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Hans is a Gondalian-Kevinian politician, Famous Media Personality, tycoonist, and ex-dreamsexual, who came to relevance during Gondal: From The Ashes and Holy Gondal Empire, but was in both the original Kevinia and Summer Gondal. He served in most roles of the Gondalian government in G:FTA, famously accepting the role as President of the server after the Trollmaster coup to implement more accepting policies.

Artist is Mezmacko on Tumblr
User info
Discord tagxcriticalhans
Discord ID855711345235197952
ServersHoly Gondal Empire, Gondal: From The Ashes, Kevinia, NBA ALL STARS (formerly), Hans Tank Brigade (formerly), Red Cup Conspiracy, r/dreamgender (formerly), Dreamsexuals United (formerly)
Reddit nameu/MrWoozieHans
Also known asxCriticalHans. CriticalHans, Prime Minister of Kevinia, Dreamgender Supersoldier
IRL info

The Beginning (April - July 2021)

After getting out of a long-term relationship, Hans was looking to expand his social circle and find other people who shared common interests with him. He joined multiple small servers to find new people to hang out with, but it never truly clicked. Eventually, he would come across a certain individual named Everr, with whom he formed a close bond after meeting him off of the Yggdrasil bot's userphone feature. Together, they trolled in and messed with a server filled with 14-year-olds who were all in some sort of uncanny polygamous relationship with each other. Hans also decided to invite one of his own friends that had a nuke bot to that server in hopes of getting it deleted for their weird behavior. His friend would go on to nuke the entire server by deleting and making new channels that were all called "bhops-in-and-cums". Throughout the chaos, he also met Lily, who was affiliated with the Gondal lore, and invited him to Summer Gondal. Although Hans never really talked in Gondal servers, he would still play a small part in each one until he participated in a bigger role during Gondal: From The Ashes.


Originally intended to be a private server between his irl friends, Hans would end up inviting Everr and some of his new friends that he met off of Summer Gondal and r/dreamgender to the server for it to become more active. The server would undergo various changes, including making themes for the server by changing the icon & name of the server, renaming everyone to fit the theme, and inviting new bots that seemed interesting and appealing to server members. Although the server would go by many names, most people recognize it as "NBA ALL STARS" because of it being basketball themed and everyone being named after the NBA's greatest players of all time . On October 15th, 2021, Hans's account would be deleted by Discord, meaning that the server lost its ownership since he was unable to transfer it to his alt account and had to be archived.

Hans Tank Brigade

Since Hans lost his ownership to NBA ALL STARS, he decided to create a new server called "Hans Tank Brigade" in order to give his friends a new place to talk in. Not much significant things happened, however the main attraction of the server was a fun currency bot called "TacoBot" that many members would constantly use. Conflict would soon arise after Hans said he would give people owner if they invited more people since the server started to die a bit. This would backfire though, because many members started arguing with each other and begging Hans to give them owner. Most of the channels would then get deleted by Lily since she had admin perms and was mad that Hans wouldn't let her ban people. The server would then be archived and many members decided its best to stick with talking in group chats, leading to the creation of Hans GC a few months later.

r/dreamgender (July - December 2021)

For context, being a dreamsexual/dreamgender is a satirical sexuality and gender where people show their love and desire for the popular Minecraft YouTuber Dream. This was during a time where many people were obsessed with watching Dream's content that stans would go out of their way to devote their entire lives to him. There has also been controversies surrounding this fake sexuality where it has been considered offensive to the LGBTQ+ community. This is not Hans' intention though, because all he wanted to do was troll people into believing he was extremely obsessed with Dream, despite never actually watching any of his videos.

More coming soon.

Gondal: From the Ashes

Hans joined Gondal: From The Ashes from his friend Trollmaster, and was the first Kevinian to move to the server. He was made vice president during Trollmaster's presidency, and eventually became president after he was couped, with Everr serving as his vice president.