The HHH Drama

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The HHH Drama was a result of staff incompetence together with attempts at trolling coming from the owner of the server, Hhh.

Doctor Penez's Livestream, Hhh Drama Begins.

On the 14th of July 2020, a well known member of the irony hemosphere, Doctor Penez started a livestream in which he would expose pedophiles, as a joke much of the dogelore staff got onto the livestream for attention, thanks to Hhh appearing on the livestream,

Onyx accused them of being an actual pedophile, as it had been shown that Hhh already sent dick pics in a random discord groupchat before,

before anyone knew what was happening, mass reports ensued from the horde of Doctor Penez' s fanboys, Hhh aswell as most of the dogelore staff team had their accounts mass reported and banned,[1]

Hhh went into hiding and the moderation team tried explaining the situation from their perspective, eventually on the 19th of August 2020 partnership would be handed to Dogevore after a couple of days waiting for discord's responce.[2]

Hhh would attempt at trying to also contact the people of dogelore about their sudden ban with a message,[3] it is somewhat unconfirmed if Hhh truly was a pedophile, some do not believe this theory as it has never been truly proven correct.
