns Funny Jungle for having too much “dehumanizing or discriminatory” content. Because of this, a new rule is added which banned usage of the "n-word." This caused lots of grief among the community. The also becomes a moderator of r/FunnyJungle.
June 11 - The server gets Level 3 back. The new vanity is sperm.
August ?? - Trollbuscus gives ownership of Funny Jungle and Funny Prison to BRAAAP.
August 9 - Funny Jungle reaches 800 members. Trollbuscus makes a post on r/FunnyJungle to celebrate.
August 26 - Chalice leaves the server in an attempt to quit Discord. To replace him, Fetty is promoted to admin. This leads to Trollbuscus leaving the server for the first time (of many.) Owenbowen222 re-joins and is re-modded.
September 17 - The is promoted to moderator.BRAAAP explaining why they nuked the server.
September 26 - BRAAAP and Danny Cheezits nuke the server. Minutes later, it was deleted, bringing an end to the original Funny Jungle.
September 26 - In the aftermath of the nuke, Owenbowen222 creates FUNNY JUNGLE REBORN as a replacement for the old server. Chalice is made co-owner of the server. MajickMane, Mr. Cat, Saucy, The, and Trollbuscus retain their staff positions as well.
September 27 - BRAAAP gives ownership of the appeals server to Hanuh, then leaves.
October 21 - Knightas, a close friend of Chalice, is promoted to moderator.
November 23 - Trollbuscus purges the mod team of r/Funny Jungle. Then he makes a post declaring that Funny Jungle is no more.
November 27 - #one-peace-discussion, #art, #lore, #info, #why-nuck, and #music-bots are deleted.
November 30 - #suggestions is created.
December 1 - The booster chat, #boosta-zone, is deleted.
December 6 - Astovi is demoted.
December 10 - Owen deletes #suggestions after it becomes mostly joke suggestions.
December 22 - Chalice hosts a Christmas giveaway for a Steam copy of One Piece: Burning Blood. The winner is The. He also recieves a copy of Garfield Kart - Furious Racing.
December 26 - Chalice "simplifies" the server. The name change in question was from Festive Jungle to Funny Jungle. Not mentioned in the announcement was the deletion of #partners.
Update Log: SIMPLIFYING THE SERVER -Removed Casual -Starboard is gone (for now or forever (cant decide)) -Renamed server -Probably gonna remove some emotes and make new ones
December 28 - The leaves the server after Chalice bans several of his friends for being "annoying." Since this was so soon after he won the giveaway, this caused some drama. Chalice demanded a refund of the games he gifted him, and made other users DM him about it. But in the end, no refund was made.
December 29 - #level-up, #starboard, #events, and #counting are deleted. The rules are deleted and rewritten.
February 10 - With a heartfelt goodbye message, Chalice leaves the server. Following this, Knightas and a few others also leave. With two staff members gone, The asks for mod back and is re-promoted.
@everyone It is with great distraught and grievance that I will be leaving this discord server as of today February 10th 2022, I am sorry to disclose this information with all of you. However, this is absolutely necessary for the betterment of myself. I know many of you will be heartbroken by this sorrowful goodbye but you can contact me for any and all inquiries regarding to this disheartening situation.
Best Regards,
— Chalice's goodbye to Funny Jungle.
February 13 - In Chalice's absence, Faya (formerly Mr. Cat) is promoted to co-owner. Astovi, MajickMane, and seasoms are promoted to moderator. 9 minutes later, Astovi is demoted for pinging everyone with a link to his YouTube channel.
February 17 - Hanuh leaves the server. However, she continues to own the appeals server (she doesn’t know her password.)
February 19 - #doge is deleted. #icon-submissions, #partnership-info, and #partnerz are created. Owen starts a competition for a new server icon, with the winner recieving a custom vanity role.
February 20 - MajickMane's icon wins the competition.
February 24 - MajickMane's account is suspended. He joins on an alt the same day.
March 3 - Funny Jungle 2 reaches its peak member count: 157.
March 15 - #icon-submissions is deleted.
March 30 - The last post on r/FunnyJungle is made. Posting on the subreddit would be restricted sometime later.
May 29 - Chalice and Knightas rejoin the server. They are briefly given admin and mod respectively until Owen demotes them after one of them mentions a purge. Less than an hour later, Cooly begins banning users, while Faya bans the admin The. The server is reduced from 134 members to approximately 60, and is renamed to Funny Galaxy. After this, Chalice and Knightas leave once again.
July 7-16 - The ban list is almost entirely cleared.
August 9 - The general channel, #john-leneral, is mysteriously deleted and replaced with a new #general. The rules are rewritten once again, this time by Faya:
January 15 - Owen hands ownership of the server over to Lautaro (formerly Faya). However, Owen would continue to have the "Owener" role.
March 22 - The rejoins the server. Between the 5/29 nuke and this day, the former admin had no idea that Funny Jungle 2 continued to exist. On this day he saw a screenshot from Ruger of the server's general chat, so The asked for an invite and re-joined.
March 24 - The asks for his admin back and Lautaro re-promotes him.
March 25 - Member Couint, join/leave messages and reaction roles were fixed after being broken since the nuke.
April 25 - The re-creates #casual and #counting, which were previously deleted by Chalice in December 2021.
April 26 - The quietly re-promotes Trollbuscus to moderator. The last time he was mod was in February 2022.
June 24 - In Awesome Planet, The asks Lautaro about his future plans for the server. He responded, saying that he doesn't have any in particular, but he would like it to rise again someday.
Not rrly I want the server to rise again but Its really not up to me
I mean If yall want to….
— Lautaro on Funny Galaxy's future.
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Live footage of Lautaro deleting Funny Galaxy.
August 12 - Funny Galaxy's invite was one of several that were spammed during the nuking of Awesome Planet, bringing a handful of users to join. Despite this, the server didn't recieve any boost of activity, and a majority of the new users left shortly after.
August 24 - It's likely that the final words on the server were sent in #casual by The earlier in the evening, most likely reading "good evening casual". On a server named tilted swagger, Chalice asks Lautaro if he still owns Funny Jungle 2. Lautaro says yes, and Chalice convinces Lautaro to delete Funny Galaxy since it would just keep being dead anyway, thus ending Funny Jungle 2 for good.