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== Administrative Roles ==
== Administrative Roles ==
{{role|Empress|#d13c75}} - Veridis's personal owner role.
{{role|Empress|#d13c75}} - Veridis's personal owner role.
{{role|Admib|#b3bbb0}} - Administrators of the server. They possess channel and server setting perms.
{{role|Modera|#b3bbb0}} - Moderators of the server. They possess user perms.
{{role|Admib}} - Administrators of the server. They possess channel and server setting perms.
{{role|Modera}} - Moderators of the server. They possess user perms.
{{role|Advisea}} - Advisors of the server. They don't possess user perms but can access mod channels and "advise" the mod team. This role has been deleted as of 22 September 2022.
== Activity Roles ==
{{role|Top Kekkers}} - The highest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 3 months and have passed a second mod vote. These users can make emote suggestions and request a custom vanity role for themselves.
{{role|Funny Dank Memers}} - The second-highest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 1 month and have passed a mod vote. These users can use the suggestions channel.
{{role|Epic Trollers}} - The second-lowest attainable activity role. These users have been active in the server for at least 1 week. These users can view and vote on all server suggestions, but cannot make them.
{{role|Cool Gamers}} - The lowest attainable activity role. These users have been active for a little bit without breaking rules or being an annoyance. These users can post images, change their nickname, and have external emoji permissions.
