Hi Sponge Bob


Hi Sponge Bob

Hi Sponge Bob


Original Hi Sponge Bob post on r/comedyheaven

The HIDEO_KOJIMA meme originated from an r/comedyheaven post. The post showed multiple brand and celebrity Twitter accounts replying to each other, in which Hideo Kojima finished it off with "Hi Sponge Bob".

This became a running joke in OKBR3 and Irony Hub.


User info
Discord tagHIDEO_KOJIMA#9355
Discord ID711400057219448832
Reddit nameu/HIDEO_KOJIMA_IN
Irony Hub
Roles Trollsome
GamingHi Sponge Bob
External linksTwitter

The meme reached a whole new level with the HIDEO_KOJIMA user.

It started with its Twitter account, where he Tweeted out the famous line "Hi Sponge Bob" on June 18, 2020. Afterward, he started tweeting Hi to various Irony Hub members. This marks the first time Hi Sponge Bob branched out into Hi (anyone).

HIDEO_KOJIMA also joined the Discord, greeting various users sparingly. It is unknown exactly when he joined, as his search history stops at the nuke.


Bot info
Discord tagHIDEO_KOJIMA#7413
Discord ID753757823535677561
Command prefix@HIDEO_KOJIMA#7413
Programming languageJavaScript
Source codeGitHub
Bot invite linkInvite

After a petition, Nununoisy created the HIDEO_KOJIMA bot. Initially, it only greeted the last user who said anything, at an interval of every 5 minutes to the most recent person who spoke after the 5 minute interval. It splits that user's name into two words, at the middle syllable. Later, he expanded it to also greet users when they join the server, and say Bye when people leave.

His latest addition is the Kojimaize website. It will generate a Tweet that says "Hi (whatever text you input)".


User info
Discord tagHIDEO_KOJIMA#7953
Discord ID314925963731533827
Reddit nameu/HIDEO_KOJIMA_CN
Irony Hub
GamingHi Sponge Bob
External linksTwitter

A second HIDEO_KOJIMA user, also known as Fake HIDEO_KOJIMA, came along in October 2020. This one greets people much more often than the first user. But it's NOT the OG Hideo!

This HIDEO_KOJIMA user had the "Was It Worth It?" role and was known for getting banned multiple times by posting NSFW content and then immediately leaving after being muted or contained. Despite promising to end this behavior in his appeals, he would continue to get himself banned several times before finally being put on the Never Unban List on May 23, 2021.