Radio OKPR Actualități (OKPR News Radio) was a radio station ran entirely by members of the OKPR Discord server. Although this project received quite a few contributions, a broadcast has yet to be made. The name comes from another popular Romanian radio station called Radio România Actualități which operates on the public FM band. OKPR members couldn't get an FM broadcasting licence, so they would have used Internet radio.

Radio OKPR Actualități
Server info
Status Inactive
Invite link
Ownerbobubitul (aka Edward)
FoundedApril 23, 2023
Founderbobubitul (aka Edward)

Topics & broadcasts edit

Satirical news edit

As other radio stations present news, OKPR's radio station would present news written by community members. Several articles have been written in the articles channel of the server and they would be read either live or pre-recorded at a set time or at an interval during the day.

Music edit

Music made by members of OKPR would be broadcasted on the radio like any other usual station. A DJ may take requests or read listener's messages.

Talk shows edit

Talk shows where a person or several would discuss a topic with the host(s) of the show via a Discord voice channel, similar to usual radio stations which broadcast phone calls.

Resources & progress edit

Edward has created the original jingle and uploaded the original files to allow other members to make other versions.

Jingle/audio logo created by Edward

Audio transcription:

Sounds of glass breaking, a woman screaming, car alarm and a police siren

Radio OKPR Actualități (OKPR News Radio)

A child shouting "Futu-ți Dumnezeii mă-tii" ("Fuck your mother's Gods", source video), followed by a hard impact noise

The exact time... It's time for thugposting!

Bulgarian music with a man imitating a horse starts playing

Another jingle was created by Gangster96, for "Ora manelelor" ("Manele time" / "The hour of manele") section of music.

Jingle/audio logo created by Gangster96

Audio transcription:

Beeps indicating a 5 second countdown

A child shouting "Futu-ți Dumnezeii mă-tii" ("Fuck your mother's Gods", source video), followed by a hard impact noise fading into the sounds of glass breaking and a woman screaming

Radio OKPR Actualități (OKPR News Radio)

The exact time... it's time for manele.

Manele music starts playing