The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Server info
Status Active
Invite link
Users1,400+ (4,500+ at peak)
Ownerwholesome chungus#6533
FoundedJanuary 25th, 2021

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society. In this article we give attention to only some of the negative developments that have grown out of the industrial-technological system. Other such developments we mention only briefly or ignore altogether. This does not mean that we regard these other developments as unimportant. For practical reasons we have to confine our discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which we have something new to say. For example, since there are well-developed environmental and wilderness movements, we have written very little about environmental degradation or the destruction of wild nature, even though we consider these to be highly important.

History and Founding

The subreddit was founded on the January 25th 2021, or about three years ago, with the official discord server being created about a year later. On the 25th of January 2021.

The server was mass reported by a user named Tinpot64, and was deleted by the discord staff on March 19, 2023. Prior to this, the server had over 4,500 members, as of now the server is back with a membercount of about ~1,000 users.

You can view more information about the server's users and history at The FANDOM OKBH WIKI.


Clash of Clans Clan

The OkBuddyHololive clan is a clan created in Clash of Clans, a mobile game.

Important Members

The most important members are:

Historical Events of The Clan

On the June 25th 2021, a clan war broke out between OkBuddyHololive and OkBuddyBaka. After days of preparation and a long day of battles, OkBuddyHololive won the war and proved to be the superior clan and server. Since then, OkBuddyBaka have backed down and the OkBuddyHololive clan stands on top as the clear winner.

The OkBH Song Covers

The community of OkBuddyHololive has been making many covers of V-Tuber related songs. Most of these were made with the help of one of the server's ex-staff members, Brook. (Not the Whenthe Brook.) Okbuddyhololive has made covers. Most of these are done with the help of brook.

List of Covers

OkBH Funny Facts

The Irony Wiki does not affiliate with the "OkBH Funny Facts"

  • Reum has fucked his chemistry subject folder.
  • Nexus made and ate a cum toast of his own cum.
  • Ookambot used to post hot artwork until the mods removed the feature.
  • Twig shot cum in his own mouth.
  • Wawan made an actual Aqua cum tribute.
  • Degenerate had sex in a mental asylum.
  • Rattles doxxed himself the most on the server.
  • Zesty is the owner of the subreddit.
  • Are had the idea to add pregnant towa, (A Hololive V-Tuber) to the server.
  • Saiki writes the long text posted by garf on the 25th.
  • Garf got locked out of his bathroom at 3am.
  • Sour has the most infractions on the server.
  • Vinnie (mod which left the server) once muted someone for typing too long.
  • Someone actually made a cum tribute of the meadiao cosplay.
  • ButteredSalmonella got banned by banspeed for "not wanting to fuck the rat".
  • Panda is the server's lore historian.
  • The server was made on the 25th January 2021
  • Kani Sama was the very user to talk on the server .
  • Holo is the oldest member in the server in terms of who joined the earliest.
  • Gwar Guro put Gura hoodies on almost every emote in the server.
  • A big part of the server was nuked because of a Discord TOS investigation and punishment.
  • Slacker (Saiki's alt) is the member with the longest afk from dyno.
  • Safhell (a banned mod) worked for the US marines.
  • Denki, also known as electron, made fubukbot and ookambot.
  • Chromadef and noobpoh donated to Denki to make fubukbot and ookambot stay longer on the server due to Denki not being able to pay to run the bots.
  • #staff-feet-pics is a real channel that only mods can access.
  • Fubukbot won the very first OkBH Hunger games hosted by brook.
  • Saiki once said "Lul" to someone suicidal in #venting.
  • Safhell also posted something very cute and funny and lost his admin and got banned.
  • Fishern plays the sims and makes horny stuff.
  • dudeman45 once managed to attain staff perms as "Local Idiot", almost saw whatever was in the mod chats and almost banned a user called boebag. Admins quickly removed Local Idiot's mod permissions though.
  • Frank once got banned by Garf for not wanting to talk in vc
  • Tristan, the ex-owner of the server almost got an unknown woman pregnant.
  • TooGreen has doxxed himself in vc with facecam once and got Hsld for it.
  • The very first oshi channel on the server was the kenzoku heaven.
  • Fubukbot used to say random messages randomly in general but now it doesn't do it anymore, the reason of such decision is unknown.
  • At precisely 6:32 AM UTC, Saturn inadvertently kicked off a massive spam event in #general after uttering the phrase "Lol happens sometimes their called weed worms don’t smoke them they’ll compromise your immune system and fuck you for life." Raidsmash decided to ping Ookambot multiple times with the phrase and accidentally conditioned the bot to response with a near identical phrase. Raidsmash (and other people in chat) pinged Ookambot so many times in the spam duration that the bot was behind in responses by over four minutes. The phrase was uttered over 290 times within a timespan of 20 minutes.
  • Yotsuba#2894 got banned for accidentally participating in a raid. He literally didn't know it was a raid.
  • On the 9th December of 2021 hammy was banned for 3 months for posting an IP-grabber disguised as a calli clip.
  • Rayah has watched a horse cum when he was little.
  • DocileSphinx has made a cum tribute of Fishern's feet.
  • Banspeed sometimes bans random members for "trolling".

Pages about OkBuddyHololive