The Nuke

On the 17th of July, a mini nuke was attempted by users Zarney and Woozy, who were promptly demoted by Pastor.

The Whitename Role became mentionable, and many users were falsely banned.

During this chaotic time, a dm log between an unnamed 14 year old and Pastor was shared around, it consisted of both users discussing the morality of a relationship between them. With Pastor being 17 at the time of the conversation taking place,

Pastor claims that this anonymous person came into their life after a break up when he was at a very vulnerable point, with the conversations being the only thing that came out of the relationship.

The opinions about pastor remain largely mixed to this day.


Woozy and Zarney were demoted from their positions, WhenThe started being mass reported due to the Pastor Allegations.

After the July 2022 crisis Pastor was banned from the server, with Steely taking ownership of the server.

The Announcement