
Joined 14 June 2023
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On January 19, both '''Walter''' and '''SlenderSmurf''' woke up to their Reddit accounts temporarily suspended. The reason? Harassment. The '''Cockroach''', the absolute human filth that it is, decided to report the modmail conversation to the Reddit admins, the low-life weasel, hitting and provoking for hours on end only to call the teacher the moment someone insults it back. The punishments, lasting 2 days and a week respectively, were served with dignity, as would be expected from Reddit mods worth their karma. It is important to note that it wasn't the length or even the existence of these bans that was insulting, but rather the fact that someone would stoop so low as to involve the '''Reddit admins''' in the situation. That is a sign of the lowest breed of man, one so pathetic and worthless, whose existence is so absolutely pointless, they would make a deal with Satan himself for temporary pleasure rather than admit defeat. It was like this that the '''moederators''' knew right away the type of person they were dealing with, yet even taking into account the racist tendencies the '''Cockroach''' put on display through their comments, nothing could prepare us for what would come next.
On January 19, both '''Walter''' and '''SlenderSmurf''' woke up to their Reddit accounts temporarily suspended. The reason? Harassment. The '''Cockroach''', the absolute human filth that it is, decided to report the modmail conversation to the Reddit admins, the low-life weasel, hitting and provoking for hours on end only to call the teacher the moment someone insults it back. The punishments, lasting 2 days and a week respectively, were served with dignity, as would be expected from Reddit mods worth their karma. It is important to note that it wasn't the length or even the existence of these bans that was insulting, but rather the fact that someone would stoop so low as to involve the '''Reddit admins''' in the situation. That is a sign of the lowest breed of man, one so pathetic and worthless, whose existence is so absolutely pointless, they would make a deal with Satan himself for temporary pleasure rather than admit defeat. It was like this that the '''moederators''' knew right away the type of person they were dealing with, yet even taking into account the racist tendencies the '''Cockroach''' put on display through their comments, nothing could prepare us for what would come next.

On February 13, as the encounter with the '''Cockroach''' started fading from the '''moederators'''' memories, an '''image''' got posted on the '''r/69MoeLester420''' subreddit. Not any ordinary image, as one may see from the fact that its very existence warranted an entire paragraph of text. '''The image''', featuring an uncensored, bloody penis cut in half in an incredibly unclean, gory fashion, got posted nineteen times. Nineteen. That is almost as much as 9+10. This would mark the '''First Impact'''. Such an event is especially terrible for a small subreddit, as was '''r/69MoeLester420''' at the time, not even having reached 5000 members, as such a high influx of gore content on a subreddit where the mods aren't terminally online might result in the entire subreddit being banned. The '''MoeLester Nation''' forever stays grateful to '''koonsbmw''' for being the first one on the ground and dealing with the situation in a quick and efficient fashion. Sadly, as one might expect, this was far from the only encounter with this user.
On February 13, as the encounter with the '''Cockroach''' started fading from the '''moederators'''' memories, an '''image''' got posted on the '''r/69MoeLester420''' subreddit. Not any ordinary image, as one may see from the fact that its very existence warranted an entire paragraph of text. '''The image''', featuring an uncensored, bloody penis cut in half in an incredibly unclean, gory fashion, got posted nineteen times. Nineteen. That is almost as much as 9+10. This would mark the '''First Impact''', otherwise known as the '''Penis Gore Incident'''. Such an event is especially terrible for a small subreddit, as was '''r/69MoeLester420''' at the time, not even having reached 5000 members, as such a high influx of gore content on a subreddit where the mods aren't terminally online might result in the entire subreddit being banned. The '''MoeLester Nation''' forever stays grateful to '''koonsbmw''' for being the first one on the ground and dealing with the situation in a quick and efficient fashion. Sadly, as one might expect, this was far from the only encounter with this user.

Remember that lockdown idea the '''moederators''' had, way back before the partnership with '''r/IDONTGIVEASWAG''' and '''r/IkeaFreshBalls''' was signed? The idea was, instead of leaving the floodgates open, each post would have to be approved by the mods. Although the idea wasn't implemented before, this situation provided the perfect opportunity to test it out. As the code was already in place, all that was left to do is to announce it. By the end of the day, the temporary lockdown had gone into effect <ref> </ref>, intended to stop any raids in the following days, until another, more effective and less intrusive method of moderation was found. At the advice of '''Sam''', still a regular member at the time, a minimum karma limit was set up, filtering out any posts made by clearly new accounts.
[[File:Cockroachlore2.png|thumb|308x308px|The '''Cockroach''' attempts to scare the '''moederators''' with a threat of another raid, mere days after the first one.]]
The '''Cockroach''' was far from done. Unbeknownst to the '''moederators''' at the time, a vile scheme was being planned in the most twisted corners of the internet. A call to arms, intended to bring the Soy Army to the side of the '''Cockroach'''. Unfortunately for it, it would seem that not even the userbase of such depraved websites as would wish to associate itself with such an insult to what it means to be a human being. <ref> </ref> Yet even so, give up it would not. On February 16, just as the lockdown was lifted, and the new measures put into place, a post from one of the '''Cockroach''''s alts made its way into the subreddit's mod queue. It was clear right away that this was not the last we would see of it. Soon after, a GIF with the caption "LOL UKRAINE", showing the death of two soldiers in the midst of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War, got posted, soon followed by a text post, written by a friend {{Citation needed}} of the '''Cockroach''', asking for its unbanning. Both posts were quickly removed. The '''Second Impact''', thankfully, proved to be much easier to bear through.

<ref> </ref>
Even though the '''Cockroach''' tried to make itself look like a based and red-pilled troll with posts such as these, as one might expect, things could not be further from the truth. As a thread on the thugposting subreddit '''r/wordington'''<ref></ref> shows, a mere day after the original incident, the user tried to explain away the situation by stating that its account was hacked by its friend {{Citation needed}} , sharing an insane story along with it. While this story cannot be neither verified nor proven false, the possibility still existing that the '''Cockroach''' was telling the truth, it is still important to keep in mind that this was far from the only incident involving this user. The threat to spam gore on the server was, by its own admission, sent by the '''Cockroach''' itself, and although it claims not to be responsible for the '''Penis Gore Incident''', as more raids occurred in the future, some involving sharing material worse than the one sent during the '''First Impact''', it shows that even if it was not the '''Cockroach''' who posted the images, it would still not be out of character for it to have gone through with it on its own.

find that Reddit thread where he tries to defend himself on r/wordington

February 21
It was soon after that a '''Third Impact''' would occur, this time on the server. '''69MoeLester420''' was under attack.

February 21
It was soon after that a '''Second Impact''' would occur, this time on the server. '''69MoeLester420''' was under attack.

On March 23, another round of posts would hit the subreddit. The '''Third Impact''' took shape in the form of thirty-six separate bait-and-switch posts which would all cut to a video of a man, covered in shit, stroking his cock. One might wonder, what compels a man to send this? And to that I say, I am afraid we are not talking about a human being. Disgusting shock humor such as this is the absolute lowest form of comedy, one which should make you ashamed of your very existence, for how do you explain away the fact that you have this type of material saved on your device, not because you are sexually attracted to what is being depicted but rather because you find a man masturbating while covered in his own feces so amusing you cannot help your worthless ass but to snort and giggle in your gamer dungeon as you have experienced the absolute peak of your pathetic life when you decided to post it not once, but thirty-six separate times on a subreddit with barely 10k members.  
On March 23, another round of posts would hit the subreddit. The '''Fourth Impact''' took shape in the form of thirty-six separate bait-and-switch posts which would all cut to a video of a man, covered in shit, stroking his cock. One might wonder, what compels a man to send this? And to that I say, I am afraid we are not talking about a human being. Disgusting shock humor such as this is the absolute lowest form of comedy, one which should make you ashamed of your very existence, for how do you explain away the fact that you have this type of material saved on your device, not because you are sexually attracted to what is being depicted but rather because you find a man masturbating while covered in his own feces so amusing you cannot help your worthless ass but to snort and giggle in your gamer dungeon as you have experienced the absolute peak of your pathetic life when you decided to post it not once, but thirty-six separate times on a subreddit with barely 10k members.  


Why does Sisyphus continue pushing the boulder? One might naively assume that it is the prospect of victory that compels him. Perhaps this may have been correct the first time the boulder was pushed up, maybe even the second, tenth, ten thousandth time. Yet it would soon dawn on Sisyphus that his task is hopeless. No matter how much effort is put in, the boulder will roll right back to the bottom. A question will soon be asked, what might be the point of such a task if it will always amount to failure? The pointlessness of it may prove brutal for some, for what is the point of anything if the outcome cannot be avoided? Albert Camus offers a different perspective. One must accept the absurd that surrounds us instead of trying to find a sense of meaning where there fundamentally isn't one. Sisyphus will never reach the top of the hill. Yet he continues on. He has accepted the meaninglessness of the task, and that acceptance allows him to truly live. He does not find joy in the victory he will never achieve, only to have his hopes crushed every time his progress is set back to the beginning. Instead, he finds happiness in every step he takes along the way, opting to enjoy the life that he has rather than spending this one hoping for what he may never have. And as the boulder rolls back, he takes a sigh of relief knowing he can take a break from his work, before going down to start the cycle once more. The joy comes from the task itself, not the reward that might await him, for as grueling as it all is, in the end, this boulder is his and his alone, and nothing can take that away from him. He finds meaning in living itself, no matter how pointless it may seem, for even so, his life, torturous as it may seem, is as valuable as anyone else's. In some sense, the '''Cockroach''' does the same. It is aware it will never win. So many times it has been banned instantly, yet it keeps on trying. It is the modern Sisyphus, determined to continue carrying on its endless task, as hopeless as it may seem. It does not care for the prospect of victory anymore. Instead, it finds joy in every n-word it drops, every dead child it posts. It is not the final goal that matters to it anymore, it knows more than well nothing will come out of its little stunts, it is the very process of annoying the mods that gives the '''Cockroach''' life. It is the journey that matters, not the destination. One must imagine the '''Cockroach''' happy.
Why does Sisyphus continue pushing the boulder? One might naively assume that it is the prospect of victory that compels him. Perhaps this may have been correct the first time the boulder was pushed up, maybe even the second, tenth, ten thousandth time. Yet it would soon dawn on Sisyphus that his task is hopeless. No matter how much effort is put in, the boulder will roll right back to the bottom. A question will soon be asked, what might be the point of such a task if it will always amount to failure? The pointlessness of it may prove brutal for some, for what is the point of anything if the outcome cannot be avoided? Albert Camus offers a different perspective. One must accept the absurd that surrounds us instead of trying to find a sense of meaning where there fundamentally isn't one. Sisyphus will never reach the top of the hill. Yet he continues on. He has accepted the meaninglessness of the task, and that acceptance allows him to truly live. He does not find joy in the victory he will never achieve, only to have his hopes crushed every time his progress is set back to the beginning. Instead, he finds happiness in every step he takes along the way, opting to enjoy the life that he has rather than spending this one hoping for what he may never have. And as the boulder rolls back, he takes a sigh of relief knowing he can take a break from his work, before going down to start the cycle once more. The joy comes from the task itself, not the reward that might await him, for as grueling as it all is, in the end, this boulder is his and his alone, and nothing can take that away from him. He finds meaning in living itself, no matter how pointless it may seem, for even so, his life, torturous as it may seem, is as valuable as anyone else's. In some sense, the '''Cockroach''' does the same. It is aware it will never win. So many times it has been banned instantly, yet it keeps on trying. It is the modern Sisyphus, determined to continue carrying on its endless task, as hopeless as it may seem. It does not care for the prospect of victory anymore. Instead, it finds joy in every n-word it drops, every dead child it posts. It is not the final goal that matters to it anymore, it knows more than well nothing will come out of its little stunts, it is the very process of annoying the mods that gives the '''Cockroach''' life. It is the journey that matters, not the destination. One must imagine the '''Cockroach''' happy.

===The End of KittenStomper6617===
===The End of KittenStomper6617===
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It was always quite clear that '''Gladiux''' was a dick. There is no going around it. From the very beginning of the server, if someone was to be leading the charge against whichever '''moederator''' happened to slip up at the time, it was '''Gladiux''', with '''Gio''' by his side, hurling insults and aggressively making fun of them until they willfully left on their own. For a long time, this behavior was tolerated, while clearly toxic, it was always directed at people the members of the server took issue with anyways, and as pointlessly mean those comments were in retrospect, at the time, it wasn't taken as an issue. But when the mod drama died down and '''Gladiux''' had to find a new target, things turned for the worse for him.
It was always quite clear that '''Gladiux''' was a dick. There is no going around it. From the very beginning of the server, if someone was to be leading the charge against whichever '''moederator''' happened to slip up at the time, it was '''Gladiux''', with '''Gio''' by his side, hurling insults and aggressively making fun of them until they willfully left on their own. For a long time, this behavior was tolerated, while clearly toxic, it was always directed at people the members of the server took issue with anyways, and as pointlessly mean those comments were in retrospect, at the time, it wasn't taken as an issue. But when the mod drama died down and '''Gladiux''' had to find a new target, things turned for the worse for him.

As mentioned previously, by this point in time, the server was, for the most part, dedicated only to conversations between '''Sam''' and '''Kae''', who have almost completely taken over the server due to the fact that they sent two orders of magnitude more messages than the rest of the server combined. '''Gladiux''' was not a fan of this, having referred to these conversations as e-dating in the past, and wanted to put an end to this. Knowing the past behavior of '''Gladiux''', one may soon realize that he does not give up on his goals easily, deciding to attack relentlessly for as long as it takes for whoever's back the target has been painted on to leave on their own. As '''Kae''' was a mod at the time, this left only '''Sam''' as a suitable candidate. Acting like a complete and utter prick at any occasion he had the chance to, he would also time out and sometimes kick '''Sam''' out of the server, who, in spite of '''Gladiux'''<nowiki/>'s behavior, returned every time.  
As mentioned previously, by this point in time, the server was, for the most part, dedicated only to conversations between '''Sam''' and '''Kae''', who have almost completely taken over the server due to the fact that they sent two orders of magnitude more messages than the rest of the server combined. '''Gladiux''' was not a fan of this, having referred to these conversations as e-dating in the past, and wanted to put an end to this. Knowing the past behavior of '''Gladiux''', one may soon realize that he does not give up on his goals easily, deciding to attack relentlessly for as long as it takes for whoever's back the target has been painted on to leave on their own. As '''Kae''' was a mod at the time, this left only '''Sam''' as a suitable candidate. Acting like a complete and utter prick at any occasion he had the chance to, he would also time out and sometimes kick '''Sam''' out of the server, who, in spite of '''Gladiux'''<nowiki/>'s behavior, returned every time.

'''Gladiux''' did not stop at '''Sam''', however, soon providing the same courtesy to some of the new members of the server. While in his mind this may have been a brilliant satire of how Discord power mods act moronically and ban anyone who dare say a word to them, in reality, he was doing the same exact thing he was criticizing. It's not really a joke anymore once you actually go through with it, it's just annoying to whoever is on the receiving end. How funny is it being the butt of the joke? Not much, according to '''Sam''', who had gotten quite annoyed by '''Gladiux''''s behavior by then, and started making calls for the '''moederators''' to do something about him. As it was obvious that the joke was being taken too far, to the point where new users were turned away from the server solely because of his presence, '''Walter''' decided to talk to '''Gladiux''' about it. Not wanting to cause any drama, God knows there had already been far too much in the past of this server, he politely asked for him to stop and tone it down a notch as it was quite obvious the new users were starting to fucking hate us.
'''Gladiux''' did not stop at '''Sam''', however, soon providing the same courtesy to some of the new members of the server. While in his mind this may have been a brilliant satire of how Discord power mods act moronically and ban anyone who dare say a word to them, in reality, he was doing the same exact thing he was criticizing. It's not really a joke anymore once you actually go through with it, it's just annoying to whoever is on the receiving end. How funny is it being the butt of the joke? Not much, according to '''Sam''', who had gotten quite annoyed by '''Gladiux''''s behavior by then, and started making calls for the '''moederators''' to do something about him. As it was obvious that the joke was being taken too far, to the point where new users were turned away from the server solely because of his presence, '''Walter''' decided to talk to '''Gladiux''' about it. Not wanting to cause any drama, God knows there had already been far too much in the past of this server, he politely asked for him to stop and tone it down a notch as it was quite obvious the new users were starting to fucking hate us.