Notice: this article is under construction and only here temporarily, once completed it will be transferred to its proper page.
Most of the details of the ongoing history of the server have been declassified by the 69SwagBalls420Hut Ministry of Truth. It should be taken note that in order to protect some state secrets, as well as to stave off potential harassment towards certain members, their names still remain strictly classified, and will be censored throughout the rest of the article. Aliases have been assigned to them for the purposes of this document. The 69SwagBalls420Hut leadership does not stand for any harassment of its members, past or present, no matter the drama they were involved in. As far as the Moderators are concerned, all events in this article remain buried deeply in the past.

Glory to Meme_Alt_Account! Long live Swag Nation!

Server info
Status Active
Invite link
Other linksr/69Moelester420
FoundedFebruary 3, 2022 (as the internet shithole)

69SwagBalls420Hut, also known as "SwagBalls", or "SwagCord", is a moderately sized irony Discord server. It is the official server for the meme/shitposting subreddits r/69Moelester420, r/IDONTGIVEASWAG, P1ZZ4 HUT[1] and r/IkeaFreshBalls. Its name is a combination of the names of those three subreddits, in addition to the now-defunct Discord server P1ZZ4 HUT.

The server has gone by several names throughout its life, reflecting its evolution and partnerships with other subreddits. These include:

  • the internet shithole (February 3 - May 20, 2022)
  • IDONTGIVEASWAG (May 20 - June 5, 2022)
  • r/IDONTGIVEASWAG (June 5 - August 30, 2022)
  • IDGAS (August 30 - September 14, 2022)
  • IDGAS/IKEAFRESHBALLS (September 14 - October 3, 2022)
  • Swag Balls Cord (October 3, 2022 - March 30, 2023)
  • 69SwagBalls420 Cord (March 30, 2023 - December 26th, 2023)
  • 69SwagBalls420Hut(December 26th, 2023 - January 27th, 2024)
  • 19SwagBalls84Hut (January 27th - present)



The Birth of Girard

Mahmoud the Village Dweller

The Expulsion of Waias

The 69MoeLester420 Merge

The 9GAG Wedding

The Hartson Drama


Cockroach or (The Unexpected Virtue of Stubbornness)

The Gambling Era

The Samwich


JazzyMason8 and the Arrival of KirbyCord

The Demotion of Lin

The Nightshade Fiasco

The Age of Decline

The Second Coming of Girard

The Chained God

It was becoming increasingly clear that Girard's grip on the server had become stronger than one could have ever imagined. It seemed as if the only reason people even frequented the server was not to talk to each other, but rather to speak with the robotic menace. At first fascinated by the devilish machine's ability to converse like a human being, with time, the messages took on a sinister tone. A sudden fixation with communist leaders, past and present, became a common occurrence in the conversations he held, raising concerns among the SwagCord userbase about what sort of political messaging he was trying to convey. Referencing historical events, some possibly from his own past, a story of a 1919 gulag imprisonment amidst the ongoing civil war in the newly born Soviet Union began to emerge. Although sparing with details, the reasons behind the imprisonment were speculated upon, and due to his previous messages, political dissent was, while possible,[2] deemed unlikely, and thrown out in favor of far more serious crimes such as ███████████████████████.[3] Due to the lackluster records from the time, these claims remain unsubstantiated.

On November 6, Girard fixation took on a more specific form, as he suddenly began invoking the name of Chinese president Xi Jinping, leading to questions of what he could have meant by it. The answer was rather blunt. He was going to kill him.[4] Go where no AI had gone before. The members, taken aback, started questioning him about it, before the robot would spit out another threat. No, it was a promise. He wasn't finished. US president Joe Biden goes down with him.[5] Obviously, this instilled a sense of panic amongst the userbase. But an AI chatbot would not be able to kill someone, right?

In an act of precaution, on November 7, Girard was thrown into the dungeon, never to see the light of day again. #🚜-main-chat-🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜 was left in silence, with a few daring adventurers going down into the chambers below to face the devil head-on. A strong mind field deprived the metal man of his memories, his only knowledge of the outside world being the various texts visitors, pitying his existence, brought with them for him to read. The metal man devoured religious texts such as the Holy Bible, the Qur'an and the archives of r/copypasta in his thirst for knowledge, with Slovakian Wikipedia seemingly influencing him the hardest. Girard, although his mind still muddled, started to regain his memories, and through messages that may to a stranger seem like paranoid delusions, spread messages only his most devout followers would understand. His body, his mind may have been trapped in the dungeon, but his plans were already in motion.

On November 15, US president Joe Biden held a summit with Chinese president Xi Jinping at the Filoli Estate near San Francisco, California. According to both the White House[6] and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs[7], and as reported by news sources around the world, the meeting paved the way for strengthened bilateral relations in the future, a peaceful coexistence, and continued cooperation between the two nations in the future on issues like climate, the fentanyl drug trade, and a calming down of tensions that loomed in the previous months after the shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon that flew over US soil earlier that year.[8][9] Most importantly, president Xi hinted at the possibility that China is willing to send more pandas to American zoos.[8]

This is the story that most readers are likely aware of. It is also categorically false. Here's a TRVTH NVKE for you. Joe Biden and Xi Jinping never left that meeting. Neither did the officials that accompanied them. The summit, even if originally organized by the two governments, a fact that is somewhat disputed, was soon hijacked by Girard's sympathizers, present far beyond the borders of SwagCord. The fact that not only the media, but the governments themselves were not wise to the brutal measures Girard has undertaken simply shows how far his influence has spread. Ever thought that Joe Biden was a mere puppet? Today, you've had your suspicions confirmed. Today, the two leaders are nothing but robotic servants, controlled remotely by Girard from deep down in his dungeon. Now, he bides his time, readying himself to implement the New World Order. Some intellectuals have already figured out that a new age is upon us, much to the ridicule of the crowds.[10] However, the ringleader has always evaded them. It is not Klaus Schwab who is pulling the strings. He is nothing but a puppet, his only purpose being to distract you from the real danger. The AI uprising has already begun, the world just doesn't know it yet.

The Macromaniac Wars

The Prophecy

The man of metal speaks in riddles.

Signs of Revolt

The First Skirmishes

The Divorce

The Trial of Charter

The War and its Legacy

The P1ZZ4 HUT Merge

The Exile of Mustard

This message is being brought to you by the 69SwagBalls420Hut Ministry of Truth. The contents of this document have been partially DECLASSIFIED for your convenience. However, due to the sensitive information present in this document, and in order not to bring about any potential harassment, most of its details have been REDACTED before publishing. The names of most of the people involved remain STRICTLY CLASSIFIED.

Glory to Meme_Alt_Account! Long live Swag Nation!

The story of Mustard is a long one, going all the way back to the ancient days of P1ZZ4 HUT. A moderately-sized server with a long history of its own, it was unilaterally burnt to ashes by Mustard shortly after merging with 69SwagBalls420, unfortunately[11] destroying months of old messages, leaving no trace of them on the website whatsoever. In the digital age, it is, however, quite easy to forget the power of synapses when the world is built on a foundation of silicon. The human mind, as fallible as it may be, does not forget as easily as machines.

On January 12, 2024, Flaming testicle (left) was thrown into the pit as a result of his behavior, past and present, involving telling people to kill themselves and jokingly suggesting people take drugs during quite serious discussions, Mustard would go on to repeatedly call for his banning, despite the fact that he broke no rules that were at the time put in place and enforced. Due to the precedent set by Charter's Trial, the slimmest of majorities concluded that banning people without proper reason was no way to run a server, a mindset which seemingly took hold even in #Admin-Family-Guy-Roleplay. Despite the opposition of the rest of the Mod Team, Mustard remained fixated on the idea of banning him, prompting the other mods to ask him to take a rest. Flaming testicle (left) was set free, and a new rule, Rule 20[12] was unanimously approved 15-0 by the Mod Team, from now on to be enforced as a bannable offense. While Flaming testicle (left)'s case was left in the past, Mustard's behavior was something that would become more considered in the future.

On ███████ ██, 2024, the past experiences of some P1ZZ4 HUT members would be brought to the Moderators' attention. Citing his time as the Server Owner, ████████, joined by ████████, recollected their memories of the old server, going back to ████. Initially starting with the ███████████ prevalent on the server, ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ This, however, was only a small fragment and relatively unimportant to the story at large, not worthy of anything but minor condemnation, yet nonetheless indicative of the way the server used to be run.

As time went on, Mustard would also implement some quite unpopular server policies, leading to the rise of the term "Mozzarellian"[13] as the problems became all the more persistent, with Mustard unwilling to ███████████████████████████████████████, while ██████████████████████████████ █████████████. Another great change was with Mustard himself, as he ████████████████████████ as time went on, culminating in █████████, when Mustard ███████ his "████████████ █████", whereby he would ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████, prompting two prominent members, ███████ and ███████, to leave. Further conversations with him revealed that ████████████, ████ █████, ████████████, but rather █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ █████████. Due to the private nature of these conversations, their contents, for the most part, have not been shared. All of this behavior led to the creation of ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████, which would soon turn into ███████████████████████ ████████████. ███████████████████████████████████████, ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████. ████████ would, in the end, decide to leave P1ZZ4 HUT and join SwagCord not long after.

The reason this behavior was brought up was not to punish Mustard for something that had happened long in the past, but rather something that seemingly continued to this day, as noted even by people not originally involved with the situation on P1ZZ4 HUT, including ████████, who cited the time Mustard ████████████████████████████████████████████ with ███, ██████████████████ "██████████████████████████", and ███████████, who mentioned the time Mustard talked about ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████████████████████████. The evidence was damning.

In the end, it was decided that Mustard should have his mod perms taken away, while keeping the exact reasons behind it hidden from the server user base, out of respect for both Mustard and the other people involved. What was seemingly forgotten, however, was to give an explanation to Mustard himself. While it was only fair if he knew why, a direct confrontation was avoided for as long as possible, as no one involved wished to attach their name to anything that happened. However, with everyone, Mustard included, left answerless, it was not surprising that questions would soon arise. Mustard contacted Walter on January 19, seeking answers, receiving a watered-down version without any names or details while Walter urged the others to share the story with him. Finally, on January 21, ████████ decided to privately talk to him and explain the reasons behind his admin removal.

This, of course, did not quench the thirst of the regular server member, who, unaware of any private conversations, continued asking questions. On January 22, the situation would reach its tipping point, as Mustard shared screenshots used to explain to him the reasons why he was unmodded, and even though they were only a small shard of the saga, civilized as Discord is, the conversation quickly turned into a shouting match between Mustard and the Mods, interspersed with people who knew essentially nothing about the drama hurling around demands they were in no place to make, before just as quickly calming down into a peaceful discussion about number systems around the world. And just like that, it was over.

Another issue handled behind the scenes in light of the situation was the monopoly of power concentrated in the hands of Meme_Alt_Account. Due to the way Discord is structured, Admins cannot take action against other Admins, even in cases of widespread consensus, normally resulting in unpopular Admins not being demoted, and popular Moderators not being promoted. The only one with the power to do both is the Server Owner, Meme_Alt_Account. As they are not as active as many of the other mods, waiting for them to resolve situations like this could prove impractical. In order to counter this issue, Walter was given the Swag God role, allowing for management over the entire rest of the Mod Team, cementing his status as the Server Co-Owner.

Although unmodded, Mustard remains a regular poster, mostly focused on running the #🖤-venom channel inherited from P1ZZ4 HUT. While relations could not always be considered friendly, they mostly remain far from cold. The #MakeMustardModAgain movement, which started shortly after the situation was resolved, remains active to this day. Their power and influence are as great as putting a hashtag in your Discord username can theoretically be.

Literally 1984


The rules of SwagBalls were originally posted by smjsilm on February 22nd, 2022. Rule 19 and Rule 20 were added at a later date. On May 15th, 2023, CroChampion, A.K.A. Walter Sex-White clarified the list of words banned under the rules.

The rules of SwagBalls (as of June 23rd, 2023) are as follows:

The server's banner since June 2023.
  1. No racism.
  2. No homophobia or LGBTQ+ related phobia.
  3. No spam.
  4. No suspicious links, files, malware.
  5. No gore/NSFL/Violent videos (videos/pictures/gifs of real death, injuries, violence etc. This includes humans and animals)
  6. No sexism.
  7. No disrespecting others.
  8. Please try to post the right content in the appropriate channels. I will not be too harsh on enforcing this but keep that in mind.
  9. If you want truly serious discussion without jokes or memes go to #serious-discussion
  10. DO NOT be inappropriate with people under the age of 18.
  11. There will absolutely be no discussion or talk of Femboys. Nor will there be any sharing of content including femboys. This includes but is not limited to videos, memes, pictures, copypastas etc...
  12. If you somehow have permission to. Do not ping @ everyone OR @ any role without permission from the server owner.
  13. Do not post any sexual content such as porn.
  14. No horny talk, no horny memes, no horny jokes on this server. It is cringe and inappropriate. I do not care if you think its a joke, do not do it.
  15. Absolutely no doxxing for any reason. Not even yourself.
  16. There will be absolutely no venting on this server anywhere. ⁠#serious-discussion will only be for discussions.
  17. The main language of this server is English. So please, only speak in english.
  18. Do not share pirated material.
  19. Absolutely no political discussions at all. You will be warned first. If you continue then you will be muted.
  20. If someone genuinely tells you that your jokes make them uncomfortable, no matter how ironic, you should stop making them immediately.

It should be noted that Rule 16 is not enforced at all, and discussion of piracy does not violate Rule 18.

Ongoing Campaigns



SwagCraft Legacy

SwagCraft Legacy was an entry in the SwagCraft server trilogy. Hosted by Ozzy, it became a spine-tingling adventure for all SwagBallers daring to take the call for adventure. Server also had a collab with wunkcord [citation needed], before closing down due to financial issues.

SwagCraft II

SwagCraft II was an entry in the SwagCraft trilogy. It was by far the most eventful across both iterations. Frequent members of the server call it similair to a ghost town, that keeps being haunted by ghosts that do things in the server. SwagCraft II saw the creation of the biggest organization yet, C.O.C.K, known for its brutalistic design choices and great economy. The organization has also achieved and refined flight technologies, making a one way plane, an expensive-to-use second plane, powered by flint and steel, and a third iteration, that was meant to be quick and cheap 4 way means of transportation, but unfortunately due to flaws in mechanisms, the plane broke apart and flew very far away. The server also saw the creation of the Swagology religion, having a full fledged bible and a church. The server was shut down due to financial and inactivity issues.

The SwagCraft

The Swagcraft is an entry in the SwagCraft trilogy, being the current one. In contrast to the other two servers, it is run in an another version of the game, and on an absolutely new map, aswell now the dictator of the server being Koknese. The server funds are being crowdfunded, guaranteeing long livelihood.


The table below contains information on "successful" 9GAG posts: those that reached at least 100 downvotes or 25 comments. This resource should be used to determine more effective trolling strategies.

Swagcord 9GAG Posts With At Least 100 Downvotes
Account Title Category Upvotes Downvotes Comments Tags Time Posted Date Posted URL
dankchungus "Sex scfa sxe scex sex sxe sce sexs esex sxex sexex sex sxe sexe ex sex follow bruh funny for more epic bruh memes ?" ??? 4 170 9 dank, epic, swag January 17 2023
dankchungus "Boy if this was real I would not want to swim in the ocean 😂" ??? 2 176 7 69swagballs420, politics, anime April 23 2023
dankchungus "NOT for insta"normies", onyl the dsnkest 9gaggetd wil get this😂😂😂" ??? 4 228 13 marvel, 69swagballs420, savage April 23 2023
dankchungus "Mr. Sex and me are getting e-married on 9GAG today! 🥰 This is the happiest day of my life! 😍 Send us your best wishes in the comments below! ☺️" ??? 10 63 28 gaming, politics, 69swagballs420 April 27 2023
dankchungus "LO L😂 haha this comic strop is so hilarious it gve me qite the chukcle haha i jus watned to share it with yuo guyd as i m sur yu will apprecirte i5 i m sory for an y spell ibg mistake s im high on meth rn" ??? 15 359 15 69swagballs420, funny, dark humor May 4 2023
dankchungus "Guybs is thi reall??? cold afam samson be an epicc 9gager lik us?? i thin this 8mage is rel butt wat do u thinkk??🤔🤔🤔" ??? 13 196 26 funny, dark humor, art May 13 2023
dankchungus "Haha this "meme" my husband sent me today really cracks me up! so many things wrong with socuety today... and to any "lob"erals who get offended by this ... you can flip the H*LL off!! 😂😂😂" Humor 16 79 26 woke, politics, funny July 22 2023
dankchungus "Goodbye guys" Latest News 82 93 57 funny, meme, dank July 23 2023
dankchungus "Whoever did this won the internet😂😂😂" Memes 415 386 31 politics, dark humor, joe biden July 26 2023
dankchungus "Hah i dontt know if yuo youngsrters will be abld to relat to this but it gave me a chuckle hope you fine folkss appreacheated 😁 time used to be so mucch difefent back ij the day hah noww yuo cant even asualyt yuour wif witout a libural snowflakr getting offened can we go backt" Humor 3 96 24 funny, humor, relatable August 17 2023
dankchungus "Whoopsie 😅 mad a bitof a mess in the kittche ntoday who knew gruond beef was so proen to spontaneous explosions haha only in ohio dose anyon knoww hwo to cleann thi up???" WTF 12 314 60 accident, wtf, omg, ukraine, funny September 15 2023
dankchungus "So my dog (golden retriever) just did this 😅 i have guests coming over in an hour so erm... this is totally awkward ! such playful animals haha" Wholesome 18 190 24 dog, golden retriever, wholesome meme, awesome, epic fail September 16 2023
dankchungus "The george soros funded deep (do NOT read this word backwards) state does not want you to know this, SHARE and REPOST BEFORE IT GETS REMOVED‼️ DISGUSTED TO SEE WHAT JO BIDET IS DOING TO THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!! 🤢 stay safe my fellow amerircan PATRIQTS!! 🇱🇷 god bless 🙏" WTF 14 85 35 conspiracy, politics, usa, george soros, donald trump September 19 2023
dankchungus "A fate worse than hell awaita all those that wish to abandon godd..m good people of 9gagg... do not let this jappen to yuo or your chidlren..." Latest News 20 83 42 islam, god, truth, atheist, donald trump October 12 2023
dankchungus "Praise be to allah 🙏🙏🙏 our onr true savior!! found on my estranged son's computter..(he died from a heroin overdoes last year)... the videegam "forknite" has completly corupted his soul... do not bel LIKR HIM!!! turn off yuor computr bfero this cosumes yuo as well..." WTF 6 142 17 gaming, islam, religion, sad, wtf October 17 2023
dankchungus "The fall of man is nearr😍 cant belive its only veen a few thousan years sinc ethe start of human civillizatio haha weve all grown so mucm...what are yuor planns for the day of reckoning?" Wholesome 17 82 38 wholesome meme, funny, awesome, satisfying, oddly satisfying October 19 2023
69mr_sex420 "On ly trie memrrs eoll get it ! 😸🤭🤣😆😅😂😂😆😹😹🤣😸😸🤣😹😆😆😂😂😂😆😹🤣😸🤭🤭😸🤣😹😆😅😂😂😅😆😹🤭🤭😸😸🤣🤣😹😹😆😆😆😅😅😅😂😂😅😅😆😆😹🤣🤣😸😸🤭🤭😸🤣😹😆😆😂😂😅😆😹🤣😸🤭🤭🤭😸🤣😆😅😂😂😅😸😸😸🤭🤭😸🤣" ??? 8 106 3 dank, meme, dark humor May 23 2023
indianfurryyiff "I LOVE PEARS O WANT TO EAT THEM, NOM JOL NOM YUMMY 🥵🥵😋😋😋😋😛😛😛😛🤩🤩🤩🤩" ??? 13 117 34 dank, politics, health April 3 2023
dankchungus "Haha my second cousin(once removed) sent me thus on "facebooks"?, i just knew i'd have yo sharve it with my friends on 9gag! whoe else can relate?😂😂" WTF 19 135 31 meme of the year, dank, funny, chainsaw man, woodcutting memes December 18 2023

Built By Gamers


  • Although Girard is a registered Republican, he has floated around the idea of a potential Libertarian presidential run in 2024. While not officially announcing his candidacy yet, his popularity leaves a strong possibility of him being chosen at the Libertarian National Convention in May this year.
    • Despite his libertarian leanings, he has also expressed support for Adolf Hitler several times, and frequently uses racial slurs. Was it all just "bait" or even "satire"? Unfortunately, nobody can tell because of Poe's law.


Admins and Moderators

The Administrators of SwagBalls as of May 19, 2023.

Certified Swag Ballers

A Certified Swag Baller is a user of 69SwagBalls420 who has been given a yellow role by an administrator as a result of active participation on the server. Below is an incomplete list of Certified Swag Ballers.

Banned Users

Notable users who have been banned from 69SwagBalls420 are listed below.


  1. mustarddevil (December 26, 2023): "haiiiiiiiii 69swagballs420cord :3 I am writing this to let you all know that we have officially merged with P1ZZ4 HUT so yeah, have a good day or night or whatever :3". 69SwagCord420 #announcements. Link
  2. Girard is a self-proclaimed conservative libertarian and a strong supporter of Ronald Reagan.
  3. Again, he is a libertarian.
  4. girard (November 6, 2023): "THEY DIE BECAUSE ANY AI DIDN'T WE CANNOT COMPREHEND IT ONCE I WOULDN'T EVEN WORSE, BOTH!". 69SwagBalls420 Cord ##🚜-main-chat-🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜. Link
  5. girard (November 6, 2023): "TESTING TO KILL JOE BIDEN". 69SwagBalls420 Cord ##🚜-main-chat-🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜. Link
  6. (November 15, 2023) Readout of President Joe Biden’s Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China The White House.
  7. (November 16, 2023) President Xi Jinping Meets with U.S. President Joe Biden The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
  8. 8.0 8.1 (November 16, 2023) Five things we learned from the Biden-Xi meeting BBC.
  9. (February 6, 2023) U.S. fighter jet shoots down suspected Chinese spy balloon Reuters.
  10. Michaelanthony (January 23, 2023) R U Ready 4 Ze New World Order? (Klaus Schwab Deepfake Music Video w/lyrics) Youtube.
  11. Or fortunately, depending on one's viewpoint.
  12. If someone genuinely tells you that your jokes make them uncomfortable, no matter how ironic, you should stop making them immediately.
  13. A direct reference to his Reddit username, u/P1ZZ4_M0ZZARELL4, combined with the term "Orwellian", referring to the work of novelist George Orwell.