Norman helmuth Eiche

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On June 23rd 2010 at 11:00 o clock. The fatherland gave his father to a son during the johns day in the victory day of estonia. this is the religion of Normandia as we call it: ,,Jaan,, or translated in english john. in that time this history will not be longer than 12 hours of reading. in 2010-2013 everything was peaceful until in 2014-2016 the war happened in his family. that could change a lot. it was called World War Family 3 while Norman was netrual. until in 2016 the war ended they finally divorced and his mom went to far away from his house wich is 56KM. and Norman was occupied by his father because of childrens division of family war. there was 3 brothers and parents. anyways in 2016-2017 everything was too peaceful until the cold war happened with his father and mother fighting each other again. this is just insane that imagine having an divorce but your ex calls the cops on u for divorcing. anyways the war was ended in 2024 wich was 7 years of cold war against his parents fighting each other. (2018-2024). in 2024 his life wasnt going well as it was maybe worse than 2023. let me explain. March 1st - May 1st was one of the most worst times in normans life. he was Gooning 24/7 for addiction wich started in 202 and ended 2024 but anyways. the additction of porn was a real bad situatuion. he lost his intelligence and when he gooned he lost 40 friends and they turned into his enemys. but then the discipline comes out. on May 1st 2024 at 12:00 he read the book called: ,,Cant hurt me,, by david goggins. he quitted the porn in his entire life for good he knew its bad for his heatlh and its not real relationship sex. he was disciplined May 1st to August 4th. and he was the badass strong as fuck like holy shit he strangled one of his bullies in the military camp wtf! anyways yeah so at that time he didnt know whats going on in the society because he was actually in the forest with his mom. and on June 3rd 2024 he came back from tallinn because of family civil war and he escaped from the conflict on April 27th 2024. and what made him tired of this was because of it. World War Family 4 between his father and his step-mother. they are fighting for goal is to occupy his little brother Ernst August Eiche after the divorce in March 1st. the Norman was not happy and decided to be indepentent for avoiding conflicts and wants to be liberal. So he created on June 4th 2024 at 23:30 a country and an flag named: Federal Republic of Normandia. on July 10th 2024 he went to military camping in Estonia and he was fine until his legs were wounded by the battlefield of the game. he came back from Tallinn again somewhere on july 13th or 20th. then he disciplined 24/7 and when he runs 50 Km maximum he saw something in the streets that he was so upset. the LGBTQ and naked men. he was really upset and tries to ignore it while running. while he was running he talked in his mind by saying ,,ugh not the photography ,, and 30 minutes later he decided to protest himself that porn destroys the intelligence and behaviour. but it didnt work so a guy or an protestor from discord added him and invited him to Holy Gondal Empire. he was getting suspicious but he joined anyway. and what he makes him suprise that the server has no gooners or any fetish stuff and so on. he joined the VC and everyone liked his ideas and stuff and norman was happy. and this is it: ,,Rise of FRN,,

Norman Helmuth Eiche on June 4th 2024 at 23:30 o clock after ruling the FRN for the first time.
Norman Helmuth Eiche on June 4th 2024 at 23:30 o clock  after ruling the FRN for the first time.