Maxwall, or simply max, was a user who joined the server around late July or early August, and was active from then until September 10th. He then returned to the server on November 11th, using a new account, and was active up until the server's deletion.

User info
Discord ID(Deleted user) 971723502644244511
Irony Hub
IRL info
Gamingminecraft, crusader kings III, europa universalis IV

Max spent the vast majority of his time in casual, where the most intellectual and civilized Irony Hubbers talked, but occasionally talked in general and meta-talk (which was basically just casual #2). While he was very active, being online in IH almost all the time, he made no real major contributions to the server apart from existing.

Grooming/abuse incidents

On September 19th, 2022 (or roughly around this time) Maxwall was accused of grooming, sending nudes/asking for nudes from minors and generally being abusive in his relationships. User Battaro claimed Maxwall had tried to fish nudes from him, Brapqueen and other users. In that same month he was banned from the server Quipville, but was later unbanned due to lack of credible evidence shared between Battaro and Gun Luigi.

On April 25th, 2023, Maxwall was accused of the same things previously (to a much worse degree). All of the things mentioned in a Google Document [1] includes threatening of suicide, encouraging sexual activities with other indivudals, and encouraging substance abuse with other people. He was then banned again in Quipville on the same day. Within a short time span he had deleted his account and does not seem to be using Discord anymore.