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m Reverted edit by NiggerMurderer1488 (talk) to last revision by Mynamejeff
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== Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana. Put a bomb in a nigger's mouth. Throw knives at niggers. Inflate niggers until they pop. Send niggers into a blackhole. Castrate niggers. Feed niggers poisoned food. Force niggers to walk the plank. Push niggers into a pit. Kneel on a nigger's neck. Curse niggers with a spell. Stuff nigger babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten niggers with a tank. Pop a nigger's car tire. Strike nigger children with a ruler. Make niggers swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a nigger's limbs. Airdrop niggers into Antarctica. Throw niggers off the boat. Pressurize niggers into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a nigger's ass. Falcon-punch a nigger in the face. Make niggers into fiction. Blow niggers heads off with grenade launchers. Blow niggers brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock niggers in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail niggers to a cross and stab them. Run over niggers with a tank feet-first. Crush niggers with a press. Attack niggers with acid. Boil niggers in a pan. Lock niggers inside a brazen bull. Burn niggers alive. Drag niggers across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on niggers. Quarter niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. Tenderize niggers with a mallet. Ionise niggers in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate niggers in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify niggers in a black hole. Curse niggers with the necronomicon. Trap niggers in purgatory. Bang a niggers testicles with a spiked bat. Throw niggers off a twelve story building. Freeze dry niggers in the vacuum of space. Fry niggers with power lines. Feed niggers ricin. Kneecap a nigger with a twelve gauge. Re enslave niggers. Sell niggers organs on the black market. Run niggers over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw niggers into the grand canyon. Burn niggers with jet engine exhaust. Beat niggers to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a niggers asshole with a blowtorch. Sacrifice niggers to the sun god. Drop niggers out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed niggers to sharks. Load a nigger into a cannon and shoot the nigger at a concrete wall. Keel Haul niggers under a galleon. Disembowel niggers with a bayonet. Strap a nigger to a cruise missile and launch it at a nigger neighbourhood. Drop niggers into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter niggers. Lure niggers in with fried chicken and trap them with bear traps. Force a nigger to learn calculus, then kill the nigger anyway. Atomize niggers with a powerfist. Throw niggers into vats full of FEV virus. Choke niggers with barbed wire. Throw pianos at niggers from 40-story buildings. Throw niggers at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze niggers in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie niggers to ICBMs then fire them at Israel. Shoot niggers with syringe guns. Defecate on nigger food stamps. Make niggers pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire niggers into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on niggers then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate niggers with depleted uranium. Launch a nigger with a trebuchet. Send a nigger exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a nigger as a crash test dummy. Tie niggers onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire jackass movie on a nigger. Trample niggers. Bury niggers alive. Play bowling with niggers heads as pins. Grate niggers with a cheese grater. Get niggers stuck in an elevator. Spray a niggers toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a nigger directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a niggers parachute. Sabotage a niggers bungee. Trap a nigger under ice. Force a nigger to work and support a family of 5. Force niggers into gladiatorial combat. Send niggers back to warring African tribes. Hide a snake in a niggers room. Put niggers on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a niggers organs. Waterboard niggers with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay niggers. Tie niggers to train tracks. Put laxatives in their koolaid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on niggers. Gibbet niggers. Tie a lightning rod to a niggers head during a storm. Lure niggers into suicide pods. Bury niggers neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending niggers to it. Stir niggers into cement. Squeeze niggers through a chain link fence. Hack niggers socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a nigger. Microwave a niggers head. Suck a nigger into pool drainage ass first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a niggers basketball. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby nigger in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash niggers black skin. Play games with niggers jigsaw style. Trim a niggers nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a nigger to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a nigger in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a niggers bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a nigger and serve nigga patties to other niggers. Feed a nigger viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a niggers dildo. Stone niggers. Tranquilize niggers and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from niggers. Throw a nigger down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to niggers. Pimp-slap niggers into airplane turbines. Displace niggers in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a nigger a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on niggers at maximum voltage. Give niggers sentient brain parasites. Give niggers over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave niggers out for vultures. Drive a nigger into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a nigger. Strap niggers on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap niggers to a judas cradle. Blast niggers with Civil War cannons. Crucify filthy niggers. Whip niggers into obedience. Slingshot a nigger into orbit. Rocket niggers into the sun. Stir-fry niggers in a wok. Bite a nigger and drink their blood. Urinate into a nigger's gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Unscrew a nigger's head off. Bake niggers into nigger-pizza. Arrest niggers for no reason. Electrocute niggers. Curb stomp pregnant niggers. Beat a nigger up. Slice a nigger up and wear their skin. Set niggers on fire. Spin niggers around until they puke. Tie niggers to a train track. Karate kick a nigger in the testicles. Stomp nigger skulls with steel-toed boots. Broil niggers into a broth. Deep fry niggers. Fourth-trimester abortions for niggers. Blend niggers in a blender. Snap a nigger's neck. Throw niggers off buildings. Send aliens to abduct niggers. Force niggers to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush niggers with anvils. Throw niggers off of rooftops. Incinerate niggers. Starve niggers. Blow niggers up with dynamite. Gulp niggers. Feast on nigger eyeballs. Cave in a nigger's skull. Kiss a nigger to death. Peel a nigger like a banana. Wipe out nigger tribes. Deny niggers into Heaven. Freeze niggers in the vaccum of space. Hard boil a nigger. Lock on to niggers with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a nigger. Ferment niggers into stew. Ensnare niggers. Nark on niggers to the army. Cause a total nigger purge. Jam a nigger into a geyser. Axe murder a nigger. Unleash Smelvin upon niggers. Put niggers on ships going to Africa and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total nigger death. ==
<div style="top: 0px; left: 0px; position: fixed; float: left;">
'''Wunkcord''' is an irony Discord Server centered around the theme of funny animals. It is the official server for [https://www.reddit.com/r/wunkus/ r/wunkus], and currently active with over 2,000 members. It was created by Zin1X and was created with the influence and is partnered with [[69SwagBalls420]].
{{Infobox Discord server
| image = Wunkcord.webp
| status = active
| invite = https://discord.gg/wunkus
| id = 1056566486442967131
| users = 2,000+
| owner = [[Zin1X]]
| links = [https://www.reddit.com/r/wunkus/ r/wunkus]
| founded = December 25th, 2022
| founder = [[Zin1X]]
== History ==
Wunkcord was created and opened by Zin1X on December 25th, 2022. It was created for the intent of being a server for the subreddit Wunkus.
=== Cultural Events ===
'''Gaston Glock (April 1st, 2023)'''
On April 1st, 2023, Zin1X announced that he had killed the Wunkus Dog, the beloved mascot of r/wunkus and Wunkcord, and replaced him with gun manufacturer and horse semen enthusiast, Gaston Glock. Exactly one day later, he had announced that Gaston Glock had managed to resurrect the Wunkus Dog and he was reinstated as the mascot of r/wunkus and Wunkcord. This was all an elaborate April Fool's joke, and it had happened so early on that most users weren't there for the event.
'''@everyone Incident (June 22nd, 2023)'''
On June 22nd, 2023, discord user Sploinkster managed to find an exploit that allowed users to @everyone. The exploit was applied when users had the ping-wunker role, which meant that a large sum of people were able to spam @everyone. After around a couple minutes, the mod team were able to solve the issue and prevent users from using @everyone. Later, during the mod applications, Sploinkster applied to become a moderator, and was accepted, with Zin1X's judgement being questioned by the users. In reality, Sploinkster made an excellent addition to the mod team, as he was later able to find another exploit, and fixed it before any issues arose.
'''Psycho Girl (October 5th, 2023)'''
On October 5th, 2023, Zin1X suggested to add "Psycho Girl" to the current YouTube queue. This had cemented "VC gang" as a group of people within the server, as well as leading to many more inside jokes in Wunkcord and outside of Wunkcord.
'''Wunkcord: 1984 (November 1st - December 1st, 2023)'''
On November 1st, 2023, Zin1X and the rest of the moderators of Wunkcord decided to do a month-long event due to a former member, Sirfryingpan123, otherwise known as SirWunkingPan, Tanner, or "Roblox Kid". This spawned an age of oppressive darkness where any user who was found as annoying would be banned. In reality, it was more of an excuse to get rid of a couple people in the server. This event ended at the end of November, and might eventually see a return next year.
'''Evil Sploinkster (November 24th, 2023)'''
On November 24th, 2023, Zin1X and Sploinkster released the Evil Sploinkster bot into the server. The bot is a custom-made Discord bot that has a random insult generator<ref>{{Cite message|author=sploinkster#7215|date=December 5, 2023|content=shut the fuck up|server=Wunkcord|channel=bot-stuff|link=https://discord.com/channels/1056566486442967131/1056598901383250041/1181768457801453668}}</ref>, an automatic cropping tool, as well as other features.
'''Keith Herrmann (December 7th, 2023)'''
On December 7th, 2023, Keith Herrmann joined Wunkcord. Not to be confused with the late Broadway artist of the same name, Wunkcord's Keith Herrmann is the manager of development at the American production company Kinetic Content. Keith was given a unique "keith herrmann" role; he has never spoken in the server but remains a listed member.
'''Blenny Takeover (December 25th, 2023 - ???)'''
On December 25th, 2023, in celebration of the Wunkcord one year anniversary, the admin Blenny, decided to take over the server by changing the server icon, name, and banner, as well as changing channel names, such as changing #chat-spot to #blenny-chat-spot. Currently it is still ongoing.
'''Borgertman Image (January 20th, 2024)'''
On January 20th, 2024, Borgertman uploaded an image of his face to the general chat (referred to at the time as blenny-chat-spot), which resulted in multiple edits being made. The user ziggyboy2.0 decided to do god's work and not only downloaded the image 5,000 times, but also turned the 5,000 different images into a zip bomb.
'''Skibidi Incident (February 19, 2024)'''
On the night of February 18, 2024, Cefris jokingly suggested to Ozzy in a voice call that the subreddit automod should block all posts not containing the word "skibidi" in the title. The rule went into action overnight, causing mass confusion on the subreddit, and greatly contributing to the overall anti-discord sentiment prominent on the subreddit. Many redditors flocked to the subreddit to express their disapproval at the change. The rule was rescinded less than 24 hours after being enacted.  
== Rules ==
The rules for Wunkcord were posted on December 25th, 2022, and (as of September 14th, 2023) are as follows:
1. wunkus
2. dont be an asshole
3. no nfsw content (links, videos, images, or discussions that go too far, and obviously "thugposting" and "gooning" (not even funny), anything related to that which has been listed already)
4. have fun or else
5. also dont say slurs. bots will not let you
6. dont be annoying or discuss politics for too long
7. this is an english only server (keep the discussion in english)
8. yalls really need to shut up about gooning
9. always draw jumbo josh in gartic phone
10. keep it serious in ⁠shadows-serious-place (serious), dm <@1121423876350541854>  for access to the serious channel (this is to prevent trolling)
11. Jolly times!
12. no hornyposting
13. skibidi
Rule 11 was added during Wunkcord 1984, but then changed on December 1st to say "Jolly Times!".
The rules are often changed or edited, as more situations have come up that needed clarifying.
== Inside Jokes ==
This section is devoted to the many inside jokes of Wunkcord.
=== Glorps ===
(spatium animalis – ''space animals'')
==== History ====
On August 7th, 2023, Zin1X first opened the channel ''#glorp-planet''. On December 5th, 2023, it was shut down due to inactivity. It has since been moved to the Archive Hole. It is thought that the channel may have existed longer than August 7th due to user warhg's message: "oh shid it´s public" making it seem like warhg might have known of the existence of that channel for longer.
The first ever time the word "glorp" was used was on June 22nd by user Blobama in the message: "zeep glorp"<ref>{{Cite message|author=blobama|date=June 6, 2023|content=zeep glorp|server=wunkcord|channel=chat-spot|link=https://discordapp.com/channels/1056566486442967131/1056566487327977525/1121516534876090438}}</ref> answering a message from user 1niels1 speaking in Dutch.<ref>{{Cite message|author=1niels1|date=June 6,2023|content=ik had niet verwacht dat hier nederlanders zouden zijn|server=wunkcord|channel=chat-spot|link=https://discordapp.com/channels/1056566486442967131/1056566487327977525/1121516363865919609}}</ref>
On August 29 announced that anyone who has glorped a wunk gets a role. That role being the ''Glorp unit'' role. The role was thought about by user your ̠local ̠bus.
==== Sub species ====
The standard Glorp has many sub species. They include but are not limited toː Glongs. A full list on known types of glorps, as of October 17th, is listed below.
* Glongus
** Creatures with blue fur, often resembling cats.
* Zongus
* Florpua
== Roles ==
Roles are a unique factor that separates Wunkcord from a lot of other servers. As of December 5th, 2023, there are 48 different roles. They are as follows:
=== '''Staff''' ===
* '''owner'''
* '''admin'''
* '''Moderator'''
* '''baby mod'''
* '''wunkus machine'''
** Bots are given this role
=== '''Honorary Roles''' ===
* '''Certified Wunkster'''
** Awarded to users after being noticed as active by a baby mod/mod/admin/owner
* '''definitely does not have secret powers'''
* '''First 50'''
** This is one of the only roles that can't have any more qualifying recipients
* '''glorp unit'''
** Awarded to users after doing a noticable Glorp
* '''i can act rather serious at times'''
** Gives access to a "serious" channel
* '''Server Booster'''
* '''sploinkster fan club'''
* '''subreddit mod'''
* '''subreddit owner'''
* '''wunk historian'''
=== '''Unique Roles''' ===
* '''6/22/23 @everyone incident'''
* '''added wunkus to a game'''
* '''alright'''
* '''blenny'''
* '''brittle star enthusiast'''
* '''doubted me'''
* '''certified first wunkuser'''
* '''cool shades dealer'''
* '''cool wunk facts'''
* '''finfin'''
* '''finfin'''
* '''freddy fazbear'''
* '''Fungus Council'''
* '''Fungus clearance'''
* '''gluttonous'''
* '''grub'''
* '''honorary cthulhu'''
* '''honorary xertunposter'''
* '''I GAVE MEAT EFFIGY $6!!!!!!'''
** Currently assigned to ziggyboy2.0
* '''i LOVE minecraft psycho girl'''
* '''iceburg creator numero uno'''
* '''keith herrmann'''
** Given to Keith Herrmann
* '''pilker'''
* '''real one'''
* '''secret event'''
** Shh!
*'''shit eating grin'''
** Documented proof of eating the shrimp poop line
* '''Snoring'''
* '''The glorp master'''
* '''the ultimate emcee'''
** given to cefris by sploinkster after rapping through voice notes for half an hour
* '''wunker games coordinator'''
* '''☢'''
=== '''Ping Roles''' ===
*'''mod spam victim'''
=== '''Default Roles''' ===
=== '''Punishment Roles''' ===
**Restricts the member to the worm channel
'''Staff Roles''' are roles unique to staff members or bots, and give different permissions depending on the role.
'''Honorary Roles''' are given to members who meet certain criteria, such as being a subreddit moderator or making a glorp edit in the #glorp-planet channel.
'''Unique Roles''' are completely unique to a singular person or small group of people, and will color someone's name, except in rare circumstances.
'''Ping Roles''' are used to ping specific groups of people, usually for announcements.
'''Default Roles''' are the roles given when someone joins, allowing them access to channels and coloring their name.
'''Punishment Roles''' are used by Moderators and Baby Mods to punish certain users, based off of their behavior.
== Users ==
=== Admins ===
The current list of Wunkcord Admins as of December 5th, 2023.
* [[Zin1X]]
* [[Ozzy]]
* [[blenny]]
* [[sploinkster]]
=== Moderators ===
The current list of Wunkcord Moderators as of December 5th, 2023.
* [[smjsilm]]
* [[warhg]]
* [[mantisrep]]
=== Baby Mods ===
The current list of Wunkcord Baby Mods as of December 5th, 2023.
* [[deejaythefirst]]
* [[fradderrak]]
* [[Wet]]
=== Certified Wunksters ===
The current Wunkcord list of Certified Wunksters as of January 16th, 2024:
* bazinga4033
* biggpete
* [[blobama]]
* bootsandcats
* [[borgertman]]
* [[cefris]]
* cinnamoncookiecrumbs0205
* cptbutts
* crochampion
* fruit0bee
* [[garsmk2]]
* hattedhatena
* hellabump
* hexular
* jazzymason8
* killa_kel
* leftoverbrainpower
* linchpin3099
* [[wunka_]]
* lusciousluminol
* macktheknifecaleb
* [[mantisrep]]
* maxiwasalreadytaken
* meat_effigy
* Mr2112#1287
* mr.centipedes
* mr.gthestoopid
* noutoriousdumbass
* picklelord42
* poke0441
* possiblymatt1
* possiblymatt1
* quazilla32
* r0xicius
* rat89
* realdatadude
* [[RegisTesla]]
* [[shin.megami.tensei]]
* simonsinclair
* smjsilm
* solusthesleeper
* straggot
* suicidalhamster
* sup3r87
* [[SuperAtilla]]
* taskmanager_microsoft
* text101
* [[thesecond__]]
* the_real_gars
* [[tisqbisque]]
* tomtoms64
* typerakalatyyppi
* uncanni
* unseentuba
* vegafadge
* warhg
* wunkilicious
* xertun
* yakuzzi
* your_local_bus
* ze__german
* ziggyboy2.0
* zin1x
* [[zlynnmarbles]]
* .sploinkster
* __dag
<references />
=== Retired Moderators ===
The current list of all Retired Moderators in Wunkcord as of December 5th, 2023.
* [[Error_503]]
=== Infamous Users ===
Infamous users are typically banned users who have gained infamy in Wunkcord for various reasons, such as leading raids on the server or being generally disliked by the server, or for being annoying sometimes.
* Sirfryingpan123
* Willy Wunka
* localhookereater

Latest revision as of 20:06, 16 September 2024

Wunkcord is an irony Discord Server centered around the theme of funny animals. It is the official server for r/wunkus, and currently active with over 2,000 members. It was created by Zin1X and was created with the influence and is partnered with 69SwagBalls420.

Server info
Status Active
Invite linkhttps://discord.gg/wunkus
Other linksr/wunkus
FoundedDecember 25th, 2022

History[edit | edit source]

Wunkcord was created and opened by Zin1X on December 25th, 2022. It was created for the intent of being a server for the subreddit Wunkus.

Cultural Events[edit | edit source]

Gaston Glock (April 1st, 2023)

On April 1st, 2023, Zin1X announced that he had killed the Wunkus Dog, the beloved mascot of r/wunkus and Wunkcord, and replaced him with gun manufacturer and horse semen enthusiast, Gaston Glock. Exactly one day later, he had announced that Gaston Glock had managed to resurrect the Wunkus Dog and he was reinstated as the mascot of r/wunkus and Wunkcord. This was all an elaborate April Fool's joke, and it had happened so early on that most users weren't there for the event.

@everyone Incident (June 22nd, 2023)

On June 22nd, 2023, discord user Sploinkster managed to find an exploit that allowed users to @everyone. The exploit was applied when users had the ping-wunker role, which meant that a large sum of people were able to spam @everyone. After around a couple minutes, the mod team were able to solve the issue and prevent users from using @everyone. Later, during the mod applications, Sploinkster applied to become a moderator, and was accepted, with Zin1X's judgement being questioned by the users. In reality, Sploinkster made an excellent addition to the mod team, as he was later able to find another exploit, and fixed it before any issues arose.

Psycho Girl (October 5th, 2023)

On October 5th, 2023, Zin1X suggested to add "Psycho Girl" to the current YouTube queue. This had cemented "VC gang" as a group of people within the server, as well as leading to many more inside jokes in Wunkcord and outside of Wunkcord.

Wunkcord: 1984 (November 1st - December 1st, 2023)

On November 1st, 2023, Zin1X and the rest of the moderators of Wunkcord decided to do a month-long event due to a former member, Sirfryingpan123, otherwise known as SirWunkingPan, Tanner, or "Roblox Kid". This spawned an age of oppressive darkness where any user who was found as annoying would be banned. In reality, it was more of an excuse to get rid of a couple people in the server. This event ended at the end of November, and might eventually see a return next year.

Evil Sploinkster (November 24th, 2023)

On November 24th, 2023, Zin1X and Sploinkster released the Evil Sploinkster bot into the server. The bot is a custom-made Discord bot that has a random insult generator[1], an automatic cropping tool, as well as other features.

Keith Herrmann (December 7th, 2023)

On December 7th, 2023, Keith Herrmann joined Wunkcord. Not to be confused with the late Broadway artist of the same name, Wunkcord's Keith Herrmann is the manager of development at the American production company Kinetic Content. Keith was given a unique "keith herrmann" role; he has never spoken in the server but remains a listed member.

Blenny Takeover (December 25th, 2023 - ???)

On December 25th, 2023, in celebration of the Wunkcord one year anniversary, the admin Blenny, decided to take over the server by changing the server icon, name, and banner, as well as changing channel names, such as changing #chat-spot to #blenny-chat-spot. Currently it is still ongoing.

Borgertman Image (January 20th, 2024)

On January 20th, 2024, Borgertman uploaded an image of his face to the general chat (referred to at the time as blenny-chat-spot), which resulted in multiple edits being made. The user ziggyboy2.0 decided to do god's work and not only downloaded the image 5,000 times, but also turned the 5,000 different images into a zip bomb.

Skibidi Incident (February 19, 2024)

On the night of February 18, 2024, Cefris jokingly suggested to Ozzy in a voice call that the subreddit automod should block all posts not containing the word "skibidi" in the title. The rule went into action overnight, causing mass confusion on the subreddit, and greatly contributing to the overall anti-discord sentiment prominent on the subreddit. Many redditors flocked to the subreddit to express their disapproval at the change. The rule was rescinded less than 24 hours after being enacted.

Rules[edit | edit source]

The rules for Wunkcord were posted on December 25th, 2022, and (as of September 14th, 2023) are as follows:


1. wunkus

2. dont be an asshole

3. no nfsw content (links, videos, images, or discussions that go too far, and obviously "thugposting" and "gooning" (not even funny), anything related to that which has been listed already)

4. have fun or else

5. also dont say slurs. bots will not let you

6. dont be annoying or discuss politics for too long

7. this is an english only server (keep the discussion in english)

8. yalls really need to shut up about gooning

9. always draw jumbo josh in gartic phone

10. keep it serious in ⁠shadows-serious-place (serious), dm <@1121423876350541854>  for access to the serious channel (this is to prevent trolling)

11. Jolly times!

12. no hornyposting

13. skibidi

Rule 11 was added during Wunkcord 1984, but then changed on December 1st to say "Jolly Times!".

The rules are often changed or edited, as more situations have come up that needed clarifying.

Inside Jokes[edit | edit source]

This section is devoted to the many inside jokes of Wunkcord.

Glorps[edit | edit source]

(spatium animalis – space animals)

History[edit | edit source]

On August 7th, 2023, Zin1X first opened the channel #glorp-planet. On December 5th, 2023, it was shut down due to inactivity. It has since been moved to the Archive Hole. It is thought that the channel may have existed longer than August 7th due to user warhg's message: "oh shid it´s public" making it seem like warhg might have known of the existence of that channel for longer.

The first ever time the word "glorp" was used was on June 22nd by user Blobama in the message: "zeep glorp"[2] answering a message from user 1niels1 speaking in Dutch.[3]

On August 29 announced that anyone who has glorped a wunk gets a role. That role being the Glorp unit role. The role was thought about by user your ̠local ̠bus.

Sub species[edit | edit source]

The standard Glorp has many sub species. They include but are not limited toː Glongs. A full list on known types of glorps, as of October 17th, is listed below.

  • Glongus
    • Creatures with blue fur, often resembling cats.
  • Zongus
  • Florpua

Roles[edit | edit source]

Roles are a unique factor that separates Wunkcord from a lot of other servers. As of December 5th, 2023, there are 48 different roles. They are as follows:

Staff[edit | edit source]

  • owner
  • admin
  • Moderator
  • baby mod
  • wunkus machine
    • Bots are given this role

Honorary Roles[edit | edit source]

  • Certified Wunkster
    • Awarded to users after being noticed as active by a baby mod/mod/admin/owner
  • definitely does not have secret powers
  • First 50
    • This is one of the only roles that can't have any more qualifying recipients
  • glorp unit
    • Awarded to users after doing a noticable Glorp
  • i can act rather serious at times
    • Gives access to a "serious" channel
  • Server Booster
  • sploinkster fan club
  • subreddit mod
  • subreddit owner
  • wunk historian

Unique Roles[edit | edit source]

  • 6/22/23 @everyone incident
  • added wunkus to a game
  • alright
  • blenny
  • brittle star enthusiast
  • doubted me
  • certified first wunkuser
  • cool shades dealer
  • cool wunk facts
  • finfin
  • finfin
  • freddy fazbear
  • Fungus Council
  • Fungus clearance
  • gluttonous
  • grub
  • honorary cthulhu
  • honorary xertunposter
  • I GAVE MEAT EFFIGY $6!!!!!!
    • Currently assigned to ziggyboy2.0
  • i LOVE minecraft psycho girl
  • iceburg creator numero uno
  • keith herrmann
    • Given to Keith Herrmann
  • pilker
  • real one
  • secret event
    • Shh!
  • shit eating grin
    • Documented proof of eating the shrimp poop line
  • Snoring
  • The glorp master
  • the ultimate emcee
    • given to cefris by sploinkster after rapping through voice notes for half an hour
  • wunker games coordinator

Ping Roles[edit | edit source]

  • mod spam victim
  • ping-wunker

Default Roles[edit | edit source]

  • Wunkioso

Punishment Roles[edit | edit source]

    • Restricts the member to the worm channel

Staff Roles are roles unique to staff members or bots, and give different permissions depending on the role.

Honorary Roles are given to members who meet certain criteria, such as being a subreddit moderator or making a glorp edit in the #glorp-planet channel.

Unique Roles are completely unique to a singular person or small group of people, and will color someone's name, except in rare circumstances.

Ping Roles are used to ping specific groups of people, usually for announcements.

Default Roles are the roles given when someone joins, allowing them access to channels and coloring their name.

Punishment Roles are used by Moderators and Baby Mods to punish certain users, based off of their behavior.

Users[edit | edit source]

Admins[edit | edit source]

The current list of Wunkcord Admins as of December 5th, 2023.

Moderators[edit | edit source]

The current list of Wunkcord Moderators as of December 5th, 2023.

Baby Mods[edit | edit source]

The current list of Wunkcord Baby Mods as of December 5th, 2023.

Certified Wunksters[edit | edit source]

The current Wunkcord list of Certified Wunksters as of January 16th, 2024:

  • bazinga4033
  • biggpete
  • blobama
  • bootsandcats
  • borgertman
  • cefris
  • cinnamoncookiecrumbs0205
  • cptbutts
  • crochampion
  • fruit0bee
  • garsmk2
  • hattedhatena
  • hellabump
  • hexular
  • jazzymason8
  • killa_kel
  • leftoverbrainpower
  • linchpin3099
  • wunka_
  • lusciousluminol
  • macktheknifecaleb
  • mantisrep
  • maxiwasalreadytaken
  • meat_effigy
  • Mr2112#1287
  • mr.centipedes
  • mr.gthestoopid
  • noutoriousdumbass
  • picklelord42
  • poke0441
  • possiblymatt1
  • possiblymatt1
  • quazilla32
  • r0xicius
  • rat89
  • realdatadude
  • RegisTesla
  • shin.megami.tensei
  • simonsinclair
  • smjsilm
  • solusthesleeper
  • straggot
  • suicidalhamster
  • sup3r87
  • SuperAtilla
  • taskmanager_microsoft
  • text101
  • thesecond__
  • the_real_gars
  • tisqbisque
  • tomtoms64
  • typerakalatyyppi
  • uncanni
  • unseentuba
  • vegafadge
  • warhg
  • wunkilicious
  • xertun
  • yakuzzi
  • your_local_bus
  • ze__german
  • ziggyboy2.0
  • zin1x
  • zlynnmarbles
  • .sploinkster
  • __dag
  1. sploinkster#7215 (December 5, 2023): "shut the fuck up". Wunkcord #bot-stuff. Link
  2. blobama (June 6, 2023): "zeep glorp". wunkcord #chat-spot. Link
  3. 1niels1 (June 6,2023): "ik had niet verwacht dat hier nederlanders zouden zijn". wunkcord #chat-spot. Link

Retired Moderators[edit | edit source]

The current list of all Retired Moderators in Wunkcord as of December 5th, 2023.

Infamous Users[edit | edit source]

Infamous users are typically banned users who have gained infamy in Wunkcord for various reasons, such as leading raids on the server or being generally disliked by the server, or for being annoying sometimes.

  • Sirfryingpan123
  • Willy Wunka
  • localhookereater