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User info
Discord tagbogdannn1
Discord ID747727528369717300
Also known as_bogdannnnnn (disabled account)
Roles [8] Prăpădit [7] Autist [6] Îngrăjdor [5] Roșupastilat [4] Bazat [3] Coxat [2] Redus [1] Retardat V2 OG
Joined server2021
IRL info

bogdan is a member of OKPR known for his borderline schizophrenic behaviour and changing his personalities every other week through his profile pictures. He is a member of the server since v1, even though he wasn't very active then. Since OKPR v3, he became very active, creating many inside jokes of the server such as "sunt negru coaie" and other more unfunny ones.

On August 1st 2023, there was a petition made by Relu to ban bogdan. This was a "social experiment" as he described it. For bogdan to get "banned" from the server, the petition had to obtain 30 votes. Later that day, after 30 votes were obtained, Relu didn't ban bogdan but instead gave him a role named "BANAT". Relu was also shocked to see that 30 people were in favour of the petition even though bogdan did nothing wrong.

bogdan's personalities

As mentioned earlier, bogdan is known for his multiple personalities. Some of these are:

  • Ryan Gosling from the movie "Drive"
  • Patrick Bateman from the movie "American Psycho"
  • Jeanne d'Arc (Not really a personality, but he was obsessed with her)
  • Nihilist

He is sometimes paranoid about getting banned because some other members of the server don't really like him.

The Holy order of OKPR

Cruciada OKPR, server created by bogdan, (English translation, The OKPR Crusade) is an OKPR affiliated server dedicated to the army of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. The group was created on July 17, 2023, starting with 5 members. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem had 1 citizen on the first day of its founding, that was Fledger, who requested a custom role called "Glowk is gay".
