Can someone send the nagito laughing video im on mobile rn and cant get to it - cas, 2021

Pre-Deletion and Perpetrators

With the already crumbling status of IronyHub, it's demise was speculated by many to soon come and with poor moderation and alienation between the userbase and staff team the situation was not looking good.

The initial report's description, sans the comment at the end.

the former administrator and infamous user, Caskain is the main culprit behind IronyHub's End, reporting it due to his demotion from the position of advisor.


After IronyHub's deletion many small Clique discord servers formed, though nowadays largely forgotten it was truly a race for who could get more IronyHub members, many users left the community for good though, moving to small friend servers.

After IronyHub's mass report, the last remaining true bastion of IronyHub was the IronyHub Lore and Appeals server, with it being somewhat populated and having around ~1000 Users, unforunately the owner's account was terminated and the server would automatically delete itself soon, this caused the second in command, Roomba to try to make an IronyHub Refugee server.

IronyHub Refugee

The refugee server rose to some prominence and exceeded 500 members, but unfortunately it was later deleted on December 31th, 2021.

Thanks to more mass reports that came from Zonally, Roomba has had his account terminated by Discord themselves. He had appealed but the ban was rejected on January 5th.

There is currently no official successor to Irony Hub, though some can argue that a recently founded server called Awesome Planet with about 500 members and a lot of the old IronyHub aswell as OkBR4 users could be it's spiritual successor


Zonally's report.