These are the roles of the OkPrietenRetardat current server (also known as OKPR v3) that users can obtain.
Staff Roles[edit | edit source]
These are the roles made for the current OKPR server's staff members.
Owner - owner of the server
Fratele Cel Mare - co owner of the server
Atmin - admins of the server
Moz - mods of the server
Special Roles[edit | edit source]
These are the roles that users can acquire or can receive from the server staff by either undertake outstanding actions, have been or are from different servers, or just for fun.
Former staff - for the users who were either administrators, owners or moderators of the OKPR servers in the past
Om cu penis mare (booster) - earned by boosting the server
v2 OG - for users who were on the second version of the OKPR Discord server (also known as OKPR v2); this role was made as a sign of gratitude towards the more trustworthy members
A facut Sex cu Relu - obtained by successfuly having sex with Relujak AI on character.ai
okbr mod - special role made for Myszak, one of the mods of OKBR
Expert in IT - for users that are well-known IT experts
amusant - for the funny users of the server
neamuzant - for the unfunny users of the server
Bot - for bots
Creator de întrebări - for users that posts questions on Q&A channel #întrebarea-zilei
Organizator game night - for users that lead and plan the Game Night event on OKPR v3
President of Thug Love - owners of Thug Love, a nsfw thug hunter server in partnership with OKPR
Prizonier de razboi - for users that break the server's rules; it's a sort of prison where users can get there before getting kicked or banned if they later relapse
Oculta Băcăuană - for users that live or are from Bacău, Romania
polish n*gga - for Polish users
Custom Roles[edit | edit source]
These are the roles that users can either choose from the #roluri channel, or can buy or recieve them in order to have an unique role compared to everyone else.
Unique roles[edit | edit source]
Injiner - paid role and owned by eduard.21
Omul din canal - paid role and owned by laur.69 (known as Raoul)
mega horni - initially made for one notorious member for their horniness; currently no one has the role
Whatsapp - owned by WhatsApp#7570
Copilul numit deget - owned by maryvss888 (known as costin 2) for her obsession for spamming the deget emoji
Expert in Ruleta Ruseasca - owned by Strix_y; currently unobtainable, by winning the Russian Roulette on Roblox
pisica cea ciudata - owned by zerstorend (known as bogdan)
Comisar de Afaceri Interne - Boss of Vorkuta, owned by Mihai3
Moz de ciocolată - formerly owned by Milsugione after he gifted Steam games to Relu
ghost of piteşti - owned by shidtheonly
Channels roles[edit | edit source]
These roles give access to channels based on different topics and hobbies, diversifying the server. Users can get these roles from #roluri channel.
Artist cică - gives access to arts and drawings channel #artă
Școlar - gives access to school channel #școala-suge
Gamer - gives access to gaming channels
scrie la tastatură? - gives access to IT channel #tehnologie-și-programare
Muzician - gives access to music channel #highest-quality-rips
WE GO JIM - gives access to fitness channel #culturism
Scriitor - gives access to #copypasta channel
Politicos - gives access to politics and debates channel #politică
Serios gives access to serious discussions channel #serios
Animăluțe - gives access to animal pics channel #animăluțe
Istoric - gives access to history and old stuff channel #istorie
Ping roles[edit | edit source]
These ping roles are made for users that love being pinged by Discord and having the notifications full of Discord pings. Users can get these roles from #roluri channel.
ping inutil - ping role that everyone can use to ping others who have this role
ping anunțuri - ping role that staff members can use to ping others about the announcements made on the server
Iubesc intrebarile zilei - ping role for user with Creator de întrebări role that can be used for pinging others about the questions posted on #întrebarea-zilei channel
Roluri-Culori roles[edit | edit source]
These roles have no real value or purpose other than changing the user's color. They can be obtained for free in the #roluri-culori channel.
Level Roles[edit | edit source]
These are the level roles, a feature used in many Discord servers for users to track their chatting progress. Since OKPR v3, the server uses Atlas bot for its ranking system, which has 10 levels, each one with a funny label in Romanian.
[1] Retardat - lvl 5
[2] Redus - lvl 10
[3] Coxat - lvl 15
[4] Bazat - lvl 20
[5] Roșupastilat - lvl 25
[6] Îngrăjdor - lvl 30
[7] Autist - lvl 35
[8] Prăpădit - lvl 40
[9] Cocalar - lvl 45
[10] Interlop - lvl 50