Staff Roles
I was just following orders - This role is given to EX staff members of the dogelore discord
le doge mode 🐕 - This role is given to every single current dogelore staff member.
le subreddit doge mode ⬆️ - This role is given to every single current /r/DogeLore subreddit moderator
admin - Administrative permission role.
Activity Roles
Poop Doge 💬 - Requires 200 thousand bot xp, this role also doesn't do much.
Mythical Doge 💬 - Requires 100 thousand bot xp, doesn't do much besides giving a user a blue coloured role.
Famous Doge 💬 - Requires 50 thousand bot xp, gives vanity role permissions and the ability to apply as a moderator during applications.
Recognized Doge 💬 - Requires 25 thousand bot xp, before emote suggestions was archived this role gave you permissions to post emote suggestions in the channel.
Active Doge 💬 - Requires 10 thousand bot xp, gives you access to the casual channel.
Regular Doge 💬 - Requires 5 thousand bot xp, gave you meta-talk talk perms and emote-suggestion voting perms, though with these two channels being archived this role is effectively useless now.
Baby Doge 🍼 - Requires 500 xp, gives image permissions in most channels such as general.