DogeCord Comics are one page sketches that Yvng posted n the dogelore #announcements channel on random occassions.

Nowadays most of the dogecord comics are made by different people though.

The first dogecord comic appeared on the 10th of February 2021.

This comic references Aipos' Pfp change to an anthropomorphic animal.

This comic references the LOVE and PASSION cris and eppe had :3

This comic references the second Warzone event.

This comic was made by Clover, not Yvng.

This comic references the date of the day being 04/20/2021, for Americans only.

This comic references Dogelore hitting 40 thousand members.

This comic references Dogelore hitting 50 thousand members.

This comic references HALLOWEEN...

This comic references.... It was sponsored by wowza.

This comic references quoge.