Xero /zɹ/ also known as "sackboy" is a moderator of Irony Hub who became active after okbr3 was inevitably raped and has been active on Irony Hub since the 26th of May 2021. He is also known for being the leader of the infamous east estate gang during gang wars which has shaped irony hub culture and morals and has been a testament to how all the other gangs were irrelevant and fucking ass!!!!!!

User info
Discord tagxero#7277
Discord ID820492094220402728
Irony Hub
Roles Ironic Edgelord Trollsome Was It Worth It?

Xero time line

III XERO III - okbr3 white name

Banana sackboy -retard role okbr3

Pineapple sackboy - buddy role okbr3

Fancy sackboy - buddy role okbr3

Strawberry sackboy -ok role okbr3 and early irony hub (trollsome trolled trolling)

sackboy - post dkaih nuke and early wiwi

xero- present

Xero being a fair, democratic, and just moderator