Liga Mulatră

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Liga Mulatră (rough translation in English, The Mulatto League) was an important stage in OKPR v3’s history that occurred on June 26, 2023. The event, which was planned several days before it took place, led to the former owner, Delu, giving up ownership of the server, as well as establishing a new order among the staff members. This led to the creation of a new iteration of the server, informally called OKPR v3.5 (technically, it is the same Discord server as OKPR v3, but with new staff heads and rules).

It was caused by the dissatisfaction of several members regarding the state of the server, as well as due to the drama related to the possession of child pornography by gagaunci, a former admin. It also represents the group of members that share the name of the event in which they have participated.


Server status

Since September 2022, shortly after OrthoSB’s purge, OKPR v3 server had a steady membership growth, eventually reaching 500 members on June 18, 2023 and bringing with them new ideas and trends. Despite this, there was a wave of dissatisfaction among some of the older members regarding the state of the v3 server, and also related dramas about some infamous Discord users, leading to what would be called “The Fall of OKPR”.

One of the reasons for this perception among users is due to the ban of thugposting. Thugposting was a trend on OKPR server that consisted of posting NSFW content of black men (also known as thugs) in lewd poses in chat and then quickly deleting them, while the mods and admins were not aware of those posts. Usually those materials were posted during midnight, in order to not be seen by a large audience. Because of the growing membership and because of the fear among the staff members of the server being reported by breaking the TOS rules, thugposting was banned by OrthoSB, some members being dissatisfied with this decision.

Chartech controversy

Chartech (also known as Chartech#4357) joined OKPR v3 server on April 13, 2023. Since the beginning, she received backlash from the majority of the server due to her retarded behavior and due to the fact that she identifies as a transgender woman.

On June 16, while partaking in her shenanigans, chartech posted in #bucurești-general a pornographic image that depicts two gay furry drawn characters. This act enraged most of the community, with many users addressing her with curse words or proposing that she should be banned. Eventually, hysteria erupted and persisted for a few days until June 20, as most users couldn't accept her presence, and therefore some measures were needed. Thus, RomanianMemer temporarily blocked #bucurești-general to stop spamming, and Gavrilean created 2 new additional rules in order to prevent exaggerated hate speech towards specific members.

Gagaunci controversy

Shortly after the chartech drama seemed to be solved, another one appeared, and this time with more serious repercussions for the fate of the server.

On June 21, after a brief discussion with Relu on DMs, gagaunci, a then-admin of the server and a close friend with Delu, sent him a video that depicts a naked young boy, which can be considered as child pornography. Shocked and disgusted, Relu blocked gagaunci and discussed with Gavrilean and other staff members to ban him. This led to a chain of events that unfolded in such a way that death of the server seemed inevitable.



Coup d’etat

