The Cereal Massacre

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The Massacre

The Fuck Up

The Cereal Massacre was a Random Chimp Event in which users kept spamming the now infamous :Cereal~2: emote for a very long amount of time, until unfortunately the staff stepped into the casual channel after an unknown user snitched out the spammers. Cynk started mass muting and in some cases giving users the brainlet role, this role removed image permissions and got a user banned if they broke one more rule. This was an extremely controversial move and absolutely no user approved of what the staff team did during that day. [1]About 12 users were muted and about 5 were given the brainlet role.

This is considered by many members of the Dogelore community as one of the biggest tragedies and one of the most brutal examples of major staff abuse towards the innocent users who had fun breaking a niche rule.

The Cereal Massacre also led many users to leave the server out of anger, some having the brainlet role or still being muted which got them banned.[2]
