cupcake!;๐ŸŒธ is a user in irony hub commonly referred to as cup!;. They joined on july 15th of 2020, talking in bits and pieces in general, before becoming an active user in casual around the start of 2021. Usually she will say "good morning/afternoon/evening/night casual :3" whenever they join the chat. She was awarded with Wiwi on january 31st. Cup was promoted to advisor on 2/21 alongside Cabboge and Caskain with 7 votes. Cup is also a part of "The Wall" community on the irony hub minecraft server

User info
Discord tagcupcake!;๐ŸŒธ#0087
Discord ID450302008398708736
Irony Hub
RolesAdvisor, Wiwi, Robbed and Raped
IRL info
ResidenceGeorgia, US
External linksTwitter: @cupsemicolon YT: cupcake!;

good afternoon irony hub wiki :3