A New Url

After a rather long period of the gg/cum Url bringing a couple of not so nice users it was decided that the New Url would be Discord.gg/sus

This did not cause that much hate at first, with the Among us Memes being relatively new. It also grew the server to unimaginable lenghts, from around 11 thousand users, to now. 60 Thousand!

Start Of Drama

Though, after many new people came. General did not feel "the same" as it did before the Discord truly went Mainstream, Much of the active userbase flocked to the #Casual Chats, making them active again. Thus #General is nowadays, usually filled with New Users.

The Url is hated mainly because of the Cancerous users it brought, after the meme became stale many people were not fond of the newbies that recently discovered the meme. Many petitions were made in order to change the Url, this did not do anything. All it did was probably make the Moderators push for the petition channel to be archived even more.


Nowadays the Url is somewhat ignored, it brought a ton of users and definetly made the Dogelore discord somewhat mainstream and relevant.