Caskain is an active moderator on Irony Hub. He insists that his name is pronounced "caskin", but he's fucking retarded it should be pronounced "caskain" because that's how it's spelled dumbass

User info
Discord tagcaskain#1738
Discord ID313203971533570050
Irony Hub
IRL info
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I'm leaving IH.

This server used to be a funny haha meme hub but all you guys do is incite drama every fucking chance you get. I might come back, probably not, and hopefully you'll like that because a majority of you don't like me as a mod, nor as a user, or even a person. Most of you have noticed by now but I don't find this server fun, every day it's more like a chore, keeping monkeys in their fucking cages. At this point it's a rolebegging drama-filled unfunny mess and I don't want to be a part of any of that. Right after I post this, right after I leave, I fucking guarantee that it's going to be spammed- cause that's all you monkys know. Now all I know is you want me off of this server. Your wish is my command.

Hopefully the server gets better when I'm gone, and hopefully you like it, but this is the last you'll hear from me. Please- don't fucking beg me to rejoin. I probably wont, and if I do, it'll be a while.

Caskain, right before he left, then came back 5 minutes later