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| defunct = June 11th, 2021
| defunct = June 11th, 2021
| founder = [[Wry]]
| founder = [[Wry]]
}}The Federal Troll Agency was a server made by [[Wry]] on May 18th 2020, it was largely known to be somewhat removed from the main irony server sphere. FTA is more closely linked to another Discord history known as Theno Lore which you can learn more about [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qtsxoxqpubc-w3j4w35YYf1XntbGx6nI6lJyM9BlzFg/edit#heading=h.j2vvbmws337a here] The server lasted until June 11th, 2021 after being nuked for a final time by a rival server known as Gondal with the help of various FTA mods such as Zokluke and Wigwav. The history of FTA has been divided into seasons by the admins.
}} [[File:ImageSSS.png|thumb]]

== Pages about FTA ==
* CIA Agent : [to three prisoners]  The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!  [grabs a hood]   CIA Agent : Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?  [No answer, the agent fires his gun away from the prisoner's head]  CIA Agent : He didn't fly so good!  [pulls the hood back into the plane]  CIA Agent : Who wants to try next?  [grabs another prisoner]   CIA Agent : Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask? A lot of loyalty, for a hired gun!  Bane : Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?  CIA Agent : At least you can talk. Who are you?  Bane : It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan. [the Agent removes the hood]   Bane : No one cared who I was until I put on the mask. CIA Agent : If I pull that off, would you die?  Bane : It would be extremely painful. CIA Agent : You're a big guy!  Bane : For you. CIA Agent : Was getting caught part of your plan?  Bane : Of course... Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to find out what he told you. Dr. Pavel : Nothing! I said nothing!  CIA Agent : Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?  Bane : Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
* [Uzbekistani Army soldiers carrying Dr. Pavel greet a CIA agent and several Special Ops soldiers]  CIA Agent : Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA. [shakes hands with Dr. Pavel]   Barsad : He wasn't alone. [motions to three hooded prisoners he has brought alone]  CIA Agent : Uh... you don't get to bring friends. Dr. Pavel : They are not my friends. Barsad : Don't worry, no charge for them. CIA Agent : And why would I want them?  Barsad : They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man... CIA Agent
* [[Federal Troll Agency/List of FTA admins and mods|List of FTA admins and mods]]
: Bane?  [the driver nods]   CIA Agent : Get him on board, I'll call it in.
* [[Federal Troll Agency/Roles|FTA Roles]]
* [[FTA Screenshots]]
== Season 1 (May 18th 2020 - June 26th 2020) ==
The server was originally founded as a sub-server to The Theno Empire that would be used to troll as the name suggests. However the server quickly developed into its own thing with its own members separate from The Theno Empire. [[Bangshakalaka]] joined during the first couple weeks of the server's life and was awarded admin by [[Wry]] since he thought Bang was pretty funny. The two would become best Discord friends for two years before sadly falling out in mid 2021. The server would continue to grow at a steady pace but [[Wry]] would decide to give owner to Mamba for unknown reasons.
== Season 2 (June 26th - October 12th 2020) ==
The first of many nukes would happen when the server received a warning from Discord which led to the admins deleting every channel to destroy all the evidence. Unspiteful joined during this time who would become very liked for boosting around 16 times. [[Wry]] started experimenting with making music starting off by making a meme album that released on October 10th. 2020 which is now unlisted. He is now attempting to take it more serious and is working very closely with Zokluke to make his debut mixtape "Judgement Day: The Day of The Pizza". Unspiteful would beef with [[Bangshakalaka]] for a while which eventually got to the point where Unspiteful crafted his very own nuke bot with help from his friends, including very important Theno Lore character Heckknok. They nuked on October 12th, 2020 making them the first FTA antagonists.
== Season 3 (October 12th - December 24th 2020) ==
The server is rebuilt and all returns to normal. During Among Us' peak a hacker known as [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Q0n7VGjyfnTplVfU9bblw Eris Loris] joined hundreds of thousands games and spammed the link to discord.gg/transgenders. It is unknown whether or not the server had anything to do with the hacking or was just a server Eris wanted to send harassment to. The server was deleted a couple hours after the hack occurred. [[Lul]] had the idea to take the vanity so FTA could gain a lot of members really quickly which is exactly what happened. The hack was already long over by the time [[Lul]] had this idea but a few thousand members still joined. The server started dying so [[Wry]], Bang, Dawn, and Almawt had the idea to fake a nuke and blame it on Bjchoyce for apparently zero reason. The nuke did bring some activity to the server for a little bit but people eventually found out so it died down again. There were attempts to create replacement servers like Siper's "LOL ZONE", which [[Moe Lester|Moe_]] was very invested in, and [[Wry]] and [[Bangshakalaka|Bangshakalaka's]] "The Official Server". However none of them worked out for very long.
== Season 4 (December 24th 2020 - January 26th 2021) ==
[[File:Olivierr Criticizes Lul .jpg|thumb|420x420px|Olivierr is very upset with how Lul is running The Federal Troll Agency]]
The server is at its lowest point so Mamba decides he is going to give the server to someone else. [[Wry]] nukes again for unknown reasons and is demoted. The server is eager to see who will get owner next. Rumors start going around but eventually it is revealed that [[Lul]] would be the new owner of FTA. [[Lul]] is criticized by some members for not doing a lot to revive the server. [[Lul|Lul's]] biggest critic was Olivierr who was one of the new mods. [[Lul]] would not listen to Olivierr and instead would give owner to Fishes who was a long time admin and very loyal to FTA. [[Wry]] is repromoted but is immediately tricked by Gondals to give them mod which they would use to nuke.
== Season 5 (January 26th 2021 - March 1st 2021) ==
The server seems to be on its last leg after months of inactivity. Fishes gets convinced by [[Bangshakalaka]] to let him back into the server after being exiled during [[Lul|Lul's]] ownership. Bang eventually convinces Fishes to give him fake owner so he could lead the server and form it into what he's always wanted it to look like. In the first couple of days of Bang being "owner", [[Diogo]] gives [[Irony Hub|Irony Hub's]] discord.gg/cum vanity to FTA. Bang and FTA in general have always been about quantity over quality which is a ideology that would continue through the many FTA servers to come. This was the opposite of what [[Irony Hub]] believed in so the trade was a perfect idea. The vanity immdedialty revives the server with almost all of its most memorable members joining through the vanity. [[Wry|Wry's]] second meme album drops known as "Whole Lotta Wry" which gets a lot of gifs made about it. On February 17th, the admins discover named "Minecraft Community Server" which was a scam server where you were able to buy ads for up to $200. They were trading vanities with discord.gg/joebiden which FTA decided to steal before they could take it. The cum vanity is safe with [[LTC]] while this heroic act was going on. It turns out that the gg/joebiden server was actually full of evil hackers who were the same people who hacked the owner of the infamous Obama server. FTA gets a lot of praise from many professional Discord owners which sent FTA into the mainstream.
[[Bangshakalaka]] is growing impatient as he waits for Fishes to give him owner for real. On March 1st, [[Bangshakalaka|Bang]], [[Wry]], and R.Thom get in voice chat and come up with a plan. Bang would demand Fishes give him owner and if he refuses, [[Wry]] and R.Thom would nuke the server to completion. R.Thom decides to snitch before the plan can be put into action. [[Wry]] and [[Bangshakalaka|Bang]] are demoted and fury sparks throughout the members of FTA since they were the most popular admins. A multitude of groupchats are made as to who should get owner and after many debates, [[Bangshakalaka]] becomes the new owner of the Federal Troll Agency. The server is split as people both celebrate and riot at the news.  
== Season 6 (March 1st 2021 - May 18th 2021) ==
The server is the most active its ever been thanks to [[Bangshakalaka]]. Sadly the server receives two more strikes and is nuked once again. The grim reaper of all irony servers, chessman, joins and makes about 1,000 alts to raid the server. He would do this for a couple of days and is eventually revealed to be a very young boy. Gondal members Unspiteful, Heckknok, and Doctor Theno have had an alt account named "Bored" which they use to catfish [[Bangshakalaka]]. They ended up using his feelings to nuke the server.  
Bang goes on break for a little bit and gives owner to [[Wry]] and Goth gf while he's away. Goth gf gives admin to Trollmaster, an infamous Gondal, for mere milliseconds but he still manages to add a nuke bot named Loric Tron to the server. He gets Loric to activate it a few hours later and yet another FTA nuke occurs. [[Wry]] gets demoted for a little bit and Goth gf gets banned for a day.  
On April 28th, 2021, Bang and Peternity are discussing to trade vanities for a while. MrPie hears this news and tricks Jake101 that he is a middle man in the Peternity and FTA vanity trade. MrPie takes the cum vanity and adds it to his server known as "Dababy" and later "The Cum Palace". FTA admins are devastated at the news but Peternity doesn't do anything about it so they enlist the help of gg/troll owner Moosh to help them. Sadly Moosh is not able to convince them to give the vanity back and since then they have had the vanity.  
== Season 7 (May 18th 2021 - June 11th 2021) ==
[[Bangshakalaka|Bang]] pays some hackers to try to get the vanity back but they scam him hella hard. Someone named Motion raids FTA with a legion of bots and would continue for multiple days. He would later raid the Cum Palace as well. [[Bangshakalaka|Bang]] convinces a mod of the Cum Palace named CIA to ban all the Cum Palace boosters and in return would get mod in FTA. Sadly it does nothing to help the cause. The very next day CIA bans around 600 members in FTA. All hope is lost in regaining the vanity. The downfall of FTA has begun.  
FTA gets the gg/poop vanity which is what they use to this day. FTA goes under 30 boosts and this time Gondal takes the vanity but their server gets deleted not too long after. [[Bangshakalaka|Bang]] tries making the server more strict which makes it even more dead. [[Wry]] makes a new server called [[Kek Zone]] and a lot of FTA members move there. On June 11th 2021, Zokluke uses the custom bots he had in the server to nuke with the aid of some Gondals. Later in the day WigWav nukes again and gives admin to a lot of Gondals and together they ban around 3,000 members. A lot of FTA admins and mods contribute in the nuke and they are all banned. At the end of the nuke the only mods remaining are Goth gf, Kat, and R.Thom. Almost everyone moves to [[Kek Zone]]. [[Bangshakalaka]] would continue to try to revive the server but fails. He later leaves Discord on August 14th, 2021.
== Post FTA ==
[[Kek Zone]] would last a total of 8 days and got 300 members and 60 boosts in that time. On June 16th, 2021, [[Wry|Wry's]] account is deleted which in turn got [[Kek Zone]] deleted too
Kek Zone 2 was made after and would last for exactly 100 days between June 16th 2021 - September 24th. During that time [[BIG ASS DOGE]] would be made which was a rap group comprised of [[Wry]], Zokluke, Jake101, [[Joverica]], Alch, and Kappy. They would drop there debut album "[https://open.spotify.com/album/7A7UbQcyQAOUACsmlZg7nR?si=Vldz1aD3Tx-SnleFIdFCxQ THE BIG ASS DOGE TAPES]" on all streaming platforms on September 29th, 2021. Kek Zone 2 got marked as NSFW so [[Wry]] and Wigwav made a new server called The Greatest Server Ever Made.
GSEM lasted for 218 days between September 24th 2021 - April 30th 2022 and got around 2,000 members. It eventually became boring so [[Wry]] and Zokluke nuked it and made a new server called The Poop Galaxy.
TPG was made on June 28th 2022 and has almost 700 members as of now.