On November 22nd 2020, Irony Hub user Lul received over 2000 nitro gift links from a friend via dm. In Meta Talk he lured in SOAPKILLER pettyWrath The o (Troll Limbaugh) and Fanatic. Lul then started a server for the event in which no one found a working link. Soapkiller then said a event should be made to see if there was a working gift in the document.

The Event

On 10:18 P.M. CST Soapkiller made a channel which had the doc of the links and hundreds of broke ass users who wanted free nitro lo. It was a based troll with caskin mostly getting cucked out of links.

Link found

At 10:46 P.M. 28 minuets after the start, Fanatic found a working code and snagged free nitro! With that the trolling was over and everyone lived the same.