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=== The Human Cockroach and the Myth of Sisyphus ===
=== The Human Cockroach and the Myth of Sisyphus ===

Anyone with the slightest knowledge of Greek mythology should be well aware of the myth of Sisyphus. Punished for his arrogance by the Gods, he is left with the task of pushing a boulder up a hill, with the prospect of escaping this punishment lying at the very top. Try as he might, however, as the boulder starts approaching the top of the steep hill, it rolls back to where it started, Sisyphus having made no progress at all. Yet Sisyphus does not give up. Every time the boulder rolls back, he follows, walking down to the bottom ready to start again.  
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of Greek mythology should be well aware of the myth of Sisyphus. Punished for his arrogance by the Gods, he is left with the task of pushing a boulder up a steep hill, with the prospect of escaping this punishment lying at the very top. Try as he might, each time the boulder approaches the top of the hill, it rolls back down to where it started, reversing his progress. Yet Sisyphus does not give up. Each time this happens, he rolls the boulder rolls back up, only for it to roll down the hill again.  

Every good story needs a villain, and you don't make it to 50 members without making a few enemies. Most of them were your average run-of-the-mill internet assholes, saying the n-word a couple of times or being slightly annoying for a few minutes before promptly fucking off. There is, however, a single user so utterly pathetic, a life so absolutely worthless that they choose to spend the limited time they have on this Earth not only to rot in the dank pits of that gamer dungeon of theirs but to make their life's mission the mild annoyance of a few Reddit mods. A creature so devoid of any purpose in life, a tragic display of how low a human being could stoop, yet so infatuated by the smell of its own farts that it is unable for a moment to realize the worthlessness of its own existence. A pest that you can't get rid of, despite the dozens of times this user has been banned, they keep coming back, like a drug-starved addict that cannot go without their daily hit, dozens of alt accounts keep being made so they could stay on Reddit, being so reliant on the website that even a temporary withdrawal would result in a coma. The absolute definition of terminally online, this user shall remain unnamed, not for fear of retaliation, but to not provide them with a droplet of satisfaction for what they had done. Instead, they will be referred to as what they really are, a '''human cockroach''', a being with no value to anyone, one that everyone wishes was just gone, their very lack of presence making the world a better place, yet one so persistent in its aims that no matter how much you stomp on it, it keeps coming back. One must embrace the '''cockroach''' as an unchanging constant in life, just as Sisyphus may never push the boulder up the cliff, so too will this user never be truly removed. Once you embrace the fact that this insect is here to stay, you may indulge in laughter at the pitiful ways this being claws for attention.
Every good story needs a villain, and you don't make it to 50 server members without making a few enemies. Most of them were your average run-of-the-mill internet assholes, saying the n-word a couple of times or being slightly annoying for a few minutes before promptly vanishing. There is, however, a single user so utterly pathetic, so absolutely devoid of purpose that they choose to spend the limited time that they have on this Earth not only rotting in the dank pits of their gamer dungeon, but to making it their life's mission to mildly annoy a few Reddit mods. A tragic display of how low a human being can stoop, so infatuated by the smell of its own farts that it is unable for a moment to realize the worthlessness of its own existence. Despite the dozens of times this pest has been banned, they keep coming back like a drug-starved addict that cannot go without their daily hit, using dozens of alt accounts to stay on Reddit, as their reliance on the website is such that even a temporary withdrawal would result in a coma. The very definition of terminally online, this user shall remain unnamed, not for fear of retaliation, but as not to provide them with a drop of satisfaction. Instead, they will be referred to as what they really are: a '''human cockroach''' with no value to anyone, one that everyone wishes was just gone, yet one so persistent in its aims that no matter how much you stomp on it, it keeps coming back. One must embrace the '''cockroach''' as an unchanging constant in life, just as Sisyphus may never push the boulder up that sharply sloping hill, so too will this user never be truly removed. Once you embrace the fact that this insect is here to stay, you may indulge in laughter at the pitiful ways it claws for attention.
[[File:CockroachLore1.png|left|thumb|320x320px|The first documented encounter of the '''r/69MoeLester420''' mod staff with the '''Cockroach'''.]]
[[File:CockroachLore1.png|left|thumb|320x320px|The first documented encounter of the '''r/69MoeLester420''' mod staff with the '''Cockroach'''.]]
On November 11, the '''cockroach''' was first banned on the '''r/69MoeLester420''' subreddit. While the specific reasons for this action were lost to time, the '''cockroach''''s username, a clear antisemitic dog whistle (or perhaps just a whistle), as well as its behavior in the following months, leaves racism as the most likely possibility. This first ban seemed to have not produced many issues, it would not be until January that things would truly start getting chaotic and our story would truly begin. It was on January 18 that the '''Cockroach''' was banned from the subreddit for a second time. The moment the gavel hit the hardwood, and the ban was dealt, the fate of the universe itself was sealed. An eternal nemesis found, one we may never get rid of, yet must keep on fighting, our own boulder to push.  
On November 11, the '''cockroach''' was first banned on the '''r/69MoeLester420''' subreddit. While the specific reasons for this action were lost to time, the '''cockroach''''s username, a clear antisemitic dog whistle (or perhaps just a whistle), as well as its behavior in the following months, leaves racism as the most likely possibility. This first ban seemed to have not produced many issues, it would not be until January that things would truly start getting chaotic and our story would truly begin. It was on January 18 that the '''Cockroach''' was banned from the subreddit for a second time. The moment the gavel hit the hardwood, and the ban was dealt, the fate of the universe itself was sealed. An eternal nemesis found, one we may never get rid of, yet must keep on fighting, our own boulder to push.