The Staff Timeline 2018-2023

— 31/01/2019 Lord Epic / Third Worldist#3229 promoted to king buddy

— 09/02/2019

UNKNOWN has been demoted from king retard due to breaking the rules // UNKNOWN and @EponymousEcho get a shot at becoming mod.

— 14/02/2019

@GIR!!!!, @Thesonicdude, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN2, UNKNOWN3 Get promoted to advisor

— 25/02/2019

TSD Promoted to king retard

— 13/03/2019

@EponymousEcho promoted to king retard

— 19/03/2019

Dun promoted to king buddy Rebom promoted to advisor

— 22/03/2019

Venomi and Schmer have been demoted from king buddy due to unactivity UNKNOWN was promoted to king retard

— 01/04/2019

Spacemace,Xyze, Markov, Uhtred, Deg, Noir, Dun, Subbg, LordBlyat and Tacotoaster get demoted / resign ( ❓ don't know.)

OrangeJuiceMix, Sand, birb, don sancho become king retards UNKNOWN and Venomi become king buddies Fairway also repromoted to king buddy

— 03/04/2019

Fairway, Subbg, and xyze Resign to prince retard

— 05/04/2019

Mets Temporary resigns from admin to protest against lunar's rule Lunar Resigns and gives Ownership to GrantVsZombies

— 06/04/2019

All of the positions of the demoted mods were given back

Markov resigns to Prince Retard

Koolguy repromoted to Prince Retard

— 10/04/2019

Due to the departure of weed soup and the demotion of omen to PR, the following people have been promoted to a trial run at King Retard for 2 weeks noir TSD Bobbo promoted to prince retard

— 17/04/2019

Koolguy Promoted to king retard

— 21/04/2019

Stonex Left (was a mod at that time)

— 26/04/2019

Dun promoted to king buddy bobbo promoted to king retard

— 27/04/2019

Dun promoted from KB to HR UNKNOWN promoted from KB to HR UNKNOWN2 On Kr Trial

Ibradude promoted to PR

Fairway voluntarily resigns from HR

— 08/05/2019

Markov repromoted to KB

— 19/05/2019

Three new prince retards were chosen after mod apps



— 21/05/2019

UNKNOWN resigns from mod

— 25/05/2019

xyze resigns from KB to PR

— 27/05/2019

Koolguy promoted to king buddy UNKNOWN promoted to king retard

— 08/06/2019

Venomi temporarily removed from KB

— 18/06/2019

Bobbo has been moved from KR to PR due to some inactivity

— 28/06/2019

scoffy promoted to King Retard

— 01/07/2019

Xyze Fully resigns from prince retard

— 11/07/2019

scoffy promoted to KR Koolguy and Noir resign to PR Uhtred resigns, Venomi takes their place as the new HR

... Koolguy repromoted to PR again ?!!!

— 12/07/2019

Squidplumber promoted to King Buddy

— 19/07/2019

Bobbo demoted from prince retard Harmonic promoted to prince retard

— 20/07/2019

monky demoted from prince retard Mets reinstated as a prince retard

— 25/07/2019

TSD demoted from king retard

— 26/07/2019

UNKNOWN promoted to kr Ibradude promoted to pr ( ❓ overall messy )

— 28/07/2019

Fairway Temporary Resigns from HR, passes it to Subbg

— 21/10/2019

Mason, Colty, Patricia/baby, Baljeet, Cow Juice and leia/kuro promoted to mod via mod apps

— 31/10/2019

Harmonic demoted "for consistently causing issues with users, refusing to own up to it and general userbase and modteam sentiment."

— 10/11/2019

Thee_realist & PA_Coasters/VolunteerThrills promoted to BA, Hulk promoted to admin

— 14/11/2019

Hulk/Jaxon resigns temporarily due to irl issues

— 18/11/2019

Hulk/Jaxon returns

— 01/12/2019

Skig "temporarily" resigns from admin but it ends up becoming permanent, Liea & Mason promoted to admin


Mason resigns temporarily and Fritze is promoted to admin

— 12/01/2020

Grant transfers ownership to Squidplumber

— 23/01/2020

Cow Juice promoted to admin

— 29/01/2020

Byssum, Prod, Plab and SalmonSan promted to mod via mod apps, and xzerobot resigns


Baljeet promoted to admin


Mason demoted and banned because it was discovered he defended lolicon in the past, attempted to solicit nudes from girls, etc.


Squidplumber leaves "temporarily" and ownership is given to thee_Realist


It is revealed that Squidplumber has stepped down fully and thee_realist is the owner for the foreseeable future


CowJuice resigns


liea/kuro permanently resigns


Fritze resigns

— 08/03/2020

Priesta/Priest of the thicc, hav, Thumper, North/Spinky, etry, and Pastor promoted to mod via mod apps


Prod and Colty promoted to admin

— 12/04/2020

Colty demoted to mod, Pastor promoted to admin

— 13/04/2020

Colty resigns

— 16/05/21

Priest of the thicc/priesta resigns


Thumper promoted to admin


SalmonSan resigns

— 29/06/2020

The Cursed Judge, sif, and ckpissface promoted to mod via mod apps


sif temporarily resigns for a month


VT/PA demoted to mod


North promoted to admin

— 08/09/2020

Sif resigns silently


The Cursed Judge resigns

— 30/09/2020

Scooter/dance, wurzt, Brock, Windows XP, ocean/ocena promoted to mod via mod apps


North resigns and leaves silently


Windows XP resigns and leaves the server for the foreseeable future


hav demoted

— 31/01/2021

Moe Lestor/Moe_, monitor/axi, Patricia/baby, Alan, and cobalt promoted to mod via mod apps

— 13/02/2021

Scooter resigns

— 28/02/2021

Baljeet & Moe resign as wurzt is promoted to admin

— 18/03/2021 

Byssum silently resigns

— 31/03/2021

Taylor, Danitskin, Joomie, Smegman, and Hippo promoted to mod via mod apps and VT is demoted

— 10/04/2021

thee_realist resigns and leaves whenthe and her successor is Pastor


wurzt is promoted to bigger admin, Alan and Monitor are promoted to admin as Thumper resigns


Taylor resigns


Alan demoted and banned "for having a history of doxxing members, leaking mod chat a plethora of times, and lots of warranted suspicion of a planned server nuke, suspicions that we know to be true."

— 01/06/2021

Joomie and Patricia are demoted

— 16/06/2021

Namin, melon, breadzskatez, ocena, Baljeet, selie/szl, zarney111 and Percussion promoted to mod via mod apps


Prod is promoted to bigger admin and Brock is promoted to admin

— 01/07/2021

wurzt resigns


Smegman resigns


Baljeet silently resigns


Danitskin resgins


ocena temporarily demoted for giving a banned user access to her account without letting the other staff know


Cobalt resigns


breadzskatez resigns


monitor resigns


selie/szl resigns

— 23/08/2021

Percussion resigns and hippo is promoted to admin

— 04/09/2021

Osiris, Serenade, megan, Unpuffer/pastry, Mythlien, Business, and Pabl0 promoted to mod via mod apps

— 07/10/2021

Serenade resigns silently


Osiris demoted


Mythlien resigns


Unpuffer resigns

— 21/11/2021

Emote Managers are released and Nickb0303, Goofy, and SackOfIkeaMeatballs are the recipients


melon resigns


Namin promoted to admin

— 12/01/2022

Namin silently resigns

— 15/01/2022

Antarctica, QtrQtrQtrQtr/maryeo, Goofy, harunoe, Candy, steely, and Windows XP promoted to mod via mod apps

— 17/01/2022

ocena is demoted due to the "undemocratic unbanning of Moe. If it was not obvious enough not to unban people without appeals she did so specifically after a moderator announcement not to do so" it was also said that ocena restored Moe's roles as it that shouldnt have happened


Pabl0 resigns


Due to Namin and Pabl0 both resigning, the staff team decided to choose another mod from the recent mod apps and Ellie is promoted to mod, also ocena is re-promoted to mod after a mod vote as it was realized that her unbanning Moe was completely a mistake and her restoring his roles was a misunderstanding


Following the Monthly Mod Vote, Prod was demoted from bigger admin to admin. Ocena was executively demoted by Pastor for giving a user access to secrets and mod commands. An election was held to decide who would become the next bigger admin and it was a very close contest between Goofy and Zarney with Goofy coming out as the winner.


Jovinprime roomba Amanda ( Repromoted I believe ) taji and Yote passed apps and became mods...


Goofy Resigns from their position of admin due to personal reasons


Woozy and Zarney were demoted from their position due to doing a mini nuke


The Pastor passed ownership of the server to Steely aswell as left the server due to the pedophilia allegations surrounding him.


Text101 Wowza yote Ellie gruppa FreeForAll are all promoted to mod through applications.