Peternity is the official discord server of the Youtuber "Peternity", it is one of the few remaining irony servers that have any relations to youtubers, one of the biggest servers within the Irony Hemosphere, Peternity is relatively unknown to many, as it is only slightly related to the general Discord Irony Server Tree, a few members from the main tree had actually been in somewhat known positions within the server, as an example Rippa, the owner of currently Irony Heaven was once Staff on the server during it's 2021 times. The server follows some concepts from most irony discord servers, such as Banner Competitions, or Events, or the general less strict rules.

Server info
Status Active
Invite link
FoundedJune 5th, 2019


Server Before 2021

The 2021 Nuke

Peternity's Youtube Channel

Pages about Peternity

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