Administrative Roles

Empress - Veridis's personal owner role.

Admib - Administrators of the server. They possess channel and server setting perms.

Modera - Moderators of the server. They possess user perms.

Advisea - Advisors of the server. They don't possess user perms but can access mod channels and "advise" the mod team. This role has been deleted as of 22 September 2022.

Activity Roles

Top Kekkers - The highest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 3 months and have passed a second mod vote. These users can make emote suggestions and request a custom vanity role for themselves.

Funny Dank Memers - The second-highest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 1 month and have passed a mod vote. These users can use the suggestions channel.

Epic Trollers - The second-lowest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 1 week. These users can view and vote on all server suggestions, but cannot make them.

Cool Gamers - The lowest attainable activity role. These users have been active for a little bit without breaking rules or being an annoyance. These users can post images, change their nickname, and have external emoji permissions.