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== OkBuddyRetard 1 (January 3 - December 30, 2018)==
== Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into Antarctica. Throw niggers off the boat. Pressurize niggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a nigger's ass. Falcon-punch a nigger in the face. Make niggers into fiction. Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail niggers to a cross and stab them. Run over niggers with a tank feet-first. Crush niggers with a press. Attack niggers with acid. Boil niggers in a pan. Lock niggers inside a brazen bull. Burn niggers alive. Drag niggers across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on niggers. Quarter niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. Tenderize niggers with a mallet. Ionise niggers in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate niggers in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify niggers in a black hole. Curse niggers with the necronomicon. Trap niggers in purgatory. Bang a niggers testicles with a spiked bat. Throw niggers off a twelve story building. Freeze dry niggers in the vacuum of space. Fry niggers with power lines. Feed niggers ricin. Kneecap a nigger with a twelve gauge. Re enslave niggers. Sell niggers organs on the black market. Run niggers over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw niggers into the grand canyon. Burn niggers with jet engine exhaust. Beat niggers to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a niggers asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice niggers to the sun god. Drop niggers out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed niggers to sharks. Load a nigger into a cannon and shoot the nigger at a concrete wall. Keel Haul niggers under a galleon. Disembowel niggers with a bayonet. Strap a nigger to a cruise missile and launch it at a nigger neighbourhood. Drop niggers into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter niggers. Lure niggers in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a nigger to learn calculus, then kill the nigger anyway. Atomize niggers with a powerfist. Throw niggers into vats full of FEV virus. Choke niggers with barbed wire. Throw pianos at niggers from 40-story buildings. Throw niggers at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze niggers in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie niggers to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot niggers with syringe guns. Defecate on nigger food stamps. Make niggers pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire niggers into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on niggers then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate niggers with depleted uranium. Launch a nigger with a trebuchet. Send a nigger exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a nigger as a crash test dummy. Tie niggers onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a nigger. Trample niggers. Bury niggers alive. Play bowling with niggers heads as pins. Grate niggers with a cheese grater. Get niggers stuck in an elevator. Spray a niggers toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a nigger directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a niggers parachute. Sabotage a niggers bungee. Trap a nigger under ice. Force a nigger to work and support a family of 5. Force niggers into gladiatorial combat. Send niggers back to warring African tribes. Hide a snake in a niggers room. Put niggers on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a niggers organs. Waterboard niggers with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay niggers. Tie niggers to train tracks. Put laxatives in their koolaid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on niggers. Gibbet niggers. Tie a lightning rod to a niggers head during a storm. Lure niggers into suicide pods. Bury niggers neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending niggers to it. Stir niggers into cement. Squeeze niggers through a chain link fence. Hack niggers socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a nigger. Microwave a niggers head. Suck a nigger into pool drainage ass first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a niggers basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby nigger in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash niggers black skin. Play games with niggers jigsaw style. Trim a niggers nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a nigger to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a nigger in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a niggers bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a nigger and serve nigga patties to other niggers. Feed a nigger viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a niggers dildo. Stone niggers. Tranquilize niggers and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from niggers. Throw a nigger down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to niggers. Pimp-slap niggers into airplane turbines. Displace niggers in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a nigger a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on niggers at maximum voltage. Give niggers sentient brain parasites. Give niggers over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave niggers out for vultures. Drive a nigger into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a nigger. Strap niggers on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap niggers to a judas cradle. Blast niggers with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy niggers. Whip niggers into obedience. Slingshot a nigger into orbit. Rocket niggers into the sun. Stir-fry niggers in a wok. Bite a nigger and drink their blood. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Unscrew a nigger's head off. Bake niggers into nigger-pizza. Arrest niggers for no reason. Electrocute niggers. Curb stomp pregnant niggers. Beat a nigger up. Slice a nigger up and wear their skin. Set niggers on fire. Spin niggers around until they puke. Tie niggers to a train track. Karate kick a nigger in the testicles. Stomp nigger skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil niggers into a broth. Deep fry niggers. Fourth-trimester abortions for niggers. Blend niggers in a blender. Snap a nigger's neck. Throw niggers off buildings. Send aliens to abduct niggers. Force niggers to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush niggers with anvils. Throw niggers off of rooftops. Incinerate niggers. Starve niggers. Blow niggers up with dynamite. Gulp niggers. Feast on nigger eyeballs. Cave in a nigger's skull. Kiss a nigger to death. Peel a nigger like a banana. Wipe out nigger tribes. Deny niggers into Heaven. Freeze niggers in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a nigger. Lock on to niggers with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a nigger. Ferment niggers into stew. Ensnare niggers. Nark on niggers to the army. Cause a total nigger purge. Jam a nigger into a geyser. Axe murder a nigger. Unleash Smelvin upon niggers. Put niggers on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total nigger death. ==
=== Early History ===
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On December 10, 2017, Kirbizia created the subreddit r/okbuddyretard and several other subreddits to store memes she found funny. Over the following weeks, others began to join in. The mods mainly consisted of people she knew off r/[[bonehurtingjuice]] (seannerz, netwiderogue, pizza)
== [[File:Goatse.jpg|link=]] ==
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The first OkBuddyRetard Discord server was created on January 3, 2018. It was sort of an anarchy server, with a series of regular users who would have normal conversations to a backdrop of "degenerate meme spam" as [[Uhtred]] put it. There were lots of prolific users on the server at this time, one of which being a Brazillian Integralist (unironic fascist) called [[Skeleton]], who used to rant about exterminating the unclean.
== [[File:Cobson.png|link=]] ==
Kirbizia was the owner or ‘Queen Buddy’, and the roles were ‘Ok Retard’, ‘Ok Buddy’, ‘King Retard’ and ‘King Buddy’, those last 2 being mod and admin. She used to be relatively chill, but started troll-banning people and clearing music queues, and later went inactive for a while at one point. All of OkBR1's moderators at the time were old friends off BHJ and Kirbizia’s girlfriend (garfieldkart/[[ava]]) The BHJ mods didn’t really care at the time, so the server was ran by her and Ava.
The first user to get admin outside of Kirbizia’s friends was a person called [[Vati]], who modded for a while but later got in a car crash and quit the server. The new moderation staff told Kirbizia to get rid of the BHJ mods because they were all relatively inactive on server and Kirbizia agreed. Pizza added them all back acting like a head admin, but they were quickly demoted and Pizza never spoke on the server again.
Modding was very unstructured at this time, mods could not ping everyone in mod channels so mod votes went unoticed. [[Venomi]] began to integrate a lot of stuff from other meme servers, such as the Dumbass role, Mod votes, Mod applications and the wiab chat, which were stolen from the [[Deep Fried Memes|DeepFriedMemes]] Discord (all staples of the modern [[Whenthe]] experience, thanks to Venomi) This also included the inclusion of the Shapiro Squad, Doge Squad and Garfield Gang roles, which would all become their modern equivalents. Garfield Gang was shortlived and died very quickly. Roles were originally given based on messages sent. However, this was changed to actual quality and time spent on server, despite there still being a remaining debate on what that meant.
===Bruhmoment Troubles ===
In August 2018, while the server was at 500 members, [[Cmonster]] made an offshoot server, referred to as "drama server" at the time, which would later become known as [[Bruhmoment]]. There were a lot of jokes in it about raiding and nuking OkBR, which later made a user tell this to Kirbizia. On August 29, Kirbizia decided to ban every single person from Cmonster's server from OkBR, including around half the mod team and many active users.<ref>{{Cite message|author=selim.tn|date=August 30, 2018 at 12:09 AM UTC|content=<@!161939643636383753> kirbizia banned everyone that was in cmonster's server|server=𝓓𝓕𝓜|channel=general|link=https://discord.com/channels/442214776660164629/442214776660164631/484514974073356340}}</ref> Venomi tried to stop Kirbizia from committing server suicide by telling her to unban all its users, but failed. People stayed on Bruhmoment and continued to talk there.
===Kirbizia Resigns, LunarShadows Becomes Owner===
With Kirbizia's growing unpopularity, Kirbizia decided to quit moderating the server and subreddit. Kirbizia would go on to apologize to Venomi and Cmonster for some of the stuff that happened, in a now long lost tweet. Ownership of the subreddit was given to [[GrantVsZombies]], while ownership of the Discord Server was given to [[LunarShadows]]. Lunar was a relatively new user at the time, and its suspected that he was given owner in an attempt by Kirbizia to kill the server. As the new owner, Lunar unbanned everyone who Kirbizia banned for being a member of Bruhmoment.
He was also revealed to be a very big degenerate, as most irony server owners, who hit on [[LTC]] for a while. Kirbizia would use this to accuse Lunar of sexually harassing LTC and she used 3 reddit threads to do this. This failed, LunarShadows continued to own the server and Kirbizia finally gave up to pursue her own YouTube career.
When he wanted to take a break from being a moderator, he gave his alt a role above all the others with full admin, and fucked around with the server. This made people mad and caused unneeded chaos. Eventually, Lunar decided that democracy had gotten too slow and him and a user called Tobias made the admin and mod roles useless. A large majority of people decided to quit the server around this time, and Lunar and Tobias became the sole admins of OKBR1
===End of OkBR1===
In December 2018, the token for Ohtred, the "Other [[Uhtred]]", was leaked, allowing a malicious user to log into the bot. Since the bot had very high permissions, it caused catastrophic damage in all the servers the bot was in. The bot token was leaked by accident when Uhtred accidentally uploaded it to the bot's GitHub repository without realizing it. The person who hijacked the bot is unknown, nor is their motive. This led to OkBuddyRetard being nuked on December 30, 2018. When the bot was nuking OkBR1, there wasn't any staff online with a role high enough to stop it. The bot would delete messages and channels and ban people. Before banning a user, it would DM them "OWNED BY OWNAGEBOT." By the time someone could stop the bot, the server was in shambles.
After the server was destroyed, the appeal server became a refuge for several members. [[Doctor Penez]] and [[Veemo]] attempted to make an unofficial OkBR2 server, but a new one that was linked to the subreddit was created and they were kicked out. The remnant of OkBR1 was renamed to OkBuddyRememberance, and Lunar deleted it on or sometime before October 6, 2019.<ref>{{Cite message|author=[[Z_Slay3r]]#2378|date=October 6, 2019 at 11:39 PM ???|content=fun fact, lunar deleted the old server|server=Whenthe|channel=general}}</ref>
== Timeline from "The OkBR Lore Book" (OkBR1) ==
''Sorry for the bad formatting! ([https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G9Vj4Gm3EPLJTZ703VbbnNs2CiFV7AM71f91LX9UTvo/edit The Doc])''
* Kirbizia created r/OKBR and several other subreddits to store memes she found funny, and others began to join in. This was around late 2017.
* The mods mainly consisted of people she knew off r/bonehurtingjuice (seannerz, netwiderogue, pizza)
* The OKBR1 was created in around may of 2018. It was sort of an anarchy server, with a series of regular users who would have normal conversations to a backdrop of ‘degenerate meme spam’ as Uhtred put it.
* There were lots of prolific users on the server at this time, one of which being a Brazillian Integralist (unironic fascist) called Skeleton, who used to rant about exterminating the unclean.
* Kirbizia was the owner or ‘Queen Buddy’, and the roles were ‘Ok Retard’, ‘Ok Buddy’, ‘King Retard’ and ‘King Buddy’, those last 2 being mod and admin.
* She used to be relatively chill, but started troll-banning people and clearing music queues.
* She went inactive for a while at one point
* All of these mods at the time were old friends off bhj and Kirbizia’s girlfriend (garfieldkart/ava)
* The [[BoneHurtingJuice]] mods didn’t really care at the time, so the server was ran by her and Ava.
* The first user to get admin outside of Kirbizia’s friends was a guy called Vati, who modded for a while but was in a car crash and quit the server.
* Alstolfo Lover and Veemo were around at this time also.
* The new moderation staff told Kirbizia to get rid of the BHJ mods because they were all relatively inactive on server and Kirbizia agreed.
* Pizza added them all back acting like a head admin, but they were quickly demoted and Pizza never spoke on server again
* Kirbizia was close with alstolfo lover and ava.
* Modding was very unstructured at this time, mods could not ping everyone in mod channels so mod votes went unoticed
* Venomi began to integrate a lot of stuff from other meme servers, the dumbass role, modvotes, mod apps and the wiab chat, which were stolen from the deepfriedmemes discord (all staples of the modern whenthe experience, thanks to Venomi)
* This also included the inclusion of the Shapiro Squad, Doge Squad and Garfield Gang roles, which would all become their modern equivalents
* Garfield Gang was shortlived and died very quickly
* Roles were originally given based on messages sent, but this sucked, so it was changed to actual quality and time spent on server, despite there still being a remaining issue on what makes.
* Around this time, while the server was at 500 members, Cmonster made an offshoot server, which would become BruhMoment
* There were a lot of jokes in it about raiding and nuking OKBR and Alstolfo Lover's friend joined and told Kirbizia about it all.
* Kirbizia's reaction was to ban every single person from cmonsters server off of OKBR, including around half the mod team and active users
* Deg became a moderator around this point also!
* Venomi tried to stop Kirbizia from committing server suicide by telling her to unban all the users
* People stayed on BruhMoment and continued to talk there. Alstolfo Lover and her friend left the server.
* Alting on OKBR revealed Veemo talking shit frequently, who was a trans mtf who vented frequently and was really into vore.
* This was actually set off by some light jokes about vore from Venomi and lead to Veemo being bullied by them and Belphegor, Cmonster and Famicon.
* When the group got unbanned, Veemo had been demoted and remoted severtal times.
* Venomi was banned by Veemo and became mod again, and began modding both [[OkBuddyRetard|OkBuddyRetard 1]] and [[Bruhmoment]].
* Eventually Kirbizia was bullied off the server and subreddit and Lunar became the discord owner and Grant became the subreddit owner.
* Kirbizia would go on to apologize to Venomi and CMonster for some of the stuff that happened (in a now long forgotten tweet)
* Lunar, who was a relatively new user, unbanned all of the BM people as owner, except Yazawa Nico, who remained banned for unknown reasons
* He was made admin early during his stay on server and its suspected that he was given owner in an attempt to kill the server by Kirbizia.
* He was revealed to be a super horny teenager later on, beginning to hit on all the girls (and some guys) in the server, including LTC and Venomi.
* Kirbizia would use this to accuse Lunar of sexually harassing LTC and she used 3 reddit threads to do this. This failed, Lunar continued and Kirbizia gave up
* When he took a break from being a moderator, he gave his alt a role above all the others with full admin, and fucked about with the server.
* Eventually,  Lunar decided that democracy had gotten too slow and him and a user called Tobias made the admin and mod roles useless.
* A large majority of people decided to quit the server around this time, and Lunar and Tobias became the sole admins of OkBR1
* Lunar locked the server when he went to sleep and after a while, Grant took over and immediately banned him. Tobias remained head admin.
* Tobias would later sucumb to his retarded urges, deleting the mod chat history and pinging everyone with a very bad ‘you was at the club fnaf’ meme.
* After this point, Ohtred, the ‘Other Uhtred’, (which would become Whiskers) became hacked and was replaced by a scrapper bot. This was catastrophic, as it was second only to the owner of the server.
* After the server was destroyed, the appeal server became a refuge for several members.
== OkBuddyRetard 2 (December 30, 2018 - January 17, 2020) ==
The same day the OkBuddyRetard server was nuked, LunarShadows created a new server known as OkBuddyRetard 2.
=== April 2019 Mod Drama, LunarShadows Resigns===
On April 1, 2019, Lunar purged a large amount of the mod team without consulting anyone else, enforcing that he had the authority to do so. The demoted moderators included [[Spacemace]], [[Xyze]], [[Markov]], Uhtred, [[Deg]], [[Noir]], [[Dun]], [[Subbg]], [[LordBlyat]] and [[Tacotoaster]]. A lot of the old mod team that disagreed with the decision and his disregard for the traditional method of altering the mod team, the monthly Mega Mod Vote, left the server in protest. He opened mod applications for around a day and recruited a bunch of new people. A new server was created by the admin [[Dun]] called [[1 People|#1 People]], a refuge of sorts for the exiled mods to discuss the current situation.
On April 5, 2019, Lunar posted three messages to #announcements to address the issues.
{{Quote|Let me address the issues of the past few days -
Yes, a few mods were demodded, the rest subsequently left.
This was done after discussion between Tobias and I over the issues that would arise from some of the mods when they didn't quite get 100% say in everything of the server. The fact of the matter is, yes, Tobias and I did not feel like a few of the mods should remain as moderators. Was the situation handled poorly? Admittedly, yes, it was. The biggest issue is that over the slightest bit of drama and disagreement essentially all mod activity was slowed down or even completely brought to a halt due to the fact that a few of the mods could not just deal with drama appropriately.
While, yes, not everyone agrees on everything and not everyone should we should also not stop everything because of simple issues.
This does NOT mean that I personally dislike any of the mods who decided to leave and/or were demodded. I knew many of them for a while and it brought me no joy to see them go. At the same time there has to be a degree of separation between moderation and personal issues. The few who were demodded were demodded over moderation issues and the rest decided to leave. When the few who were demodded were gone, more decided to leave.
No, this does not have any large change on the mod voting process. They largely remain the same except for the fact that now decisions that largely could affect the server can be passed on even despite passing a vote. This is an issue a few of the moderators made a strong point of. This is a thing I do not do often as I know it is disliked but if it is a vote that could potentially be a detriment to the server it should not be allowed to pass and we should not have a giant power struggle over the fact that a complete democracy was not fully achieved.
Despite the fact that some consider this to be a "dictator" move, the fact is that I discussed this with Tobias previously and he advised that demotion of some of the mods would be necessary, I agreed and so here we are. It was not my intention for the majority of the mods who left to leave, however, they decided to do it by their own decision. While I regret that they left, I wish them luck in whatever they decide to do beyond this server.
I apologize to those who were banned during the drama. While it was only going to be temporary, I should have been more transparent about that fact rather than not.|Lunar addressing the mod situation - April 5, 2019}}
Two hours later, the server was locked for almost five hours due to people claiming they will purposefully trying to be banned and most mods being offline. At the end of the day, LunarShadows conceded when GrantVsZombies became involved told him to step down, transferring ownership of the server to him. The same day, a Mega Mod Vote was held, with 8 out of 14 voters supporting Lunar being demodded.
{{Quote|And so due to the fact that the mods are little bitches who cannot accept any kind of authority figure, I take my leave.
@[[GrantVsZombies]] I truly hope you don't decide to do even the slightest thing against their little system of democracy or the exact same situation will play out.
Goodbye. It's been quite an experience owning thing place for half a year.
@everyone|LunarShadows' goobye to OkBR - April 5, 2019}}
After making his goodbye message, he was demodded and promptly banned from the server. Many of the old moderators chose to resign after this, including [[Venomi]], Dun, [[Koolguy]], and [[Squidplumber]].
Tobias remained head admin. He would later sucumb to his strange urges, deleting the mod chat history and pinging everyone with a "You was at the club" but Five Nights at Freddy's meme.
===GrantVsZombies' OkBR2===
Grant's OkBR2 was quite quiet, with his main interactions being an attempt to bring the Discord Server and subreddit closer together. This was catastrophic and would eventually lead to the [[Okbr2 Subreddit Split]] and the birth of FunnyOmega, the short lived name for the server that's now known as [[Whenthe]].
For this servers history after the subreddit split, check out the [[Whenthe Timeline]].
==OkBuddyRetard 3 (January 17 - May 31, 2020)==
===Early OkBR3 History===
After the eventual split of OkBR2 from the subreddit, and it eventually becoming [[Whenthe]] a new OkBR discord appeared, the "unnukable" one, this is also the server that birthed [[Irony Hub]].
When OkBR3 was created, the ban list was completely wiped.  Many infamous banned users from OKBR2 such as Doctor Penez and LTC rejoined the community. Superiority over role supremacy was quite prevalent. OKBR3 had an extremely active vc, with very common community game nights, mostly jackbox. During times of rising tension against mods, they would often be an annoyance, such as frequently dragging/disconnecting people at random from the vc, the vc and no mic text channels were almost entirely unmoderated. Pornographic content being streamed in vc and posted in the no mic channel wasn't uncommon. There were a few small spinoff servers based off of the activities of the VC community, such as an OkBR terraria discord server and Pansmith's temmie village server/
===Doctor Penez's Shenanigans===
With many moderation failings, a very angry elite userbase. And much tension between the users and moderators. A cold war started. The main figureheads of the Cold War include
* [[Doctor Penez]]
* [[GrantVsZombies]]
* Moderation team
* [[Dkaih35]]
* [[Moe Lester]]
* [[Gamer]]
* Other active users
Things stay relatively sane, until Dr.Penez, the insane troller he was, is fed up with the OkBR3 Elitism. He decides to ping everyone and let all members into the meta talk. From now on the chat was free use, this resulted in the sacret chat of #meta-talk being infested with CRINGE normies.
This made much of the Elite mad, as expected. three users, Dkaih35, Moe Lester, and Gamers would create three separate discord servers. Spin offs only for the elites of OkBR3, flourishing with peace.
With Penez Further destroying the server and pissing off more and more of the elite things got even worse, a new command being introduced that had a bug. It allowed everyone to mention any role, this of course led to some unforseen consequences. 400+ Pings and 25+ Bans, this had resulted in another spike in the OkBR3 Cold War, though the server had end of the year exams, which definetly led to a drop in the user activity, reducing the tension of the cold war. But with new moderator applications coming, Hell would arise! Upon discovering that the new moderators were randoms who joined just month ago, and that it was to fight "elitism". As you may know, the elites were furious. If things couldn't get worse, one of the new moderators had a discord anime girl profile picture, it was also Doctor Penez's alt account. Oh the humanity!
===The Mets Nuke - 4/24/2020===
The OkBR Brackets, in the weeks leading to 4/24 in which users would be able to vote for their favorite OkBR discord user, in the morning of that day the final brackets were held. [[Jafi]] against the infamous [[Moe Lester]]. He was losing by a couple of votes, and so he decided to ping the buddy role in order to get people to vote for him. This was around 500 people. This led to the Staff's decision to ban moe from OkBR3. This leads to long riots that would lead to hundreds of people being muted as well as one moderator taking a temporary leave, but moe was unbanned. And all was temporarily good. Until, one longtime mod, [[Mets]], is prompted to make a new role. He accidentally gives this role to every single user. This role had administrative abilities, at first people didn't realize that they had this role. But when they did, chaos arose from the ground. People started pinging @everyone and this attracted around 8 Thousand users, at this point the mod channels were revealed, thousands of N words, channel deletions, bans. many bots that were the brain of the server were kicked, people who never talked in the server decide to post their porn folders full of degenerate and hardcore abhorrent porn in every text channel they could find. People also changed the server icon to insane stuff. At this point all hope was honestly lost. Until one person deleted the new role, an unknown hero. Effectively ending the nuke and all of the chaos, there was still fallout to deal with, people learned that it was Mets who did this devious deed, he told everyone that it was an accident and resigned from his poisition in shame. The staff did their best to restore the server, but it was nearly impossible as most of the channels were deleted, many users left the server and a few mods quit. Kronik, a server moderator, gets a huge list of people who deleted channels, posted porn, pinged everyone, etc. and banned all of them, leading to about 100 users being permabanned. In order to prevent spam the staff only allows a handful of users to post messages, by the time the clock hit 12 AM most of the spam and chaos had been contained and when the morning of 4/25 rolled around, most users were allowed to post.
[[File:Imageb.png|thumb|500x500px|Users Destroying OkBR3 During the Mets Nuke]]
'''The Infamous Mets Nuke Caused:'''
* 2 longtime moderators resigning
* 1 moderator eventually being banned
* Hundreds of tags, emotes and channel history being lost.
[[File:Imaget.png|thumb|391x391px|First IronyHub Banner]]
* Tons of popular users leaving, 2 thousand in general leaving the server.
* Dozens of people being uanned
===IronyHub - OkBR3's Greatest Enemy - 5/25/2020===
Just a month after the infamous Mets nuke, the worst day in OkBR History emerged. 3 well known users, Moe Lester, Gamer and Dkaih35 left due to constant mod abuse in the discord. Many of the active users symphatized with the others for doing so. Really fed up with the abuse several members of the elite combined their respective discord servers into one, big server called [[Irony Hub]]. The crossroads between worlds, the greatest creation of the Human Civilizations yet.
The community was created so users could have a mod abuse, gay pornography and drama free OkBResque experience. As the server was still in infant stage. Some [[dogelore]] mods seeing the Irony Hub potential partnered with the server. This gave the server a good member boost as well as some nitro boosters.
Dkaih35 then openly declared war on the OkBR Admins, He needed to FUEL the users' anger against the staff menace. And how to do that better than a speech? Thus, Dkaih35, unleashed perhaps one of the most beautiful essays yet.
{{Quote|I have a message for us all today. The time has come for a new place for people to congregate. Okbuddyretard has just become a shithole, and we're gonna make this better. Mods will no longer have power to do everything and will receive punishments  for screwing  up. We will not have childish circlejerks that only have  stupid people continue because they are brainless. I left the server tonight because I'm done with moderator abuse screwing up my community that I've loved for so long. I'm taking it in my own  hands. I enjoy talking to everybody on the server who's worth having [???]. We need people who are willing to stick with us to make a change for the better. No moderators will be allowed to do things like making an alt account and deleting all the mods from the server, uh, spam pinging everybody multiple times, or even nuking the server. Nobody's gonna be allowed to do that without repercussions. I highly recommend leaving OKBR3 to send a message to the moderators that their behaviour is not ok, and we're not gonna tolerate it. Thanks to everybody who plans to stick around with us for the new future, and a higher quality community. Welcome to the future.|Dkaih35}}
But this only led to controversy and relentless mockery in the entire irony community, [[Whenthe]],[[Dogelore]],[[Bruhmoment]]. Dkaih became a laughing stock and now his only safe space was Irony Hub. This was a point of no return.
The original idea was to make Irony Hub a hub between all irony servers, if only...
=== The Death Of OkBR - 5/31/2020===
With the tiredom of the OkBR3 moderators, that they had to deal for years now. Constant grooming, pedophile allegations and other strange scandals, raids and nukes. They figured that they would have to end it all and begin a new server. On May 31, the moderators completely erased the server after another nuke began. [[GrantVsZombies]], having no other choice, deleted OkBR3 from existence.
[[File:OkBR3 nuke.mp4|center|thumb|OkBR3's audit log during its final moments.|500x281px]]
== OkBuddyRetard 4 (June 19, 2020 - April 7, 2022) ==
===Inter Limbo Period And OkBR4===
The Inter Limbo Period describes an era in which there was no official OkBR server, it lasted nearly three weeks. With many small clique servers rising during this time there were two that managed to take the most users in. The [[Penez Dimension]] as well as [[Irony Hub]].
After a long wait a fourth server was made on June 19, 2020. The server lacked many things such as activity roles, proper channels, and other things that were generally thought of when thinking of an OkBR server.
This also helped the future rise of [[Irony Hub]]. As users missed what the old OkBR was and seeked that experience again.
===End Of OkBR4 - 4/07/2022 ===
Many users who were not satisfied with the fourth server left for IronyHub, this left a discord server with almost no active users and constant rule breaks, it was decided that the server's future would be decided with a mod vote, the only user who voted against the decision to delete the server was [[Doctor Penez]]. He then invited multiple subreddit mods, made them admin, and demoted the admin to mod. At first the mods were just trolling, but then the server got nuked. Then it was deleted on the 7th of April 2022.
Video of the nuke
==Intermediary Period (April 7, 2022 - April 21, 2023)==
Many have thought that OkBR 4 would be the last OkBR due to the events that took place that caused the downfall of OkBR 4. A bit before OkBR4 was deleted. [[transam33o]] made a server called Troll Termainal (now known as [[Awesome Planet]]) as a splitoff to OkBR4 because of the sub mods, multiple active users leaving, and to make a better server. It gained around 80 members in the day of opening and it currently has over 700 members and is decently active.
==OkBuddyRetard 5 (April 21, 2023 - present)==
=== Founding of OkBR5 ===
On November 16, 2022, Myszak created a private server named 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝔃𝓪𝓴 𝓓𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷. In April 2023, he became a subreddit moderator of r/okbuddyretard, and on April 21, the server was renamed to '''r/OkBR'''. Myszak invited a few users and subreddit mods to the server to become staff members, namely GrantVsZombies, [[killthekaiser]], [[Text101]], and [[coolest]]. On April 22nd, 2023, 1:20:15 AM UTC, a sudden [https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyretard/comments/12upthd/introducing_the_newer_and_better_okbr_discord/ announcement] was made about the brand new OkBR server. 4 minutes later, Myszak announced the server on the [[Irony Server Wiki Discord]]. It gained over 100 members within 24 hours of opening.
Myszak partnered with several irony servers in the first weeks of the server's life. This helped the server grow massively during that period, notably with [[OkBhaiBudbak]] and [[OkDraugeDebile]] gaining the server around 70 members on the days they were partnered.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|+List of servers partnered with OkBuddyRetard 5
!Date partnered
|[[69SwagBalls420|69SwagBalls420 Cord]]
|April 23, 2023
|[[Irony Server Wiki Discord]]
|April 23, 2023
|Also owned by Myszak.
|April 25, 2023
|The "Indian OkBR".
|April 28, 2023
|April 28, 2023
|May 3, 2023
|The "Lithuanian OkBR".
|May 6, 2023
| The "German OkBR".
|May 8, 2023
|[[Dogelore Refugee Ark|r/dogelore Refugee Ark]]
|July 5, 2023
|A smaller but still official r/dogelore server.
|July 10, 2023
|The “Romanian OkBR”.
|<s>July 19, 2023</s>
|Partnership rescinded the following day.
|July 23, 2023
|Official server of r/2asia4u.
|[[Shid and Camed]]
|August 15, 2023
|Official server of r/shid_and_camed.
On April 24, the server reached Level 1. #serious, the channel for discussion over heavy topics, was deleted on April 25, 2023 due to inactivity. Level 2 was reached on April 28, and Level 3 on May 5. The day OkBR5 reached Level 3, the custom invite was set to '''atheism''' (as it couldn't be set to "okbr", despite no server owning it at the time). Two days later, the invite was changed to '''teamfortress''' after a server named Atheism requested the atheism vanity. Two days after that, on May 9, the invite was changed to '''ragecomics'''. On May 13, [[Saucy]] announced the opening of an [[BuddyCraft|OkBuddyRetard Minecraft server]].
=== OkBR Summer Seasonal Event ===
[[File:SUMMER2023.png|thumb|400x400px|The June 11th announcement image.]]
The server reached 1,000 members on June 11, 2023, 51 days after its opening. The same day, the [[2023 OkBuddyRetard Summer Seasonal Event|OkBR Summer Seasonal Event]] was announced, including a Subreddit competition, an OkBR equivalent to [[PixelPlanet.fun]] and r/place, Janitor applications, a revival of the Minecraft server, possible new merch, an official OkBR bot, and an AMA with Big Chungus. The following day, [[Lemonade1947]], the co-owner of the subreddit, joined the server due to the subreddit blackout.
{{Quote|Economy Event
Through farming Buddy Coins, Gambling with them, and robbing other members of the server you will be able to buy special roles, subreddit flairs, and other fun things, aswell as change the subreddit's look, and some stuff in the discord too (WHAT?!)
Indeed, some purchasable items will give you the ability to : Add an image widget onto the sub for a duration of time, have your own post / message pinned for a certain amount of time on the subreddit, and so on... <br> <br> This event will be hosted from the 20th, until next month / whenever every item from the shop gets sold (There's a lot of them)|Myszak's announcement explaining the Economy Event (June 13, 2023)}}
The "BuddyCraft Revival" actually occurred on June 16, when the server was updated and partnered with Whenthe. Janitor applications began on June 18,  allowing anyone with the Ok role or above to apply. The Summer event officially began on June 20. This added an economy bot, [https://unbelievaboat.com/ UnbelievaBoat], giving users lots of perks available to purchase using Buddycoins. This also included the "Big Chungus AMA" mentioned in the June 11 announcement. The same day, [[1moretr4sh]], [[The]], [[Trax]], and [[Warmest]] were promoted to Janitor after applying. On June 22, killthekaiser resigned from the Mod team and left the server. The same day, the "subreddit competition" began, turning out to be a banned meme competiton. The thing turned out to be pretty unpopular, with no one showing enthusiasm in the [https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyretard/comments/14gi0wd/banned_meme_competition_summer_2023/ announcement post], and Myszak deleted it sometime later. On June 29, BuddyCraft partnered with [[OkBuddyChicanery|r/okbuddychicanery]], adding its third subreddit to the Minecraft server.
The Discord server celebrated the Fourth of July by adding a USA-themed icon made by The. The following day, during a 2-day growth stagnation, OkBR5 partnered with the r/dogelore Refugee Ark, a secondary official server for r/dogelore with just under 200 members at the time. Myszak was in talks to add r/bonehurtingjuice and r/yescompanionimbecil to BuddyCraft, but stepped back after being met with opposition by Saucy, [[Seiya]], and [[Sotarnicus]], 3 out of the 4 moderators of the Minecraft server, with Sotarnicus saying “We got enough problems already”.
On July 7, Coolest changed the custom invite to '''okbr''' after the Federal Troll Agency was nuked. However, Myszak changed it back to '''ragecomics''' 30 minutes later, due to it giving the server 250 members in 2 months. On July 9, 1moretr4sh became the first user to reach 1,000,000 Buddycoins in the Economy Event, albeit with no intention of purchasing a 1-day ban on someone. On July 10, The was added to the BuddyCraft mod team, and OkBuddyRetard partnered with [[OkPrietenRetardat]], the “Romanian OkBR”, bringing over 20 new users within 24 hours of the partnership. The same day, [[Gun Luigi]] officially abandoned the OkBR Garry's Mod source map project after weeks of inactivity, with the channel being sent to the archives. Early into July 11, [[Dirknius]] and [[Nouveau Postmodern Caracal]] were made moderators of BuddyCraft.
==== Ban of Cygnotto, End of the Event ====
[[Cygnotto]], also known as Coqui, was a very active user on the server for about two months, earning himself the "Ok" and "Buddy" roles there. On July 18, 2023 he was banned from OkBR due to his controversial and "degenerate" history in past servers, mainly his past actions on Irony Hub. The banning of such an active user stirred up some tension among the server's members, causing active users such as Cmonster, 1moretr4sh and [[sexyboyy69420]] to leave that day, although only the last of them didn't rejoin moments later. This, however, seemed to have began a stagnate period of server activity, shifting its remaining center of activity closer to its Minecraft server and its drama. The leaving of active and well-liked users such as [[Goorm]] and [[Calcuiator]] earlier that month also contributed to the decline.
On July 19, 2023, with <s>one</s> two days of the event remaining, Myszak restocked everything except for the One of a kind Vanity Role, and increased the rewards given from work, slut, and crime. That same day, OkBR5 reached 1,500 members, and subsequently partnered with [[OkBuddyReiner]], an irony server about Attack on Titan. Unfortunately, the partnership was rescinded the next day after the owner came online, but it still gained the server about 40 members. On July 21, 2023, Myszak kicked UnbelievaBoat, officially ending the summer event.
=== Post-Summer Event ===
Myszak began reviving Gun Luigi's idea of a GMod map project on July 21.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=July 21, 2023 at 11:47 UTC|content=Last to leave OkBR hqs on Source 2 Wins 10 $ !!|server=r/OkBR|channel=irony-alerts|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1042564237945479208/1131915360283672577}}</ref> However, it was instead announced the next day to be on S&Box, which runs on the Source 2 engine.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=July 22, 2023 at 14:30 UTC|content=<@&1042624059495694437> Hello!
> I am in the process of making an OkBR Source 2 map. It is for a game known as S&Box, think of it as Garry's mod 2 but also squished together with Roblox and there's more freedom in making things. The map will also potentially be ported to the Source engine used for Garry's mod, TF2, and etc...
You can send me suggestions in <#1132317734454173746>, the map itself might be a bit similar to something like HARBL HOTEL, an OkBR themed map, with references to it's history, lore, community, and also other things. Whenever S&box releases / the map gets ported to the Source engine we can host gamenights on this map for various gamemodes!|server=r/OkBR|channel=irony-alerts|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1042564237945479208/1132318881470484500}}</ref> The GMod map channel was reopened, renamed to #okbr-source-2-map, and a #map-suggestions channel was created for users to come up with ideas for the project.
On July 22, 2023, [[The Irony Hub]], a spiritual successor to Irony Hub with direct ties to the server's former staff members, was opened, becoming another factor in OkBR5's declining activity. OkBR partnered with TalkAsia, the official Discord server of r/2Asia4u, on July 23.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=July 23, 2023 at 18:22 UTC|content=https://discord.com/invite/9qXjrSK2r8
Official server of r/2asia4u, mainly an asian shitposting server. Join.
<@&1042624059495694437>|server=r/OkBR|channel=partnerships|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1099043736635330620/1132739600461344768}}</ref> The server finally removed its Fourth of July icon on August 3, replacing it with a psychidellic icon created by Myszak which remained until August 13. On August 14, The was suddenly and quietly promoted to Mod. The following day, OkBR partnered with r/shid_and_camed's Discord server, gaining about 90 members in 24 hours as well as a long-needed activity boost.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=August 15, 2023 at 22:00 UTC|content=Official discord server of r/shid_and_camed. We've been partnered on reddit for a while but now it's time for the discord servers. Let us shit and cum.
1moretr4sh was promoted to Mod on August 30, 2023. The following day, Lemonade1947 left. Mets left on September 14, possibly related to being demoted in The Irony Hub a few days prior. On October 2, [[Hexnano]] left as well.
=== Halloween Event ===
OkBR5 reached 2,000 members on September 29, 2023. Like the previous thousand milestone, Myszak announced another seasonal event, the Halloween 2023 Seasonal Event, on the same day. This event brought back the economy channels, as well as adding an anonymous #confessions channel and a [https://www.yourworldoftext.com/~Myszak/okbuddy World of Text page], because Myszak couldn't get the server's own PixelPlanet clone that people actually wanted.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=September 29, 2023 at 21:16 UTC|content=Hello, we have reached two thousand members. That's awesome, the server has had already gone through a lot for sure.
## Announcing the Halloween 2023 Seasonal OkBR event.
*Jumbo Josh, Skibidi Toilet and Banban, i bet these words give you a terrible pain in your mind... Imagining these scary monsters trying to attack you...*
What exactly will be in this event?
> Confessions Channel
A timed Confessions Channel will be made, where users will be able to FULLY anonymously submit their confessions, these can be anything, and also cannot be pretty much traced back. So you can write the most unimaginably horrible shit ever there and not be punished, however it's only limited to text so whatever. The channel is already in the server but i've been waiting for an opportunity to release it.
> Murder Games
Hunger games, user submitted characters fight in an arena.
> OkBR World of Text
( https://www.yourworldoftext.com/~Myszak/okbuddy ) will be released for everyone in the subreddit to write stuff in, make ASCII art and so on.
> **Meme Brackets**
Users on the discord server and subreddit will be able to vote on their favorite OkBR memes in a bracket like tournament, im pretty curious to see what will be the most famous OkBR meme... Maybe it's <:obamacrying:1100032224411254875> or <:doge:1100159706900734093> who knows.
> **Minecraft Server**
The minecraft server is still being hosted, check it out at <#1106826325580324904>!
Peace out buddies. To the newcomers here, maybe you can start talking in this server here it'd be pretty fucking "zased" <:mexicanperson:1107007019308830720>|server=r/OkBR|channel=irony-alerts|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1042564237945479208/1157425739939987537}}</ref> A bracket contest of the best r/okbuddyretard memes was also announced, called "Meme Brackets", set to begin on October 28.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=October 21, 2023 at 2:20 UTC|content=> I have had this question for a bit of time, what exactly is the most beloved "OkBR meme" a meme that originates from the subreddit, or atleast had been popularised by the subreddit. A bracket of the most popular OkBR memes shall be hosted with many polls within the sub. The most popular meme will... I don't know, maybe it could become a new flair or something, or perhaps a new widget on the subreddit could be added, appreciating such beautiful meme.
You can DM me and suggest a meme to be added, worry not i've already made a large list of these. Taking into consideration many various arts of memeology... I know, im such an expert.
<:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704> <:retardgold:613918534858440704>|server=r/OkBR|channel=meme-brackets-info|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1165108389307764916/1165112340333740053}}</ref><ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=October 21, 2023 at 2:21 UTC|content=**Meme Brackets will begin being hosted NEXT WEEK (28.10.2023) Each poll will have some memes to choose from, the winning ones will go onto further stages, and vice versa.**|server=r/OkBR|channel=meme-brackets-info|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1165108389307764916/1165112652268310629}}</ref> Submissions for a "Murder Games" event using the Bransteele Hunger Games Simulator, similar to Awesome Planet's [[The Bongar Games|Bongar Games]], were opened on October 21, set to begin during the week of Halloween.<ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=October 21, 2023 at 2:25 UTC|content=Murder Games are a simulation game, using the Bransteele Hunger Games Simulator, where users submit their characters to fight until there's only one left. Murder Games also have themes which users have to follow in order to have their character to be in the hungry games. After a hungry game ends users vote for a random theme chosen by the hungry game hosters or the users.
The Theme of the upcoming games are things that are HALLOWEEN RELATED. Scary, Spooky, etc.|server=r/OkBR|channel=murder-games|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1165105916027342920/1165113677071011880}}</ref><ref>{{Cite message|author=myszakszyszak|date=October 21, 2023 at 2:26 UTC|content=Submit here : <#1165113465757761596>
Games will happen ~ Next Week.|server=r/OkBR|channel=murder-games|link=https://discord.com/channels/1042560991206068295/1165105916027342920/1165113765415632956}}</ref> For unknown reasons, both of these events have been quietly delayed indefinitely. However, submissions for both remain open.
On October 28, 2023, Mets suddenly rejoined and was instantly re-promoted to Mod thanks to Saucy. Warmest promoted himself to mod again using commands on November 21, 2023, and was simply allowed to keep the role from that point forward. The vanity was changed to /okbr at some point around this time.
=== Mini-nuke and aftermath ===
On November 26, 2023, due to disagreements with the higher-ups and other members of staff team, as well as what he saw as the server decreasing in quality and activity, the moderator The decided to start some havoc before leaving. He pruned members who hadn't logged in for 1 week, as well as made r/, the most common role on the server with over 800 members at the time, pingable for everyone. After posting a gif of the character [https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Ai_Haibara Ai Haibara] from the anime series ''[[wikipedia:Case_Closed|Detective Conan]]'' (known in the west as ''Case Closed'') saying goodbye, The pinged r/ and promptly left the server. After ensuing some confusion, a few users began spamming the r/ role, some with porn and advertisements to The Irony Hub, leading to it being mentioned 186 times total. Over 370 members were lost, bringing the member count from around 2,199 to the 1,820s.
In the aftermath of the mini-nuke, The was immediately banned, along with some users who spammed r/, most of whom were soon unbanned. The continues to be banned to this day and will most likely stay that way due to Myszak's lasting resentment towards him. The server recieved a small activity spike in the days following the nuke, but it quickly plummeted after most of the remaining active members migrated to [[Bazzy]]'s server, [[Can win with great friends]]. Bazzy was soon banned for promoting his server, despite being one of OkBR's most active members at the time. OkBR's #general had a total message count of 37,413 during November 2023, followed by 7,969 during December 2023 and 2,663 during January 2024 (counted on February 10, 2024). Soon after the mini-nuke, OkBR lost level 3, and even lost Level 2 for over a month. CWWGF took the /ragecomics vanity in December, which remained linked in OkBR's #info channel until Myszak finally edited it out on January 7, 2024.
On January 28, 2024, Myszak created [https://steamcommunity.com/groups/okbrgroup a Steam group] for OkBR and pinged everyone about it, leading it to grow to a total of 26 members after 2 weeks of existence.
== References ==

Revision as of 23:41, 16 October 2024

Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into Antarctica. Throw niggers off the boat. Pressurize niggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a nigger's ass. Falcon-punch a nigger in the face. Make niggers into fiction. Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail niggers to a cross and stab them. Run over niggers with a tank feet-first. Crush niggers with a press. Attack niggers with acid. Boil niggers in a pan. Lock niggers inside a brazen bull. Burn niggers alive. Drag niggers across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on niggers. Quarter niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. Tenderize niggers with a mallet. Ionise niggers in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate niggers in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify niggers in a black hole. Curse niggers with the necronomicon. Trap niggers in purgatory. Bang a niggers testicles with a spiked bat. Throw niggers off a twelve story building. Freeze dry niggers in the vacuum of space. Fry niggers with power lines. Feed niggers ricin. Kneecap a nigger with a twelve gauge. Re enslave niggers. Sell niggers organs on the black market. Run niggers over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw niggers into the grand canyon. Burn niggers with jet engine exhaust. Beat niggers to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a niggers asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice niggers to the sun god. Drop niggers out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed niggers to sharks. Load a nigger into a cannon and shoot the nigger at a concrete wall. Keel Haul niggers under a galleon. Disembowel niggers with a bayonet. Strap a nigger to a cruise missile and launch it at a nigger neighbourhood. Drop niggers into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter niggers. Lure niggers in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a nigger to learn calculus, then kill the nigger anyway. Atomize niggers with a powerfist. Throw niggers into vats full of FEV virus. Choke niggers with barbed wire. Throw pianos at niggers from 40-story buildings. Throw niggers at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze niggers in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie niggers to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot niggers with syringe guns. Defecate on nigger food stamps. Make niggers pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire niggers into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on niggers then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate niggers with depleted uranium. Launch a nigger with a trebuchet. Send a nigger exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a nigger as a crash test dummy. Tie niggers onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a nigger. Trample niggers. Bury niggers alive. Play bowling with niggers heads as pins. Grate niggers with a cheese grater. Get niggers stuck in an elevator. Spray a niggers toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a nigger directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a niggers parachute. Sabotage a niggers bungee. Trap a nigger under ice. Force a nigger to work and support a family of 5. Force niggers into gladiatorial combat. Send niggers back to warring African tribes. Hide a snake in a niggers room. Put niggers on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a niggers organs. Waterboard niggers with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay niggers. Tie niggers to train tracks. Put laxatives in their koolaid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on niggers. Gibbet niggers. Tie a lightning rod to a niggers head during a storm. Lure niggers into suicide pods. Bury niggers neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending niggers to it. Stir niggers into cement. Squeeze niggers through a chain link fence. Hack niggers socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a nigger. Microwave a niggers head. Suck a nigger into pool drainage ass first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a niggers basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby nigger in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash niggers black skin. Play games with niggers jigsaw style. Trim a niggers nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a nigger to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a nigger in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a niggers bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a nigger and serve nigga patties to other niggers. Feed a nigger viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a niggers dildo. Stone niggers. Tranquilize niggers and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from niggers. Throw a nigger down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to niggers. Pimp-slap niggers into airplane turbines. Displace niggers in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a nigger a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on niggers at maximum voltage. Give niggers sentient brain parasites. Give niggers over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave niggers out for vultures. Drive a nigger into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a nigger. Strap niggers on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap niggers to a judas cradle. Blast niggers with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy niggers. Whip niggers into obedience. Slingshot a nigger into orbit. Rocket niggers into the sun. Stir-fry niggers in a wok. Bite a nigger and drink their blood. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Unscrew a nigger's head off. Bake niggers into nigger-pizza. Arrest niggers for no reason. Electrocute niggers. Curb stomp pregnant niggers. Beat a nigger up. Slice a nigger up and wear their skin. Set niggers on fire. Spin niggers around until they puke. Tie niggers to a train track. Karate kick a nigger in the testicles. Stomp nigger skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil niggers into a broth. Deep fry niggers. Fourth-trimester abortions for niggers. Blend niggers in a blender. Snap a nigger's neck. Throw niggers off buildings. Send aliens to abduct niggers. Force niggers to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush niggers with anvils. Throw niggers off of rooftops. Incinerate niggers. Starve niggers. Blow niggers up with dynamite. Gulp niggers. Feast on nigger eyeballs. Cave in a nigger's skull. Kiss a nigger to death. Peel a nigger like a banana. Wipe out nigger tribes. Deny niggers into Heaven. Freeze niggers in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a nigger. Lock on to niggers with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a nigger. Ferment niggers into stew. Ensnare niggers. Nark on niggers to the army. Cause a total nigger purge. Jam a nigger into a geyser. Axe murder a nigger. Unleash Smelvin upon niggers. Put niggers on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total nigger death.

