A New Url

After a rather long period of the gg/cum Url bringing a couple of not so nice users it was decided that the New Url would be Discord.gg/sus

This did not cause that much hate at first, with the Among us memes being relatively new at the time of the url being set. It also grew the server to unimaginable lengths, from around 11 thousand users, to now 65 thousand.

Start Of Drama

After many users joined the server general did not feel "the same" as it did before the server went "mainstream", much of the active userbase flocked to the #Casual chats, making them relatively active. The new url also led to massive hate and discrimination towards new users. Casual is nowadays known for having the older users whilst general is a place for the newer ones.

The url is hated mainly because of the rulebreaking members it brought, after the meme became stale many people were not fond of the newbies that recently discovered the meme. Many petitions were made in order to change the url, it was planned for the url to become gg/doge but it had been already taken, the petitions could not do anything but show the distaste of the url towards the moderators. All the mass petition spam did was just make the staff despise the petitions channel more.


Nowadays the url is somewhat ignored, members of the server have grown to live with it and without the url the dogelore discord would not be as big and relevant as it is today.