The Report Crisis
The Crisis Begins
Many Irony servers were suddenly reported by Caskain. No server was safe from their wrath.
Whenthe was mass reported for "discriminating / dehumanizing content" and was forced to temporarily Lockdown.
Dogelore was also forced to do the same, privating most channels for a few days.
Ironyhub was mass reported and deleted by Discord. One of the Moderators, Roomba made a refugee server for it's users
but unfortunately his account was supposedly mass reported by no other than Zonally.
The fourth OkBR server unexpectedly started having their users mass reported by an unknown user, the server was not deleted but many users were unfortunately banned for TOS breaking reasons,
this though was the breaking point for many of the Subreddit mods, a modvote was made that would decide about the future of the server, the only person against the server's deletion at that time
was Doctor Penez. After OkBR4's deletion a few of the active users from that server made an offshoot called "Awesome Planet" i
After the mass reporting crisis many users left the irony server sphere for good, though many moved to different servers
or made their own small friend ones.